OES Family News 10-15-24
Weekly Pond News

October 15, 2024
Hello Otters!
We are excited to get back into the routines of school and welcome all of our Otters back on Wednesday, 10/16. We hope that you are all safe and on the mend from what Hurricane Milton brought to our community. We know that it will take some time and continue to send our best wishes and thoughts with everyone impacted.
Red Ribbon week will continue as planned on the week of 10/21. Please feel free to wear Red after the Character Parade on Friday.
Thank you for your support!
Ms. Ennis, Ms. Leahy, and Mrs. Natal
🦦 In Otter News 🦦
Alternative Lunch Menu through 10/22
10/16 Wednesday - Pizza, Cheese Combo, PBJ, Assorted fresh fruits, corn, garden salad
10/17 Thursday - Mac/Cheese/Bread, Ham Combo, PBJ, Assorted fresh fruits and vegetables, Green Beans, Garden Salad
10/18 Friday - Nachos, Cheese Combos, PBJ, Assorted fresh fruits, Potato Sticks, Black Beans
10/21 Monday - Chicken Bites, PBJ, Turkey Combo, Assorted fresh fruits, Cucumbers, Broccoli
10/22 Tuesday - Breakfast for Lunch, Pizza Lunchable, PBJ, Assorted fresh fruits, Popeye Salad
Character Parade Costume Extravaganza
We are excited to announce our upcoming Character Parade, where students will have the opportunity to dress up as their favorite book characters! This event is a wonderful way to celebrate our love for reading and creativity.
To ensure a fun and safe experience for all students, please note the following guidelines for costumes:
- Book Characters: Costumes should represent characters from books. This encourages students to connect with their favorite stories and characters.
- No Masks: For safety reasons, masks are not allowed.
- No Toy Weapons: Please avoid any costumes that include toy weapons.
- Non-Scary Costumes: Costumes should not be scary or inappropriate for young children.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us create a positive and enjoyable event for everyone. If you have any questions or need costume ideas, feel free to reach out.
Please make sure to read this flier close and carefully. We will not be able to make exceptions due to the safety and security of this event. Registration will close at 10:30 am on October 23rd in order to give us enough time to prepare. Please know that parking will be very limited, so walk or carpool if possible.
Please see flier below and register at this link (each individual adult will need to pre register using this link):
Red Ribbon Week
Sunlake High School Trick or Treat
Culver's Spirit Night
Picture Day
Great American Teach-In
Great American Teach In (GATI Volunteers Wanted
Do you have a career to share with our future leaders of the world? If so, we would LOVE for you to come join us at the Great American Teach-In on Friday, November 15th. Please fill out the following information to let us know what exciting information you will share with our Otters.
Lunch with your Students
Parents will need to sign up, using the link below, prior to arriving on campus to have lunch with their students. Please see the attached flyer for each teacher's lunch schedule.
Parents must sign in, with an ID at the office to receive a visitor badge. We recommend arriving 10 minutes prior to your child's scheduled lunch time. Due to our enrollment growth and safety commitment for all students, we limit our lunchtime visits to outdoor seating only. Caffeinated beverages for students are not allowed.
1. You must leave the picnic area and exit the campus through the office after your child's lunch time is over. This gives room to the next grade level parents to eat with their students.
2. If possible, please avoid checking out your child after lunch. Unless your child has an appointment or is ill, please plan to have your child finish their school day.
3. If your child is purchasing lunch, they will meet you outside after their purchase. Parents are not to walk them through the lunch line or come inside to find them. Parents must bring their own lunch, they may not go through the line to purchase a school lunch.
We are not permitted to bring food from outside restaurants and fast food places into the cafeteria. You are welcome to bring lunch from one of these places when you are eating in the Otter Pond with your student, though. Please do not drop off food in the front office to be delivered to your child for lunch or use any food delivery services to do the same. We will have to turn these away and would hate to waste food and money. Thank you for understanding and adhering to this district policy.
Spirit Sticks
Start Fresh School Drive
Relay for Life
Relay for Life hosts a wonderful event and one of our very own OES Alumni, Nick Campbell would love to encourage our OES family to participate. Nick is a 10th grade student as Land O' Lakes High School. He and a friend have started a club called Cancer Education and Awareness Club (CEAC). Please consider joining their team and come together to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against every cancer as we come together for every life.
If you have any further questions about the event please feel free to contact Nick at nickc5509@outlook.com or visit:
Oakstead's Annual "Walk to School Day"
Parents, please plan to supervise your student/s for the entire walk.
PTA Reflections Project
The collection bin for submissions will be in the Oakstead Front Office on Monday, October 23rd
OES Reading Challenge
Read, Read, Read!!
Please encourage your child to read!!! Not only is it a great past time, there are some really fun incentives!!
Sunshine State Reader
Please check with your child's teacher for any questions regarding tests.
Friendly Reminders and Information
Pasco County Schools provides FREE breakfast and lunch to all of its students! We would like to encourage all of our Otters, even those who eat breakfast at home or bring a lunchbox, to take advantage of this option. You may view the monthly lunch options available by clicking on the link below. Any a la carte items (i.e. ice cream, chips, cookies, etc.) will need to be purchased.
Oakstead Meal Calendar
Signing Students out Early
Students who need to be signed out early for the day should be signed out by 3:15 p.m. at the latest. After that point, they will not be called up to the office until they have arrived in their designated dismissal room. We are unable to call students down to the office before parents arrive, as safety is our priority and ID's are required.
Transportation Dismissal Changes: VERY IMPORTANT
Any changes in mode of transportation home must be entered in to the Otter Runner form on our OES website by 3:00 p.m. EACH DAY to ensure a safe and smooth dismissal for all students.
Carline Reminders
NO CELL PHONES IN THE CAR LINE!! Please put vehicles in "PARK" while children are loading and unloading.
Safety Patrol / Morning Arrival
Safety Patrols being dropped off in the morning must be supervised by a parent until 9:15. Unless your student is a member of Safety Patrol, they cannot be dropped off at the flag pole or left unsupervised until 9:20. Parents who's students are not listed as bus or biker/walker for transportation, must go through the carline for drop-off and pick-up.
Please visit the district volunteer website at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/hreq/page/volunteer to apply to be a volunteer.
Community Recognition of OES Staff
Please use the below form to submit shout outs that our staff will receive in our weekly newsletter.
Food and Nutrition Services (FNS)
Birthday Celebrations
Birthday snacks for your child's class may ordered through the Oakstead Elementary School website or using the form below. Due to allergies, outside snacks are not permitted for birthday celebrations and must be purchased through the Cafeteria. Please place order 10 days prior to the day of the celebration.
🔗Important Links 🔗
Pasco County Student Code of Conduct
Oakstead Parent School Information
Den Shirts, School Fees, Field Trips, ID Badges, Car Tags
- Five Dens, One Pond -
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
24-25 Calendar of Events
Get involved at OES
~Upcoming Events~
10/18 End of Quarter
10/21-10/25 Red Ribbon Week
10/25 Report Cards
10/25 Character Parade
10/28-11/6 Book Fair
10/31 Buddy-A-Thon Stuffing event
Oakstead Elementary
Email: oes_administration@pasco.k12.fl.us
Website: https://oes.pasco.k12.fl.us/
Location: 19925 Lake Patience Road, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-346-1500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OaksteadElementarySchool/