Raccoon News
Sept. 5, 2024
It was a great first day at Roosevelt! We were so happy to have all our raccoons back in the building to kick off another wonderful school year. Please stop in our office or give us a call at 507-345-4285 with any questions throughout the year. We are here for you and look forward to partnering with you to ensure a great year of learning for your child!
Due to a scheduling issue, school pictures will NOT be taken during entrance conferences. Instead, pictures will be taken during the school day on September 23rd. More information will be sent in the coming weeks.
Digital Tools Information
Mankato Area Public Schools uses a variety of digital tools to support student learning. Technology vendors and software is utilized to support work as we help all students develop the skills necessary to succeed in an ever-changing world.
We have an inventory of our curriculum, testing, and assessment tools posted on our district website at bit.ly/4835DET (or directly to our Learn Platform page bit.ly/3R9xvRB). This list is maintained and communicated annually to all families at the start of the school year.
Please reach out to your building principal for additional questions regarding the use of the specific digital tools in classrooms. Please reach out to MAPS technology department regarding data, privacy, and vendor inquiries of the specific digital tools.
Michelle Kruize, Principal
Angie Potts, Director of Educational Technology
Mental Health Hub-A New Resource
The hub is meant to be a tool for parents and caregivers to easily find information on crisis support, local mental health services, parent education, and more.
Find more information HERE.
Need Roosevelt Gear?
You can order Roosevelt apparel through our PTO's online store until Sept. 22. Follow this link: Roosevelt Apparel Online Store
Nutrition Services Information
2024-2025 Educational Benefits Application is HERE.
Even though Minnesota Public Schools provide breakfast and lunch at NO COST to its students, filling out the Education Benefits Application is important because it may have HUGE benefits for your family and school. Applications for Educational Benefits determine how much funding your child’s school receives for educational programs and supports.
Additionally, eligible families may qualify for other benefits, such as:
- WIC benefits
- Reduced or free athletic or activity fees
- Reduced fees for in-home internet
- Community Education classes offer scholarships and discounts
School Breakfast and Lunch Menus can be found on Schoolcafe.
- Click on the Schoolcafe Menus.
- Click on "View Menus (as a guest)."
- Select Daily, Weekly or Monthly along the top header
- Select the School and Meal Type from the drop-down options.
What is Title I?
The purpose of Title I, Part A under the Federal ESEA Act is to supplement services to students to help them learn what they need to know to be successful on high academic standards. Roosevelt Elementary is a Title I school, meaning we receive additional funding to provide supplemental interventions or services to students. Your child's teacher will communicate with you if your child is receiving support in reading from one of our intervention teachers.
3..........Entrance Conferences 8:00 am-6:00 pm
4..........Entrance Conferences 8:00 am-12:00 pm
5..........First day of school for students
17........PTO Meeting-PIZZA and CHILDCARE PROVIDED!! 5:30pm-6:30pm-Media Center
18........Early Release-Students dismissed at 12:30pm
23........Culver's PTO Fundraiser 4pm-7pm-Eat dinner at Culver's and a portion of goes to the Roosevelt PTO!
8...........PTO Meeting-CHILDCARE PROVIDED!! 5:30pm-6:30pm-Media Center
9...........Early Release-Students dismissed at 12:30pm
11.........PTO Walk-A-Thon
14.........NO SCHOOL-Indigenous People's Day
17/18...NO SCHOOL
21.........Buffalo Wild Wings PTO Fundraiser 11am-11pm-Eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and a portion goes to the Roosevelt PTO!
Contact Principal Michelle Kruize
Email: mkruiz1@isd77.org
Website: re.isd77.org
Location: Roosevelt Elementary School, West 6th Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-345-4285