December 2024 Bulletin

December 2024
A Message From Mrs. Kleven and Mrs. Patterson
Greetings Bobcat Families,
Our first trimester of the 2024-2025 school year is officially complete. Our students showed up in a big way this fall. BG’s initial Fastbridge assessment results indicate a solid academic foundation to build on this year. Our students are showing strengths in math specifically. Input from our Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener has allowed for students who benefit from additional Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to receive targeted instruction from our SEL Team. Overall our student behavior data has seen positive changes with a decrease in behavior referrals of almost 50% from this time last year. Finally, our bobcats are attending school more regularly than they were two years ago with an increase of over 15% of our students attending daily.
Time for a heartwarming story; last week our fourth graders performed their “Scary Stories” concert during an after school event for their families. Students met in their classrooms prior to the performance and the energy and excitement was contagious. As our students were leaving the classroom heading toward their performance, they broke out in chants.
“Who are we?”
“What will we do?”
“What will we do?”
“Crush it!”
Our students were so excited to join together and perform for their loved ones and in this moment they took the opportunity to come together and encourage each other in unity. Way to show BG CARES Fourth Grade Bobcats!
As we close out the 2024 calendar year, I hope you’ll find time to join us for one of the many student performances or showcases in the coming weeks. Students have been working throughout trimester one, practicing their artistry and are thrilled to show off their finished products. Some have created physical and visual representations and some are ready to perform. We’ve included the events below so you can mark your calendars.
No matter your December plans, we hope they involve family, friends, safety and good health.
Your administrative team,
Margo Kleven & Lindsey Patterson
Announcements & Important Information
Report Cards on ParentVUE
Student report cards will be available to view on ParentVUE by the end of the day on Wednesday, December 11th.
- Information about ParentVUE, including how to create an account, can be found here. Please submit a ticket to Incident IQ if you have any trouble setting up or accessing your ParentVUE account.
- Follow these instructions to learn how to access your child's report card on ParentVUE. (Also available in Spanish, Hmong, Vietnamese, Somali, and Oromo).
- Click here for information about grading and rubrics, including descriptors by grade level. (Also available in Spanish, Hmong, Vietnamese, and Somali)
Troupe & Elective Events at Birch Grove
BG Scholars have been hard at work preparing for the arts events coming up this month! Students in Troupes and Electives will perform and show their work for friends and family over multiple days. Here is what you need to know!
Electives Showcases
Electives Showcases are for students in grades 1-5 who participate in Electives. Electives are taught by grade level teachers. Troupe students do NOT participate in these Showcases. Electives Showcases occur during the school day from 3:00-3:45 pm on the following dates.
- Friday, Dec. 6th - 2nd and 3rd Grade Showcase
- Wednesday, Dec. 11th - 4th and 5th Grade Showcase
- Thursday, Dec. 12th - 1st Grade Showcase
Because Electives Showcases occur during the school day, all visitors over 18 years old must check in at the main office with a valid ID and receive a visitor badge.
Spotlight on the Arts
Spotlight on the Arts is for students in grades 2-5 who participate in Troupes. Troupes are taught by a specialist. Elective students do NOT participate in Spotlights. Spotlights occur after school from 6:30-8:00 pm on the following dates:
- Friday, Dec. 6th - 4th and 5th Grade Spotlight
- Friday, Dec. 13th - 2nd and 3rd Grade Spotlight
Important Information for Choir Troupe Students
ALL Choir Troupe students in grades 2-5 will be performing at BOTH Spotlight events. If your student is in Choir Troupe, they should attend the performances on the 6th and 13th. Email Mr. P if you have questions at PogatshnikB@District279.org.
Please contact Denise Martineau at MartineauD@District279.org or your child's Troupe Leader if you have questions.
Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser
The Birch Grove PTO has organized a fundraiser with Texas Roadhouse in Coon Rapids! Between now and December 16th, place an order for bread, honey cinnamon butter, and e-gift cards at the link below. 50% of sales from bread and butter and 10% of e-gift card sales will be donated back to Birch Grove.
