Whitman Family Newsletter
March 19, 2024
A Message From Our Principal
Hello, Families!
I hope you have been enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve had these past few days!
I have a few important updates to share with you regarding our staffing for the 24-25 school year, as well as a few other items. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!
Ms. Thompson
Staffing Updates
I submitted our 24-25 staffing at the end of February, shortly before I went on leave. As I shared with those of you who have been able to attend Coffee Thursday or our evening engagement sessions, we have some positive news to share, but also some less positive news as we work within the staffing allocations provided to us by the district.
Staffing increases through district allocation
We have been allocated an additional classroom teacher, so that in 24-25 we will have two K classrooms and two 1st grade classrooms.
Our English as a Second Language position (ESL) has been increased to full time
We have been allocated an additional Special Education teacher, and have had an increase in our Speech and Language services to 4 days per week.
We will have a full-time Comprehensive School Psychologist next year, which is an increase from the current 2 days per week.
We will continue to have a full-time reading intervention teacher
Staffing increases through site-based decisions
Whitman is fortunate to have equity funding and Title 1 funding, which we have used to fund a variety of positions in the past. Based on identified needs and priorities for the 24-25 school year, we will be using this funding to:
Add an additional 4th/5th grade teacher in order to mitigate the impact of our high class sizes in 4th and 5th grade
Fund our Social Worker to be on campus 4 days a week
Continue to fund our PE teacher to be on campus 5 days a week to support our school climate initiatives.
Staffing decreases
Whitman students will have Music one day per week in 24-25! Unfortunately this means that we will have Art only one day a week (rather than 2 days like we do currently).
Library staffing was decreased throughout the district, so we will only have a librarian on campus 2 days a week next year. (Please see below for an important message from Mrs. Butler!)
We will be discontinuing our Student Management Specialist (SMS) position, due in part to the loss of the main funding sources for this position, and in part to overlap between this position and the newly-added Comprehensive School Psychologist position.
Our office staff will be decreasing from two full-time staff to one full-time and one part time staff member.
There is always a possibility that staffing could shift as we continue through the 24-25 budget process. As a staff we are continuing to advocate for robust staffing levels for our school, and we are happy to support you with any advocacy you would like to do as families! We will be devoting some of our Coffee Thursdays after Spring Break to discussing how we can all work together to advocate for our school community at the district level.
Lockdown Drill
We will be having our spring lockdown drill on Wednesday afternoon, March 20th. Students in K-2 have participated in a new series of lessons designed to help make these drills feel less worrisome for students–please let us know if your child gives you any feedback about how the drill felt for them this week.
Snack Policy
Students are always free to bring their own snacks to school, but after careful consideration we are creating a new expectation regarding large bags of chips and candy.
- We ask that students do not bring snack bags that are packaged at a “Family” or “Party” Size (over 4 ounces).
- When a staff member notices a student is carrying an oversize bag they will ask the student to take the bag to the office.
- The office will safely portion a single serving of the snack into a smaller bag and store the remainder with the student’s name attached.
- Students can retrieve the stored bag before going home or ask for another portion the next day.
Reminder: Students will be asked to save their snacks for Snack and Lunch time.
Summer Acceleration Academy
Whitman will be hosting Summer Acceleration Academy (summer school) this summer!
This year's Academy will take place between July 1st and August 1st (pending funding).
Details including:
criteria for participation
enrollment dates
daily schedule
hub site locations
...will be posted on our website by March 1st. Families whose children are eligible for SAA received invitations via email this week, and Whitman staff will be reaching out to families by phone after Spring Break to follow up to see if you would like to enroll your child.
24-25 School Year Schedule
In case you missed the district-wide email, it was announced this week that elementary start times will be changing for the 24-25 school year! Starting next August, school hours at Whitman will be 8:00 - 2:30. Doors will open at 7:45 for breakfast. We will update you on what this means for SUN, Champions aftercare, etc. once we have more details worked out.
Upcoming Events
Spring Break - March 25-29, 2024
Spring Break is the week of March 25-29, 2024. We will see students back on April 1st!
Thanks for reading!
Whitman Contacts
ATTENDANCE TEXT LINE: (971) 225-7402
Heather Thompson, Principal: hethompson@pps.net
Taylor Langeliers, Principal's Secretary: tlangeliers@pps.net
Reggie Nock, School Secretary: rnock@pps.net
Nicole Costello, Social Worker: ncostello@pps.net
Jenny Locarno, Counselor: jlocarno@pps.net
Head Start
Tania Garcia, Community Agent: tgarcia@pps.net
Laura Rosales, Teacher: lrosales@pps.net
Chelsea Clyde, Teacher: cclyde@pps.net
Nicole Williams, SUN Manager: nwilliams@impactnw.org
Dulce Lopez, Family Resource Navigator: dlopez@impactnw.org (se habla español)