Wolves Newsletter

March 1, 2024
A note from the principal
I am thankful to have one of the Double Dutch Teams at Park Brook that is sponsored by the American Heart Association. The Double Dutch Team practices twice-a-week from November through March, and travels to other schools in the Twin Cities to kick-off the American Heart Associations' Kids Heart Challenge. The Double Dutch Team will kick-off the Kids Heart Challenge at Park Brook on Monday, March 4 at 2:00 p.m.
Please consider encouraging your child to sign-up for the Kids Heart Challenge. On the same link is a place to make a donation if you so choose to the American Heart Association. There is a link below to the American Heart Association to learn more about their work, and to answer questions you may have about heart health. There is also a link to the page for students to sign up for the Kids Heart Challenge.
Ukulele Club
The Ukulele Club meets twice-a-week before school. On Wednesdays the students are building ukuleles and then on Fridays the students are continuing to develop their ukulele musical skills. The students were in Ukulele Club in the Fall, but only met once-a-week to learn to play the ukuleles.
Choir & Ukulele Concert - March 21, 2024 - 1:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Math Fact Awards - February 13 Assembly
Math Fact Tests are given once a month. The purpose of increasing speed is so students can think mathematically and have discussions regarding math concepts without having to think about each fact.
1st Grade
1st Grade - Addition Math Facts - Increase of 5 problems correct on the 3-minute timed test in the past month.
1st Grade
1st Grade - Addition Math Facts - Top 10% of 1st grade
2nd Grade
2nd Grade - Subtraction Math Facts -Increase of 5 problems correct on the 3-minute timed test in the past month.
2nd Grade
2nd Grade - Subtraction Math Facts - Top 10% of problems correct on the 3-minute timed test in the past month.
3rd Grade
3rd Grade - Multiplication Math Facts - Top 10% of grade. This was the first month students in 3rd grade took the multiplication test. (Prior months they were increasing speed with addition and subtraction.)
4th Grade
4th Grade - Multiplication Math Facts - Increase of 10 problems correct on the 3-minute timed test in the past month.
4th Grade
5th Grade
5th Grade
Students in 4th and 5th grade who correctly answer over 100 multiplication problems on the 3-minute timed test for three months in a row move to a division test. The division test includes problems up to 15 X 15. The purpose of the math facts tests is to assist students with thinking mathematically and the ability to discuss math concepts/problems with facts readily accessible to them.
Wolf Way Awards - January - Presented on February 13, 2024
Students are recognized each month for following the Wolf Way.
- W - We Will Respect Other and Ourselves
- O - Own our Actions
- L - Listen and Learn
- F - Follow Directions
Black History Month
Third grade students studied the artist Lois Mailou Jones during Black History Month. Throughout the building there were lessons focused on the contributions of Black Individuals.
As noted in the previous newsletter, each class included lessons regarding Black History Month. This is just a brief overview.
Assembly - February 13, 2024
The assembly on February 13 focused on Black History Month:
- Inventions/Contributions of individuals who are Black,
- History of Oppression, which is one reason why Black History Month is important to bring change to the future,
- Legacy.
George Crum, credited with creating the potato chips was highlighted to bring awareness that many inventions/creations that are common were invented by individuals who are Black.
Jesse Owens was highlighted to show the history of oppression in the United States as to why Black History Month is so important to bring change to the future. Jesse Owens received the most gold medals in the 1936 Olympics, was able to room with white teammates in Nazi Germany, yet returned to the United States and following the parade in New York City was forced to use the freight elevator in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel to attend the reception.
Marshall 'Major' Taylor was highlighted as he was the first international award-winning athlete in the United States. His legacy lives on in cities across the United States, including Minneapolis, with the Major Taylor Cycling Clubs.
Coming events
Double Dutch Performance & Assembly
Park Brook Elementary - Monday, March 4 - 2:00 p.m.
Report Card Marking Day
Friday, March 8 - No School for Students
Last Day - Black Joy, Hmong, Spanish, Vietnamese, World Language Clubs
Monday, March 18
Kindergarten Orientation
Monday, March 18, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Kindergarten Orientation is a time for families to learn about kindergarten at Park Brook, complete registration forms, and so on to be ready for students to be ready to enter kindergarten in September. Students entering kindergarten should come and enjoy the activities in the kindergarten classrooms.
PTO - Parent Teacher Organization
Tuesday, March 19 - 6:00 p.m.
All parents/guardians welcome and encouraged to come. Students are welcome to come with their parents/guardians.
Mrs. Strombeck, Speech/Language Teacher, will share insights with parents and guardians.
Choir & Ukulele Concert
Thursday, March 21 - Park Brook Elementary - 1:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Spring Break
March 25 - 29
Girls on the Run
First Meeting: Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Girls on the Run meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 - 5:00 p.m. Girls in grades 3 - 5 are welcome to join. Space is limited. Girls must attend on both Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Boot Camp Registration
Boot Camp - after school fitness class - Grades K - 5 - registration will begin after Spring Break!
Boot Camp is designed to increase fitness to increase academic growth and positive behaviors.
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments
Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 take the MCA's with the first test administered April 17.
Students have been practicing and preparing for these tests since last year. The test in grades 4 and 5 measure learning over the past year, while the 3rd grade tests measure learning up to 3rd grade.
How to be ready for the tests:
- Be in school and on time.
- Get 9 - 11 hours of sleep the night before the test.
- Get 60 minutes of physical exercise (play time) the day before the test.
- Eat breakfast at home or at school the day of the test.
5th Grade Commemoration - Wednesday, June 5, 2024 - 1:30 p.m.
(Please note that this date is included here as there was an error on the website calendar which has now been updated.)
Loppet - Next Gen Ski Race & Luminary Loppet - Saturday, February 3, 2024
Kidarod - Sponsored by YMCA of the North - Saturday, February 17, 2024
100th Day of School - 1st Grade Celebration
Valentine's Day Fun!
Ms. Pelton's Class
Review Park Brook!
According to Great Schools, Students at Park Brook are making far more academic progress given where they were last year, compared to similar students in the state.
High progress with low test scores at Park Brook means that students are starting at a low point but the school is doing a great job at supporting their academic growth compared to most other schools.