Ames Family Updates
Week #7: September 30, 2024
Riverside District 96 Parent Cyber Safety Presentation
Riverside School District 96 will be hosting a Parent presentation on "Keeping Our Kids Cyber Safe"
on October 17, 2024 in the Hauser Junior High School Auditorium, 65 Woodside Road, Riverside.
Our parent presentation is from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. All parents, guardians, grandparents, and teachers are welcome to attend.
Social Emotional Learning Spotlight
Each month, in addition to teaching our SEL curriculum, Ames will focus on one or two character traits as a school. During the month of October, our theme is GROWTH MINDSET. Please click the button below to access our student newsletter about growth mindset. Feel free to complete the activities and talk about this theme at home. If you have any questions about our current SEL curriculum and monthly themes, please reach out to our school social worker, Carrie Lukes. Her email is lukesc@district96.org
Make sure to have your children lock their bikes at Ames
Some of our students who are riding their bikes to school are not locking them to the bike rack. Our students should always be locking their bikes. Please work with me and my staff to ensure your child is locking their bikes to our bike racks. Thank you!
National Walk and Bike to School Day
Step and Ride right up!
The Annual National Walk & Bike to School Day is on Wednesday, October 2. National Walk and Bike to School Day is about getting up and moving. Being able to walk and ride a bike in the community gives children a strong sense of self-confidence and a better quality of life. Let’s do our part at Ames to walk or bike to school on Wednesday, October 4.
Nature Based Classes through Riverside Parks & Recreation
Note the link to the flyer below for some of our Nature programming coming up through Riverside Parks & Recreation. These new programs integrate fitness and nature in our community.
Click on the button below for more information.
Riverside Parks & Recreation
P: 708.442.7025
Charleston Wrap Fall Fundraiser
Shop through October 18 to support Ames!
Step 1: Register at registercw.com and enter School ID: 12469
Step 2: Share! Text and email our fundraising link to friends and family
Step 3: SHOP!!!
Ames School Spirit Day
Ames staff and students wear Ames Dolphin spirit wear or blue & white. Trophies will be awarded to our top four classrooms.
Make sure to have these items on your radar...
Fall and Winter 2024 After School Classes
Riverside Parks & Recreation offers after school programming right here at Ames. The classes noted on the flyer below are available for registration at this time. If you have any questions about any of these classes that are offered at Ames, please reach out to Riverside Parks & Recreation at 708-442-7075.
District 96 Technology Support
If at anytime you need assistance with your child’s iPad, Chromebook, or are not receiving emails from the school, parents can contact our District 96 Technology Department at the link below and fill out a fresh desk ticket. Someone in our tech department will reach out to you at their earliest convenience to provide the necessary assistance.
Ames Family Reminders...
Attendance Initiative
In recent years, we’ve noticed a significant increase in student absences both at Ames and across the state. We understand there are many reasons for this, and our goal this year is to provide families with resources to help improve student attendance. Starting the school year off right is important for building good attendance habits. If students aren’t sick or at the doctor, they should be in school. Even a few missed days a month can add up. We'll share more about attendance as the year goes on.
Reporting Student Absences
As soon as you know your child will not be in attendance, please call the office to let us know. Please report any absences by 8:00am by calling the Ames Office at (708) 447-0759.
Mornings are very busy so please leave a message if you can't get through.
*Please make sure to call the office if your child needs to be dismissed early for the day.
Students not Feeling Well Throughout the Day
Students not feeling well during the day should ask to see the school nurse. The school nurse will then assess the student and call the student's parent/guardian to determine a plan for care.
Students should not be messaging their family to be picked up during the school day.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
As a reminder, cell phones must remain off and in the student's backpack or cubby at all times. Smart watches can be worn, but must be in airplane mode when the student is in school. Students should not be using their cell phones or smart watches at any time during the school day. Please double check with your child that they are aware of this policy.
Outside Food for Lunch
Do not bring in restaurant food or order food for delivery to the school for students. Thank you!
No Dogs on School Grounds
For the safety of our children at drop off and pick up time, we ask that dogs be kept off school property and remain on the parkway areas only.