LAPS Newsletter
Week of January 20, 2025
On the Calendar
Concerts and Performances
Choir Winter Gala
Wednesday, January 22
All-State Jazz
January 24 - 26
University of New Mexico
Science Fairs
Friday, January 24 - Saturday, January 25: District Science Fair
The next School Board meeting is Thursday, January 23. Click here for more information about the School Board meetings.
Multicultural Calendar of Events
2025-2026 DRAFT School Calendar
2026-2027 DRAFT School Calendar
For other events and activities, check out the school site calendars on the LAPS website.
Around the District
District Spelling Bee
Los Alamos Middle School 7th grader Hannah Liis the 2025 LAPS District Spelling Bee champion. Hannah was also the 2024 District Spelling Bee champion as a 6th grader at Mountain Elementary School and went on to place second in the state competition last Spring.
Natalie Johnson, a 5th grader at Mountain Elementary, earned the 2nd place trophy while Barranca Mesa Elementary School 6th grader Liam Colgan won the 3rd place trophy.
LAOLA Science Fair
LAOLA students held their Science Fair last Friday in the LAPS School Boardroom.
All-State Band, Choir and Orchestra
Fifty-two students represented LAHS at All-State earlier this month.
Social-Emotional Wellbeing
Tips to Stay Active This Winter
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
How much physical activity do you need?
Experts recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week. Many activities count, such as walking, running, or wheelchair rolling. You can break that up into smaller amounts, such as 22 minutes daily, 30 minutes on 5 days a week, or what works for your schedule. It all counts.
Here are six tips to stay active during winter:
1. Take nature walks
Weather permitting, schedule time during the day to enjoy nature. Take a stroll around a safe neighborhood or park.
2. Monitor the weather and plan ahead
Weather forecasts give several days' notice to prepare your week. Be sure to monitor the weather, dress appropriately, and plan your winter activity accordingly.
3. Wear layers
Wear several layers of comfortable clothing so that items can be removed easily as you become warmer. Layers will help guard against overheating, sweating, and eventually becoming colder.
4. Workout online
Consider tuning into a TV, online, live Zoom, or Instagram workout class. Find free or low-cost exercise videos online to help you do aerobics, dance, stretch, and build strength.
5. Do some chores
When bad weather keeps you from going outside, look for ways to be physically active indoors. Housework such as vacuuming, sweeping, and cleaning all count towards your physical activity goals. And you'll knock out some items on your to-do list while gaining health benefits. Walking or running up and down stairs in your home can be a great workout, too.
6. Volunteer in active ways
Help others while helping yourself. Look for volunteer opportunities that involve physical activity, such as walking dogs for elderly neighbors or shoveling snow.
Want additional tips and resources to be active?
Learn about Active People, Healthy NationSM, CDC’s national initiative to help people be more physically active.
For Parents and Guardians
FAFSA Workshop
University of New Mexico Los Alamos will host a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) workshop for seniors and parents from 5-7 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 22. The workshop, led by Jenny Duran and the Los Alamos High School counselors, will be held in Room 629 in Building 6.
This workshop had previously been scheduled for Dec. 16.
All students applying to college must complete the FAFSA to be eligible for most scholarships and other financial aid opportunities.
The FAFSA for first year college students starting the fall of 2025 opened Nov. 28, 2024. All students and their parents or guardians are strongly encouraged to complete the application as part of the college application process.
For more information about the FAFSA workshop, or if you have any questions, please contact Michelle Sullivan at 505.663.3214 or m.sullivan@laschools.net.
Black Education Act Virtual Powerful Partnerships Series
The Powerful Partnerships Series is a Black Education Act Family and Community Engagement initiative designed to strengthen connections between families and schools by providing a community building space for caregivers to connect with each other, PED administrators, and youth development experts. The Series will provide participants with essential information and resources that empower families to advocate effectively for their children’s academic and holistic success in New Mexico public schools. Each session will be recorded and housed on the Black Education Act webpage for easy access and review.
Click here to view the flyer with more information.
For Students
Saturday School
Saturday School is open to all Los Alamos Middle School and Los Alamos High School students as an opportunity to catch up on late work, complete missed assignments, take make-up tests and receive help with homework.
All Saturday School sessions for the 2024-2025 school year will be in person in E-wing at LAHS.
Sessions run from 8:30 am - 11:30 am for 7th and 8th graders, and 8:30 am - 12:00 pm for high school students.
To register, email lahssaturdayschool@laschools.net with the student's name and date requested.
Click here for more information.
Upcoming Saturday School Dates
February 1 and 22
March 8 and 29
April 12 and 26
May 10 and 17
There are no Saturday School sessions in January.
Del Norte Scholarships
Del Norte LOV (Living Our Vision) Foundation, a nonprofit organization and extension of Del Norte Credit Union, announces the opening of the 2025 Scholarship Program aimed at awarding $29,000 to local graduating seniors or equivalent.
The Del Norte LOV Foundation has partnered with The Encantado Foundation to offer a $5,000 scholarship opportunity towards any recipient who pursues a STEM-related career path.
The Del Norte LOV Foundation has supported 43 seniors since starting their scholarship program in 2021. For the fourth year in a row, the Del Norte LOV Foundation is increasing the scholarship total available to the community.