Orders are due by December 16th. E-gift cards will be emailed on December 17th, and bread and butter orders can be picked up at Texas Roadhouse Coon Rapids on December 18th. Contact PTOBirchGrove@District279.org or 261marketing@texasroadhouse.com if you have questions.
Also, on December 18th, 10% of proceeds from dine-in and takeout orders at Texas Roadhouse Coon Rapids will go back to Birch Grove! Grab some dinner with the family and give back to BG!
A huge THANK YOU to the Birch Grove PTO for the amazing events and fundraisers we have done so far this year and the many more to come! The PTO welcomes you to join their meetings on the second Thursday of each month to discuss and share ideas and develop plans for upcoming events. December's meeting is on Thursday, December 12th.
What's Happening at Birch Grove?
Family Art Night
Bracelet making with Mrs. Fordice
Art the Bobcat joined in on the fun!
Principal Kleven does some Zen coloring in Mrs. Beaves's classroom
Paper airplanes with Ms. Cox and Ms. Sarah
Bookmark making in Ms. Zettler's room
High fives for Art!
StarLab at Birch Grove
Guest Artist: Terrell X
Through a partnership with MacPhail Center for Music, Birch Grove recently welcomed music artist Terrell X to perform for students. Terrell X has been making music for over 30 years and performs beatboxing, rap, hip hop, and vocal percussion among his many skills. While at Birch Grove, Terrell taught the students a bit about the history of hip hop music and performed beatboxing.
Family Skate Night Fundraiser
The PTO hosted another awesome fundraiser in November at Cheap Skate Roller Center! Birch Grove students and their families had a great time skating and socializing. Through this event, the PTO raised $557.88 for Birch Grove! This money goes directly back to the school to support activities, events, and supplies for scholars. Thank you to the PTO and participants for supporting our amazing students!
Upcoming Events
December 6th and 13th: Winter Troupe Spotlight on the Arts
If you have a student in Choir Troupe, they will perform BOTH nights regardless of grade.
Friday, Dec. 6th - 4th and 5th Grade Spotlight
Friday, Dec. 13th - 2nd and 3rd Grade Spotlight
TIME: 6:30-8:00 pm for all dates
LOCATION: Birch Grove Elementary School
December 6th, 11th, and 12th: Electives Showcases
Electives students are presenting their work during showcases for their friends and family! Come see what the students have been working on during their electives. Because these events are held during school hours, all guests over 18 must check in at the office with an ID and get a visitor tag. Please check the dates below to see when your child will present!
Friday, Dec. 6th - 2nd and 3rd Grade Showcase
Wednesday, Dec. 11th - 4th and 5th Grade Showcase
Thursday, Dec. 12th - 1st Grade Showcase
TIME: 3:00-3:45 pm for all dates
LOCATION: Birch Grove Cafeteria
December 12th: PTO Meeting
December's PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, December 12th. Meetings occur the second Thursday of each month in the Birch Grove media center and online at the link below.
Date: Thursday, December 12th
Time: 6:00-7:00 pm
Location: Birch Grove Media Center
December 18th: Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse and Order Pickup
Join the Birch Grove PTO for Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse! A percentage of all dine in and takeout orders on December 18th will be donated back to Birch Grove. Orders of bread and butter from Texas Roadhouse from the PTO fundraiser may be picked up on the 18th as well. See the "Announcements and Important Information" section for details on how to order Texas Roadhouse bread and butter!
Date: Wednesday, December 18th
Time: 3:30-10:00 pm
Location: Texas Roadhouse
2780 Main Street NW
Coon Rapids, MN 55448
December 20th: Kindergarten Gingerbread House Event
Families of kindergarten students are invited to join their kindergartener for an afternoon of winter fun! Kindergarten students and their families can enjoy hot chocolate while creating their own gingerbread houses to take home! The event officially begins at 3:00 pm, but you are welcome to come early and join students for a sing-a-long beforehand starting at 2:15 pm.
IMPORTANT: Because this event takes place during school hours, all guests over 18 years old must sign in and receive a visitor tag. To ensure visitors get checked in efficiently, please RSVP at the link below. This form CAN be filled out more than once if later on, you would like to add additional family members. If you have questions about this event, contact your child's kindergarten teacher!
