August 23, 2024
Important Dates
- August 26, 2024 - First Day of School
- September 2, 2024 - Labor Day/Schools and Offices Closed
- September 3, 2024 - Senior Crab Feast
- September 18, 2024 - Professional Work & Wellness Day/3 Hour Early Dismissal
- September 28, 2024 - Homecoming
- October 3, 2024 - Schools and Offices Closed
- October 18, 2024 - Professional Work Day/ Schools Closed
- October 31, 2024 - Professional Work and Development Day/Schools Closed
The first day of school is Monday, August 26, 2024. First period starts at 7:50 a.m. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. Please be on time!
Welcome to MHHS Mr. Tony Campitelli!
Please help me welcome Mr. Tony Campitelli to our school community in his new role as Assistant Principal. Mr. Campitelli has served as a teacher and team leader for 23 years at various schools including The Kennedy Krieger School, Edgewood Middle School in Harford County, several elementary schools in Prince George's County and Baltimore City, and most recently at Oakland Mills High School in Howard County. During his career. Mr. Campitelli earned his Master's degree in Special Education from Loyola University of Maryland, as well as certification in School Leadership and Supervision. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Towson University. Mr. Campitelli has taken on numerous leadership roles, including developing and implementing a 9th-grade mentoring program, co-chairing the School Improvement Team, and serving as an Administrator for Howard County's Innovative Pathways Summer School and Evening School Programs. He is excited to join the Mt. Hebron community. We will find opportunities for you to meet Mr. Campitelli in the near future.
Sports & Activities
- August 24th: Boys' Soccer @ Broadneck. Football @ Dunbar. JV Volleyball @ Howard HS (9:00 AM). Field Hockey scrimmage playday @ Mt. Hebron (12:00-5:00 PM).
- August 26th: Team Sports Photos for all Fall Sport Teams. To order photos click on the document below.
- August 27th: Girls Soccer Scrimmage @ MHHS (JV 4:00 PM/ Varsity 5:30 PM)
- August 28th: Varsity Volleyball Scrimmage @ River Hill.
- August 29th: Football Scrimmage @ MHHS (JV 4:00 PM /Varsity 6:00 PM)
- September 3rd: Senior Crab Feast
- September 4th: Field Hockey Scrimmage @ Garrison Forest (Varsity only 4:30 PM)
- September 6th: OPENING DAY for Fall Sports. Varsity Football @ Marriotts Ridge (6:00 PM).
- September 7th: Cross Country @ South River. Field Hockey @ N. Harford. Boys Varsity Soccer @ Bowie (11:00 AM first game). Boys JV Soccer @ Broadneck (11:00 AM first game).
Limited copies of the 2024 Yearbook for sale for a limited time!
The purchaser must bring their receipt to room 228 in order to receive their book. Limited supplies available - only 14 copies left. This is for the purchase of the 2023-2024 school yearbook. Books must first be purchased online and picked up in room 228 (Mrs. Goodwin). Please bring your receipt to prove your purchase. We will not mail books. Please arrange for someone to pick up your purchased book if you have moved. Sale ends September 30, 2024. To purchase, please click the MHHS OSP link below. https://osp.osmsinc.com/HowardMD/BVModules/ProductTemplates/Bvc2013/Product.aspx?productid=DA010-564
Grassroots Donations
Grassroots services on Monday will be covered by our donations from MHHS last year.
Save the date! Homecoming is on Saturday, September 28, 2024! Guest Forms are available in the Front Office.
Information Worth Repeating
Family File
Attendance Policies and Procedures
Click the button below...
If your student will be absent at the beginning of the year please fill out the discretionary form and send it to MHHSabsence@hcpss.org.
Bus Information/Parking
Bus Information: The HCPSS online bus stop locator is scheduled to be available no later than Wednesday, Aug. 21. This year bus systems have been updated so route numbers that families receive correspond to the bus number on the side of the bus. More information about transportation can be found on the HCPSS Transportation Website.
Car Riders: Students who are driven to school are to be dropped off at our car loop. Cars are not permitted in the bus loop or staff lot in the morning. Please follow the traffic flow map when dropping off students at school. It is advisable to allow ample time to arrive at school because traffic is regularly an issue. For safety reasons, please do not make U-turns or drop students off on Route 99. Please drive slowly and keep a careful watch for staff and students.
Student Drivers: All student drivers who have a parking permit will be assigned a parking spot and will park in the assigned spot following the Student Parking Lot Map.
We recommend that all students charge and turn on their Chromebook prior to beginning school on 8/26. If your device will not turn on, plug it in for a little bit and hold the rounded arrow key (above the numbers 3-4) and the power button at the same time. It refreshes the device and usually reminds it to turn on. If the device is defective or damaged, please bring it the library media center during the first week of classes. Devices will be given out to new students in the library media center beginning at New Student/9th Grade Orientation and into the first week of school.
It is not recommended that students bring a personal laptop or tablet for class use. These devices cannot connect to the instructional network or could have a very spotty connection through the guest network. These devices cannot be connected to the school print server either. Only HCPSS-issued devices can connect to the instructional network and student printers. The school is not responsible for any personal devices that students choose to bring into the building; tech support will only be provided for HCPSS devices.
