Washington Caldwell Parent Update
Week of January 20, 2025
Early Release on Thursday, 1/23 at 12:35 pm & NO School on Friday, 1/24
Message from our Principal
Hello Bulldog families,
We are completing our Winter testing this Friday. We use Fastbridge and AimsWeb as our assessment platform for all grades. We use this data to identify areas of strength and areas for growth for our students. As part of our Continuous Improvement work, we will be holding a Data Day meeting on Friday, January 24. During this inservice, we review grade level results, look for trends and develop plans for individual students and for the school as a whole. Knowing that these data sets are a “one-time” measure, we use additional data to best support our students. If you would like more information, please contact your child’s teacher or administration.
We have developed a parent survey to collect your feedback about Washington-Caldwell, your child’s experience and suggestions for improvement. Our goal is to review the survey results to identify the strengths of our district/school, and to address areas in need of improvement or growth. The Parent Survey will be open for two weeks, closing on Sunday, January 19, 2025. We encourage each family to complete the survey. Your voice is important to the success of our students and school. If you have any questions about the Parent Survey, please contact the school at 262-662-3466. Thank you!
Bulldog Basketball is officially here for our students in grades 2-5. We plan on beginning the season(practices) the week of January 27, 2025. The number of teams, practice and game schedules are dependent upon the number of students registering to participate. Our plan is to have co-ed teams consisting of students in grades 2 & 3 and teams of students in grades 4 & 5.
This is open to all area students, not just Washington-Caldwell students. Please share this with your friends and family that may be interested
The cost for participation is $50 per child. This may be paid by check/cash or via E-funds on our school website. Checks may be made out to Washington-Caldwell. This will cover the cost of referees and awards at season’s end. I am sharing a link to a Jotform for registration. If you have Registration will close on Sunday, January 19.
Kevin McCormick
PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident
School Report Card Results
Calendar of Events
Monday, January 20:
- Inauguration Day
- Martin Luther King Jr Day
- Boys Basketball Home Game vs. Drought 4:30 pm
- School Board Meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday, January 21:
- Boys Basketball Practice 3:40 pm - 6:00 pm
- National Elementary Honor Society 3:40 pm - 4:30 pm
- Spelling Bee 1:30 pm
- Boys Basketball Away Game vs.Paris 4:30 pm
- Forensics 3:40 pm - 4:30 pm
Thursday, January 23:
- End of Second Quarter
- Early Release 12:35 pm
- Staff Inservice 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
- No School
- Staff Inservice 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
- Boys Basketball Tournament at Wheatland Center 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Winter Benchmarking for all Students
All students at WC are benchmarked three times a year. 4K-3rd grade reading/literacy test scores and information will be coming home now. 4th-8th grade reading and all math for 4K-8th grade will be sent in report card envelopes on January 31. Please reach out to the school if you have specific questions!
Students in grades 4K-5th grade go outside for lunch recess when the 'feels like' temperature is above 10 degrees. Students need to come prepared with outdoor gear that include boots, snowpants, jackets, hats, and gloves every day.
Things You Can Do to Raise A Reader
Author Study: Help your child learn more about a favorite author. Look up titles of other books by that author, and help your child send a letter or e-mail to the author.
Thank You
A big thank you to the PTO and all the families that provided WashCald staff with a fabulous Soup & Salad luncheon on Wednesday. Very Yummy!
We have youth and adult size long sleeve Bulldog shirts and hoodies in various sizes ready for immediate pickup at school! All are red. Contact Ms. Vogt to check to see if we have the size(s) you need!
Youth Hoodies - $24
Adult Hoodies - $22
Youth Long Sleeve - $16
Adult Long Sleeve - $16
You can also order through the store and items will be delivered in about 2 weeks after your order is placed online. ORDER ONLINE at - https://washingtoncaldwell2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Lost and Found
Items in the lost and found have grown. Do they belong to your student? Items that are not claimed by the end of the month will be donated.
8th Grade News
Items for Paw Store Carts Needed:
The Paw Store Carts need more toys and trinkets, especially stuffed animals. Washington-Caldwell students will appreciate any gently used items your kids no longer use.
Printer Ink Recycled at Washington-Caldwell
The students of the Washington Caldwell chapter of the National Junior Honor Society recycle used printer cartridges. All you have to do is send printer cartridges to school, and the students take care of the rest. Help keep these items out of landfills.
Child Developmental Screener - February 5, 2025
Spectator Expectations
2024-2025 School Calendar
Thank you to everyone who have been responding to low lunch balance emails by sending in funds right away. We appreciate you attending to this in a timely manner. Please feel free to email asking for current lunch balances if you are wondering at any time. One full week of lunch is $16.25. You may go online to deposit money at E-Funds or you can send cash or a check to school with your student.
The student cost for school lunch remains the same as last year.
Student lunch is $3.25 (this includes 1/2 pint of milk)
Extra Entrée is $2.50
Milk is $0.40
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are available year round on the school website under the Parent section. Please reach out to Kelli Vogt if you have questions. The link is referenced below.
(These opportunities are not affiliated with Washington-Caldwell School District.)
Flyers of Interest
Family Literacy
This is a great program for all families. They have fun activities for the entire family on these nights. Please call or email Karen Tills to learn more about this excellent opportunity.!
(These opportunities are not affiliated with Washington-Caldwell School District.)
Connect with Washington-Caldwell
Ms. Kelli Vogt, Assistant Principal -- kvogt@washcald.com
Mrs. Sue Krystowiak, Main Office Secretary -- skrystowiak@washcald.com
Ms. Karen Kaldor, Main Office Secretary -- kkaldor@washcald.com
Dousman Transport Bus Company 262-910-1310
Website: www.washcald.com
Location: 8937 Big Bend Road, Waterford, WI, USA
Phone: 262-662-3466
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wcbulldogs