The 2025 program offers a total of $29,000 in scholarship awards, including seven awards at $1,000 each with a minimum 2.5 grade point average (GPA) or its equivalent and four awards at $3,000 with a minimum 3.5 GPA or its equivalent, and two awards at $5,000 with a minimum 4.0 GPA or equivalent.
The online application opened Jan. 10, 2024, and closes Feb. 26, 2024. Visit delnortelovfoundation.org to learn more.
Local Scholarships
Attention Los Alamos High School seniors: Log in to MaiaLearning account to view the 2025 Local Scholarship packet featuring a number of scholarships funded by local organizations.
Scholarships Through the LAPS Foundation
It’s time for graduating seniors to begin applying for local scholarships! Do you know a student graduating this spring? Encourage them to apply for one of the many local scholarships our community offers. A lot of organizations and people in our community offer scholarships to support graduates. A variety of scholarships is available to all students, not just those with top grades, and many of the scholarships are for students seeking other pathways besides college. The deadline for most scholarship applications is Friday, Feb. 21, 2025.
Do you have questions about scholarships? Click here to learn more.
The Los Alamos Public Schools Foundation is one of the local organizations which awards several scholarships each year. The Foundation’s scholarships are based on community service, career technical pathways, and this year we have a new scholarship for future teachers too.
Students receiving Foundation scholarships select an Educator of Distinction from their years at Los Alamos Public Schools who is recognized along with the student.
The Foundation also administers many additional scholarships on behalf of people within our community including: the Irene Boone Memorial Scholarship, the June and Harry Ettinger Memorial Scholarship, the Kristin Kosiewicz Substance Abuse Awareness Scholarship, the Raymon “Ray” Maldonado Memorial Scholarship, the Ross and Lola Ramsey Memorial Scholarship and the Sophia Feldman Memorial Scholarship.
Seniors who wish to apply for one of the LAPS Foundation scholarships or one of the scholarships administered by the Foundation can go to lapsfoundation.com and apply online. If you have questions or need assistance, contact LAPS Foundation at 505.500.6501.
LAPS in the News
Around Town
Student Artwork
Many LAPS students have art that is displayed around the community. You can view the students' art at the Los Alamos Medical Center, LAPS District Office, LAPS School Board Room, and the Los Alamos Credit Union. It will be on display until January 30.
UNM-LA Certificate Programs
UNM-Los Alamos (UNM-LA) is offering certificate programs to members of the community.
Certificates include:
- Python Programming Certificate;
- Broadband-5G Certificate;
- IT and Cybersecurity Certificates;
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certificate; and
- Early Childhood Education (ECE) Certificate.
Scholarships for all certificates are available for a limited time.
For more information on these or other UNM-LA continuing education certificate programs, visit losalamos.unm.edu/community-education or contact the educational and workforce partnerships officer at audreysinclair@unm.edu.
Choir Winter Gala
The Choir Winter Gala to benefit the Los Alamos High School Choir will be held on Wednesday, January 22 at 7 pm.
Topper Revue
We would like to invite you to come see Topper Revue 2025! The show has an Open Dress Rehearsal on January 30th at 7pm, Opening Night Jan 31st, and two shows on February 1st, at 2pm and 7pm. Tickets are Free for Staff, $5 for students/children, and $10 for adults.
This is the school talent show that has been running since 1953. For the last five years, Ms Grace and Ms Lovejoy have been working together with amazingly talented students to put on the show. Proceeds go to help pay for Prom. We hope to see you there!
Other Activities
Events in Los Alamos
Check out the LAPS Community Events page for information about events and activities in the community for students and families.You can also check out the Los Alamos County 100 Days of Winter.
LAPS Athletics
Upcoming Games and Meets
Los Alamos Middle School
Boys Basketball
Thursday, January 23 vs. Taos Middle School @ Taos Middle School, 7th grade 4 pm, 8th grade 5:30 pm
Friday, January 31 - Saturday, February 1, Taos Middle School Tournament @ Taos Middle School
Los Alamos High School
Boys Basketball
Monday, January 27 vs. St. Michael's High School @ Griffith Gym, 9th grade 5:30 pm
Thursday, January 30 vs. Espanola Valley High School @ Griffith Gym, 9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm
Girls Basketball
Thursday, January 23 vs. Moriarty High School @ Griffith Gym, 9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm,
Varsity 7 pm
Thursday, January 28 vs. Espanola Valley High School @ Espanola Valley High School,
9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm
Friday, January 31 vs. Taos High School @ Griffith Gym, 9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm
Boys Wrestling
Wednesday, January 22, LA Invite @ Los Alamos High School
Friday, January 24 - Saturday, January 25, St. Pius Tournament
Girls Wrestling
Wednesday, January 22, LA Invite @ Los Alamos High School
Saturday, January 25 @ Piedra Vista
Swimming and Diving
Friday, January 24 - Saturday, January 25, Griffin Invite
Saturday, January 25, Cheer Competition @ New Mexico State University
Check out RankOne for schedules.
LAPS Activities
Hawktalkers and Hilltalkers
Friday, January 31 - Saturday, February 1, V.Sue Cleveland Speech & Debate Invitational
Saturday, January 25, Extreme Raider Meet, Albuquerque
School Websites
Find out more information about your school.