From the Health Room
All students must have the Maryland required vaccines to attend the first day of school or proof of appointment date. Letters were mailed in early summer if your child did not meet the requirements. If you registered after July 1st, there may be outstanding vaccines. It is your responsibility for your child to be compliant with the state. Immunizations or proof of appointment to receive the vaccine(s) are to be emailed or brought to the Health room prior to Monday, August 26th.
State mandated vaccines for High Schools:
- DTAP: 3
- TDAP: 1
- Polio : 3
- MCV4: 1
- MMR: 2
- Varicella: 2
- Hep B: 3
School Meals
Please visit the Food Services for the most up to date information regarding school lunches. https://www.hcpss.org/food-services/#linq. Apply Today for the Free and Reduced Meals Program, Families are encouraged to apply for the federal Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs) program, which encompasses more than free meals. Participation may also qualify students for free/reduced registration for SAT/ACT/AP, reduced program fees, discounted internet and computers, free college applications and more.
Remind App
For secondary students participating in HCPSS-sponsored extracurricular activities such as athletics, marching band, or clubs, HCPSS staff, coaches, and advisors may only use two approved digital tools to communicate directly with students: Remind and Canvas. Staff in charge of extracurricular activities will inform students and families how they will receive communications and information about the activity.
StudentVUE App
You can find all attendance information on our school website. Any students who arrive after 7:50 am will sign in electronically using a check-in system called StudentVue. Students should download the StudentVUE app on their personal device. The app will have a student identification card and barcode used to scan in and receive a late pass to class. The StudentVUE app is available in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store and is free to download. You can also view instructions for setting up the app here.
Important Information from Student Services
We are excited to welcome you back to the 24-25 school year very soon!
The Student Services Staff work collaboratively with teachers, staff, and administrators to ensure students have the support they need academically, socially, emotionally, and post-secondarily.
Get In Touch - We want to start the year off strong. Let us know how we can help your student and family so the school year starts as smoothly as possible. Click here to let us know what you need.
Join the Viking Backers and the PTSA today!
Viking Backers Membership
You're invited to "Join in August" and renew your Viking Backers membership – or to join for the first time – before the demands of the new school year are upon us. As an incentive, if you join by August 13th, you will receive a complimentary Viking Backers reusable shopping tote in addition to our membership level perks. Our membership levels for this year are $50 / $75 / $150 and we are super excited to introduce our $150 level SWAG...a weatherproof reversible fleece blanket, magnet and concession card! So lets Join!
For those of you who have already renewed your Viking Backers membership, THANK YOU!!! **NEW** The Viking Backers will match a $1 for every membership that we receive through August 13th and will be giving away a $50 Amazon gift card for every 50 memberships we receive. This goes for those of you who have already signed up, so don't worry, you’re in the pool for the gift cards as well. To renew your membership, go to the Viking Backers membership purchase page at https://vikingbackers.org/join-now-1
Please Volunteer!
Attention Hebron families- we need all of you- yes all of you to volunteer for something this year- whether it is helping out with selling spirit wear or helping out selling concessions- we need you! If every family took one shift, we would be covered. Please, please consider- all proceeds go toward funding all of the Hebron sports teams, clubs, theatre and music programs. You don’t have to have an athlete to volunteer (all students benefit from Mt Hebron Viking Backers , not just athletes)- you don’t have to have any skills to volunteer (we will show you the ropes!)- you don’t even have to have a current student. It’s really fun, a great way to meet people and get involved with your community!
Sign up today!
PTSA Membership
There are several ways to join:
1. You can join online using the link: https://mthebronptsa.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true,
2. You can scan our QR code.
3. Or you can pay with cash/check.
Your membership supports vital programs, enriches student activities, and strengthens the bond between parents, teachers, and students. Together, we can make this year the best one yet. Sign up today and be part of the excitement and positive change!
Parent Facebook Groups
Freshmen 2028
Sophomores 2027
Juniors 2026
Seniors 2025
Class of 2025 Important Information
Save the Date! The Senior Crab Feast for the Class of 2025 is Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 5:30. This will be our first senior event of the year and we can't wait to see everyone there. Don't like crabs? No problem. There will be plenty of other food choices. Tickets are $30 andare now on sale!
Save the Dates!
Crab Feast! – September 3, 2024
Homecoming Dance – September 28, 2024
Prom – April 26, 2025
Class Night – May 2025
Senior Picnic – May 2025
HCPSS Connect Information
Parents/guardians of enrolled HCPSS students do not need to sign up for or manage the HCPSS News account. All subscription information comes directly from the HCPSS Connect system. Text Messages: To comply with wireless carrier requirements, parents/guardians must opt-in to receive HCPSS text message alerts. Standard data fees and text messaging rates may apply based on your mobile plan. If you are unsure if you have already opted in, text the word "YES" to 67587 from the cell phone number on file in HCPSS Connect.
- Mount Hebron High School Website
- HCPSS Calendar 24-25SY
- HCPSS Student and Parent Handbook
- Mount Hebron PTSA
- Mount Hebron Viking Backers
- Follow us on Instagram: @hcpss_mhhs