Date: Friday, December 20th
Time: 3:00-3:45 pm
2:15-3:00 Sing-a-Long
Location: Birch Grove Elementary
December 23rd-January 3rd: No School - Winter Break
There will be NO SCHOOL from December 23rd-January 3rd for Winter Break. School resumes as usual on Monday, January 6th, 2025.
Birch Grove Quick Calendar
Security Protocol & Visitor Requirements
Please read the following information about District 279 security protocols and visitor requirements. This is for visiting any school in the Osseo Area Schools, including Birch Grove. It is important to follow this protocol to ensure the safety of students and staff.
It is highly recommended to complete the volunteer application to make signing into the school a quicker and easier process. Please make sure to bring your ID with you anytime you come to the school.
Contact Information
Margo Kleven, Principal: KlevenM@District279.org
Lindsey Patterson, Assistant Principal: PattersonLindsey@District279.org
Elise Dorgan, Administrative Assistant: DorganE@District279.org
Abbie Lecy, Counselor: LecyA@District279.org
Megan Ruhland, Social Worker: 763-549-2335 / RuhlandM@District279.org
Emily Wenz, Psychologist: WenzE@District279.org
Nurse: 763-549-2308 / WackerT@District279.org
Birch Grove PTO: PTOBirchGrove@gmail.com
Useful Links
Family Resources
Free Vision Screening at Maple Grove Eye Care
Maple Grove Eye Care is a local business owned by a family with students in the Osseo Area Schools. Maple Grove Eye Care has free vision screenings year round in order to monitor everyone's vision fluctuations at their convenience. We believe good vision is essential for students to maximize their learning potential and for staff to work efficiently and comfortably. See below for more information.
Child Tax Credit
Exciting news for Minnesota families! Discover the new Child Tax Credit offering $1,750 per child under 18. Don't miss out—check eligibility and claim your credit when you file: https://www.revenue.state.mn.us/child-tax-credit.
Working Family Credit
Minnesota Residents, discover the benefits of the Working Family Credit! You could qualify for a refund, even if you don't owe taxes. Check eligibility details, especially if your income is below $35,000 (joint filers). If you're a part-year resident, adjust your income accordingly for Minnesota taxes. Learn more at https://www.revenue.state.mn.us/site-search?site_search_text=m1nr
Save Receipts for School Supplies!
The Minnesota Department of Revenue offers two valuable tax benefits for caregivers who purchase school supplies for their K-12 students: the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction. These benefits can reduce caregivers’ taxes to increase their refund, but is only available for those who keep their receipts. Purchases for most school supplies, field trips, and musical instruments for school band are eligible. Most Minnesota caregivers qualify for the K-12 subtraction, which reduces their taxable income. Caregivers under certain income limits may also qualify for the K-12 credit, which can refund up to 75% of their costs – even for those who do not owe any taxes. Visit Revenue's website for details.
Homework Starts with Home
Are you or someone you know at risk of losing your housing? The Homework Starts with Home program is grant funded and in partnership with Hennepin County and the YMCA. Here are guidelines of the program:
- Families must have a child enrolled in our school district and reside in Hennepin county.
- Families must meet income guidelines set by Hennepin county.
- Families must qualify for rent assistance of owing back rent and are at risk of eviction in order to receive utilities assistance.
- Families must provide something in writing that they owe back rent or are at risk of eviction (ledger of back rent owed, eviction notice, court date notice)
- Families must reach out before their eviction date/court date. Unfortunately we can't retroactively provide financial assistance if they have already moved.
Please reach out to Kendra Kuhlmann at HSWH@District279.org if you have questions or are interested in learning more about the Homework Starts with Home Program.
Information available in: English | Hmong | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese
Earn Money for Birch Grove with Box Tops for Education
Download the Box Tops for Education App and start earning money for Birch Grove by scanning your shopping receipts.
Osseo Area Schools are Hiring!
Osseo Area Schools ISD279 offers varies meaningful job opportunities! Learn more by completing the ISD279 Job Interest Form and our recruitment & retention team will connect with you or by visiting www.district279.org/careers.
4690 Brookdale Drive
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
Phone: 763-561-1374
Transportation: 763-391-7244