GISD Whole Child Update
Summer 2024 - Premiere Edition! Vol. 1, No. 1
Communication and opportunities to collectively support and address the social-emotional, physical, health, and safety needs of students, families, and staff.
What is this?
Welcome to the first edition of the GISD Whole Child Update ! In an effort to efficiently communicate with school professionals and community partners with diverse and often overlapping interests and needs, we are launching this newsletter. Hopefully this will be a timely and inclusive tool for resources, professional learning, and much more. The content will be aligned with the 12 components of the GISD Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model, a modified version of the ASCD/CDC model of the same name.
- Wondering what this "model" is? Checkout the GISD Whole Child Framework Summary
- Interested in contributing content? Contact Judy Fridline from Health, Safety & Nutrition Services at jfridlin@geneseeisd.org.
- Want to learn more about the Whole Child Model and how each of us contributes to supporting our students? Contact Steve Polega spolega@geneseeisd.org
We hope you enjoy and find benefit from the information shared!
Genesee Health System Urgent Care Services
Sometimes you just don't know where to turn. You may not feel that you are in crisis, but you need to talk to someone soon. Or, you or your family might be experiencing what feels like a crisis. GHS offers many options to help meet you where you are at, in a way that feels right for you. If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact emergency services by calling 911.
GHS Phone Crisis Line
Call us 24/7/365 at (810) 257-3740
Text Crisis Line
Text FLINT to 741741 24 hours a day.
Walk In Behavioral Health Urgent Care
422 W. 4th Avenue, Flint
(810) 496-5500
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM, last walk-in taken at 10:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 AM, last walk-in taken at 5:00 PM
Virtual Urgent Care-Video Chat
Call us 24/7/365 at (810) 496-5500 to get connected
Not sure what you need?
Start by calling or texting GHS and they will help guide you toward the services you need.
Health Care Coverage and Enrollment Assistance
You and your family may be eligible for free or low-cost health care coverage - doctor visits, dental, vision, prenatal care, well-child visits, medication, mental health services, and more!
For free assistance with enrollment or re-enrollment, contact the partners in the following communities.
Lapeer County:
Hamilton Community Health Network (810)787-5097
Shiawassee County:
Great Lakes Bay Health Centers (989) 729-4848
Genesee County:
Call or text Connecting Kids to Coverage at (810) 853-6458, or contact any managed health plan
To learn more, go to know2protect.gov
New National Standards for Health and PE
SHAPE America sets the standard for health and physical education in the U.S. SHAPE America’s new National PE Standards and National Health Education Standards — released after a multi-year revision process — provide a comprehensive framework for educators to deliver high-quality instruction and make a positive difference in the health and well-being of every student. Create a log-in to SHAPE America to view the national standard educator kits.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Information Guide for Students
New for the 2024-2025 School Year:
Pursuant to MCL 380.1508 (Public Act 57 of 2023), the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and partners developed age-appropriate informational materials for students in grades 6-12 titled Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Information Guide. The materials have been reviewed by students and partners in the education, public health, and sexual violence fields to make them clear and accessible.
For the 2024-2025 school year, school districts shall disseminate the materials developed by MDE and partners to students in grades 6-12 in a form and manner determined by the district. See MCL 380.1508(2). These materials include a five-page document. The first four pages must not be edited, while page five requires customization by the district.
Do you have questions about distributing this guide to students? Join Judy Fridline during Zoom "Office Hours", Tuesday, July 9th 1:00-2:00 PM, or contact me to set up an appointment to chat about the guide or any other health education questions you might have.
Kindergarten Oral Health Screening
Have You Heard? A new kindergarten entry requirement takes effect in the 2024-2025 school year. Children will now be required to have a dental assessment prior to starting kindergarten.
Although fully preventable with good oral hygiene and access to dental care, tooth decay (cavities) remains the most common chronic disease of childhood and is responsible for 51 million missed school hours nationally each year. In Michigan, almost half of Head Start children have tooth decay and close to one-third have untreated decay. Oral health problems can cause distracting pain, and a child may be unable to eat foods essential for growth and unable to sleep well at night, all of which can prevent children from reaching their full learning potential. Students will benefit from having a dental assessment because it will identify those who may have issues requiring dental care and connect them to that care.
Click here for a Parent Flier or click here for a school guidance.
Tick Season in Michigan
Ticks are significant carriers of pathogens that cause human and animal disease. Tick activity in Michigan typically increases between April and September, during the warmer months. However, tick season began earlier than usual this season, including winter activity, due to mild winter weather.
Michigan's Five Most Common Ticks
Lyme disease is an emerging disease transmitted by the blacklegged tick in Michigan. Local risk for Lyme disease varies depending on whether infected ticks are in the area. Several local and state agencies partner to conduct surveillance for Lyme disease in people and animals.
