The McKelvey Messenger
May 9, 2024
Important Dates
May 16 All Library should be returned by this date!
May 16 Senior Walk
May 17 Field Day
May 21 Career Day
May 27 No School - Memorial Day
May 30 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - Dismissal at 12:55!
A Note from Mr. Wilkerson
Dear McKelvey Community,
This has been a very special week. Our PTO has done so much to ensure that our outstanding teachers are recognized for their efforts throughout the school year. Our teachers at McKelvey are working harder than ever to provide the best experience they possibly can for all students. Please help me in saying "Thank You" to our great staff, our fantastic PTO and all of our wonderful families who contributed items throughout the week.
Also, to make this week even more special, Wednesday was School Nurse Appreciation Day! Mrs. Jane Sinnott, our school nurse, is a Super Star! She sees dozens of kids a day, she works with families to ensure that students have their needs met both in and out of school. We're proud to have her on staff and appreciate everything that she does!
MAP testing will wrap up next week. Please continue to make sure students arrive on time to school. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Scott Wilkerson
McKelvey Intermediate Principal
Character Council School Supply Drive
Return Library Books!
Parents, please help your children find any long lost library books this weekend!
All library books need to be returned to the McKelvey Library by Thursday, May 16th. Any student who has all of their books returned will be entered in a raffle to win a Target Gift Card!
Please e-mail Mrs. Schone with any questions or concerns.
Lost & Found!
Parents - Our Lost & Found is overflowing with coats, hoodies, water bottles, lunch boxes & many other items! Please have your child check each day for any missing belongings. Anything not claimed by the last day of school will be donated or discarded. The picture below is just a sample of what we have collected.
McKelvey Night at City2 Game!
Join McKelvey families and friends at CITYPARK for McKelvey Night at a St. Louis City2 game when they take on San Jose Earthquakes II! St. Louis City2 is the St. Louis City SC professional minor league soccer team!
Tickets on sale now: McKelvey Night at City2 Game
PNJV Football - Players & Coaches Needed
Parkway North JV Cheer
2024 Parkway North Boys Basketball Camp
Nurse's Notes
Staying Safe in the Heat
Summer activities and exercise are great ways to keep kids active and healthy. Be sure to take heat safety into account when planning your time outdoors. A heat index (at or above 90 degrees F) can pose significant health risks such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat cramps and heat stroke. Help protect your family from the heat by:
Staying hydrated and be sure to have water readily available when outdoors
Dress children in one-layer of lightweight, light-colored clothing
Plan for extra rest time
Take breaks in air-conditioned spaces. Public places like libraries, or stores can be an option if the home is not air-conditioned
Use water to cool off, such as swimming pools, water-misters or a cool bath
Be Sun Safe
The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes. See the tips to protect your skin:
Shade- Seek shade under an umbrella, tree, or shelter
Clothing- When possible wear long sleeves and pants
Hats-Wear a hat with a brim all the way around that shades your face, ears, and the back of your neck
Sunglasses-Protect your eyes from UV rays and reduce the risk of cataracts
Sunscreen-Place broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher before you go outside, even on slightly cloudy or cool days
Don't forget sunscreen wears off. Reapply if you stay out in the sun for more than two hours and after swimming, sweating, or toweling off
Hot Car Warning:
Never leave a child in a closed vehicle. The temperature inside the vehicle can be much hotter than the outside temperature. Cracking windows does little to stop the warming of a car once it has been shut off.
A child's body heats up 3-5x faster than an adults. Children can die of heat stroke very quickly.
Did you know?? A car can heat up around 20 degrees in as few as 10 minutes!
Jane L. Sinnott, BSN, RN, NCSN
Nationally Certified School Nurse
McKelvey PTO Needs YOU!
As a parent/guardian of a McKelvey Dragon, you are automatically a member. Please get involved as much as you are able. There are many ways, big and small, to connect and contribute to our school community. PTO's general meetings are led by our PTO Board, a small group of elected parents and teacher representatives. All are invited, and meetings are a great place to share your voice and hear the voices of others. If have any questions, please contact McKelvey PTO at
Follow us on Facebook! To stay updated on PTO programming and events, follow McKelvey PTO on Facebook! Already a member? Please invite your McKelvey friends to join the page too!
Scan the QR Code or click: to join.
We Love Our Volunteers!
Volunteering at School
For New Volunteers - CLICK HERE to start the approval process.
For Returning Volunteers - Every July, Parkway resets all of our volunteer accounts to renewal required. Your background information is good for up to six years from the time you completed it with MACHS as long as you stay active as a volunteer from year to year. Therefore, there are only a few steps you need to complete as a returning volunteer. Please CLICK HERE to begin.
Family Resource Section
Family Handbook:
Health and Safety Information:
Parkway's Back to School Guide:
Program Information:
- Adventure Club (before and after school care)
- Parkway Food Pantry
PTO: Please get involved! We would love your help!
About Us
McKelvey Elementary School
Intermediate - Grades 2-5
1751 McKelvey Road
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
School Hours: 8:55am-3:50pm
Scott Wilkerson - Principal
Dan Moore - Assistant Principal