October 2024 - Volume 9 Issue 2
Dear Heatherwood Middle School Families,
As we move into the fall season, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for helping make the start of the school year such a success. Your support, involvement, and partnership with our teachers and staff have contributed greatly to the positive energy we’ve experienced these first few weeks.
The excitement and dedication our students have shown, both in and out of the classroom, is a direct reflection of the strong support they receive at home. We truly appreciate all you do to ensure your children are ready to learn and grow every day.
As we continue working together to support our students’ success, encourage your student to advocate for themselves and their given needs. Additionally, encourage them to actively join a club, committee, and/or athletics team. As such, encourage them to seek greater academic support by attending our Success Time Tutorial Sessions afterschool Monday through Thursday 3:00 – 4:00. They can drop in anytime for needed support. Also, inspire them to make new friends and join a new club and/or athletic team. Visit our activities page here.
As parents, I’d like to encourage you to join us for our upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences on November 4th and 5th. These conferences provide a valuable opportunity to connect with your child's teachers, discuss their progress, and identify ways we can continue to support their learning journey. Conferences will be held from 12:45 – 3:15 on Nov. 4 and 5 with evening conferences from 4:00 – 6:30 on Nov. 5. More detailed information to come.
We look forward to our continued partnership as we know that your participation is key to fostering a strong school-home connection that benefits your child.
Thank you once again for your ongoing support. We are excited to continue this fantastic year together!
Warm regards,
Laura Wellington
Principal, Heatherwood Middle School
From the Assistant Principal
Happy October Hawks!
We hope this newsletter finds you well as we step into the beautiful month of October. As we move forward with the 2024-2025 academic year, here are some key assessment, athletics and safety updates for the month of October:
Earthquake Safety Drill - October 17th
As part of the Great Washington ShakeOut, we will be practicing our earthquake safety procedures with an earthquake drill on October 17th. This drill is part of a statewide initiative aimed at promoting earthquake preparedness and safety. You can find more information about this initiative at [ShakeOut Washington] (https://www.shakeout.org/washington/).
Throughout the month of October, our staff will be reviewing safety procedures with students. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students is a top priority, and these drills help us be prepared.
Athletics for Heatherwood Hawks
**Football Game on October 23rd**
Join us at Heatherwood on October 23rd at 3:45 PM as our Heatherwood Hawks face off in an exciting football game. Let's come out and support our team!
**Cross Country Meet on October 24th**
Our Cross-Country team will compete against Eisenhower and area Middle Schools on October 24th at 3:45 PM. Let's cheer for our runners as they showcase their skills!
Panorama Social-Emotional Learning Survey - October 18th
On October 18th, our students will be taking the Panorama Social-Emotional Learning Survey. This survey helps us understand and support our students' social and emotional well-being. Testing will be held in your child's 2nd period Hawk Time classroom. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions regarding this survey.
We look forward to a productive and enjoyable October at Heatherwood. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.
Chris Doll
Assistant Principal
A Friendly Reminder
Please take into consideration that our front office is supporting over 1000 students and families and ask that you assist in helping your students prepare for their school day the night before. This would reduce the number of classroom interruptions throughout the day for items left at home or afterschool messages for students. Our website is updated frequently and is a wonderful resource for families to stay up to date with school happenings.
Attendance reporting can be done through email at heaattendance@everettsd.org, phone 425-385-6305, or written note. Please include your students full name, ID number, date of the absence or late arrival, and the reason for absence.
October 4 – LIF Day 1:35pm release
October 7 – 7th Grade Vision Screening
October 7 – PTA Fundraiser at McMenamins 5 – 10pm
October 11 – No School – Teacher Work day
October 16 – Picture Retakes
October 18 – LIF Day 1:35 pm release
October 25 – LIF Day 1:35 pm release
Important Reminders
Please remember that school will be closed October 11th, November 4th, November 5th, and November 11th.
Counselor's Corner
Happy October, Heatherwood Hawks! With the weather turning colder and the school year well under way, we’d like to share some resources to help families during these upcoming months. Feel free to click on the links below for more specific information.
Operation School Bell: Provided through the Assistance League of Everett since 1965, this resource provides clothing/winter coats for students with financial need. Please reach out to your grade level counselor for the required paperwork. Brand new clothing for specific students will be delivered to our school building ready for pick-up from parents at a later date (after paperwork completion).
Clothes for Kids: Families are able to make an appointment so their youth can get a personalized wardrobe. Clothing has been gently used, cleaned, tagged, and organized within this store (very much like a retail store). There are also new clothing pieces offered at Clothes for Kids. To determine eligibility, families need to qualify for at least one of the following: EBT card, TANF form, Free or reduced lunch qualification form, Apple Health Care, DSHS documentation, or hardship form.
Everett Public School (EPS) Kids in Transition (KIT) Website: This website has a wide range of resources to help families.
School Supplies: If students are in need of school supplies, please reach out to grade level counselors. We do not want any student to be without in regards to their academic achievement.
Please feel free to reach out to grade level counselors should you have any concerns/questions!
Heatherwood School Counseling Team
Ms. Myra Flor Arpin, 6th grade School Counselor: marpin@everettsd.org; 425-385-6314
Ms. Jocelyn Smith, 7th grade School Counselor: jsmith1@everettsd.org, 425-385-6313
Ms. Jana Freeman, 8th grade School Counselor: jfreeman@everettsd.org; 425-385-6310
Library News
ASB Happenings
ASB was so excited to host our annual Club Fair this year. Many students were able to visit Club booths and learn more about the activities here at Heatherwood.
This month, ASB will be holding 6th grade elections. Students, stay tuned for more information. We are also in the process of finalizing some activities for the month of October and will post those soon.
Please email Sarah Fischer (Walker) or April Musselman with questions or comments.
Activity Bus Information
Students who regularly ride a school bus are eligible to ride the afterschool activity bus. The activity bus will depart from Heatherwood at 4:15pm. Be advised that this bus has several stops and is subject to later than normal drop off times.
Please note that after 5:30 pm you may call Durham Bus Services directly to get information on the bus location. 425-258-9251
Heatherwood PTA News
Hello Hawk Community:
Now-October 13th: Pass the Hat Fundraiser
Our major fundraiser is taking place right now with a goal of raising $10,000. We have raised $1000 to date.
The financial contributions fund the following programs throughout the year: Treat Thursday, Outdoor Playground Equipment, 8th Grade Celebration, Classroom Grants and more. At our November membership meeting, we will be reviewing and updating the budget to align with the fundraiser results.
Suggested donation is $50.00 per student. Consider making your donation today.
October 7: Dine out at McMenamin's from 5-10pm
50% of the sales from that night will come back to our PTA.
October 17th: Popcorn Thursday
Sign up today for one of the lunch shifts as we pop and distribute popcorn to over 1000 students.
Volunteer Sign-Up – HMS PTA (heatherwoodpta.org)
November 1st: Reflections Submissions Due
If your student is participating in the National PTA arts recognition program this year, submissions need to be turned in by November 1st to the front office. Visit our website for more info: HMS PTA (heatherwoodpta.org) or email our Reflections Chair at reflections@heatherwoodpta.org