2024 Michigan Lyme Disease Risk Map
How to stay safe
Preventing tick bites can ensure you and your pets don't face the risks of infection. Follow these guidelines to avoid ticks:
- Stay on well-groomed trails
- Avoid areas of high grass, brush and fallen leaves
- Wear light-colored clothing
- After spending time outdoors, check your skin and clothes, as well as pets for ticks
- Remove ticks before returning indoors
- Shower soon after returning indoors
- Use insect repellents containing no more than 30% DEET
- See your healthcare provider if you have symptoms of fever, rash body aches or fatigue
InPACT (Interrupting Prolonged sitting w/ Activity) At Home
InPACT at Home is a home-based physical activity program designed to motivate students and entire families to get moving for 60 minutes a day. Their workout videos provide fun, easy ways to do a short workout with little to no equipment. Here is a link to their website.
Important Changes Coming to School Meals
In April 2024, the USDA issued its 2024 Final Rule Requirements for School Meal Programs. This rule, effective July 1, 2024, updates school meal nutrition standards to bring them in closer alignment with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The rule will institute the first-ever added sugar limits for school meals and update sodium standards, among other changes.
The meal pattern changes will begin to take effect starting in school year 2025-26 and will be phased in through school year 2027-2028. The new rule represents a significant step toward science-backed nutrition standards in US schools.
Engage in an interactive dialogue
exploring the potential of positive youth and adult partnerships to
foster positive transformations within our schools and communities.
Technical Assistance & Training - MTSS/PBIS/Literacy/Special Education
Do you have Genesee County K-12 students who have been impacted by the Flint water? Could you, your students, your staff or your district benefit from:
- Professional Development & Coaching?
- Behavioral, Health, OT or Speech Support?
- Individual Student Behavioral Support?
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Support?
Scan the QR code to complete a GISD Request for Assistance form and a member of the K-12 Flint Water staff will respond to your request.
For a comprehensive schedule of District Cohort and Tiered MTSS-PPSC training, contact Gail Fox at gfox@geneseeisd.org.
Certificate in Trauma-Informed Programs and Practices for Schools
The Certificate in Trauma-Informed Programs and Practices for Schools (TIPPS) is designed for K-12 school professionals seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in implementing trauma-informed programs and practices in their schools. TIPPS is an adaptable, evidence-based framework for school improvement structured around 10 core pillars. After completing this online training, participants will have a better understanding of trauma and its effects and how they can contribute to creating safe, nurturing, and inclusive trauma-informed learning environments.
Medical Time Out - Event Preparedness Planning
Has your school thought about assuring effective responses to emergencies at school events where people gather?
Have you thought about starting an event with communication about best practices for safe response to emergencies?
The Michigan High School Athletic Association has provided a terrific model for starting an event with emergency preparedness communication. They address coordination by the home team to inform visiting teams of a planned medical time out. If EMS providers will be present they they are invited to offer input. They address response equipment, medical team members, essential phone numbers, and more. To see their procedure checklist and additional planning information: https://www.mhsaa.com/sites/default/files/Health%20Safety/medical%20timeout.pdf
High Quality SEL Curricula Alignment: Michigan Model for Health and Trails
There has been a growing need in the field of K-12 education for more social emotional skills
and prevention efforts for mental health distress in students. By aligning two widely used and
high quality Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curricula; the Michigan Model for Health TM (MMH)
and TRAILS, we have illustrated one way for schools to implement both programs in a
strategically aligned way. In this alignment, MMHTM is the core SEL curriculum. Lessons from
the TRAILS program is used to enhance or reinforce the SEL skills taught in the MMHTM.
Additionally, we realize that some schools may use TRAILS as their primary entre into this space
and may have a need to expand student learning. You can use the alignment document below,
or you can include the MMH after completing the 25 TRAILS lessons.
Michigan Model for Health & Trails K-6 SEL Strategic Alignment Document
Michigan Model for Health & Trails 7-8th SEL Strategic Alignment Document
Michigan Model for Health & Trails High School Strategic Alignment Document
Resources for Your Mind, Body, and Family
- Project Healthy Minds: Resources
- National Alliance on Mental Illness-Genesee County Chapter
- Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
- Mindfulness and Stress Resilience Guide
- Michigan 211 helps to connect individuals to a variety of services, including mental health providers.
The Lifeline and 988
When people call, text, or chat with the 988 Lifeline, they are connected to trained crisis counselors who are part of the existing 988 Lifeline network, made up of over 200 local crisis centers. These crisis counselors are trained to provide free and confidential emotional support and crisis counseling to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress and connect them to resources. These services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, across the United States.