Weekly Parent Post

Good afternoon PJMS families!
Do you want to give back to your children's school AND get paid for it? WE NEED SUBS! Visit the district substitute page for more information. matsuk12.us/business-departments/human-resources/substitute-resources.
Turkey and ham donations desperately needed for our school-wide holiday meal in December, can be dropped off at the front office during office hours, M-F 7-3PM.
6th grade boys and girls' basketball starts on Monday, November 18. Please make sure your athlete has the following:
- Complete registration on BIG TEAMS www.planeths.com be sure to have a current physical (Physicals are good for 18 months) uploaded. We are a NO PHYSICAL=NO PRACTICE for sports.
- Sports Fee will be assigned to your student this week through your Parent Vue account. Fees are $100. Students that qualified for Free/Reduced Lunch or Migrant Ed have a reduced fee of $50.
Currently, the clubs we are offering are Ham Radio, Walking club, Dungeons and Dragons, Battle of the Books, Weightlifting and Marksmanship Clubs. Our Study Hall is free again this year. Current sports are 7&8 basketball, as well as C-Team basketball and 6th grade basketball starts November 18th.
Have a great week PJMS families!
- Monday clubs: D&D
- 6th basketball practice
- Tuesday clubs: Battle of the Books, Marksmanship, Walking Club, Chess club & Study Hall
- 6th basketball practice
- Food drive ends
- Wednesday clubs: Study Hall, Weightlifting, Walking Club & Ham Radio
- 6th basketball practice
- Wacky Wed- Pajama Day
- Thursday clubs: Marksmanship, Walking Club & Study Hall
- 6th basketball practice
- Friday:
- 6th basketball practice
Food Drive Extended until 11-19!
We need YOU to be a substitute!
School-wide Holiday Meal
PLEASE help us with donations of turkey and ham! You can drop them off M-F from 7AM-3PM in the front office. This is a WHOLE school event. Many students do not get the chance to enjoy a home cooked turkey, ham, sides, and pies. We feed over 600 students a holiday meal, they get to share stories and laughter with other students as we celebrate together the holiday season before Christmas break.
Friday, Dec 13, 2024, 10:30 AM
Palmer Junior Middle School, South Chugach Street, Palmer, AK, USA
Students with Free and Reduced Lunches need to re-apply!
Students who received Free/Reduced lunch need to re-apply! This includes all students from previous schools who were getting lunches for all their students. (i.e. Sherrod). Students at PJMS will be charged for breakfasts and lunches.
Palmer Jr MIddle School
1159 S Chugach St.
Palmer, AK 99645
Phone: (907) 761-4300
Email: PJM@matsuk12.us