
..at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth.. Phil 2:10
Morning Devotion
We can't thing of a better way to start the day than with singing and scripture! Some of the verses used this week in devotion time were:
- James 4:10
- Philippians 2:3-5
- Philippians 2:6-11
- Philippians 2:12-13
- 1 Timothy 4:12
Looking Back on Last Week
Bake Sale Success
Thank you to everyone who provided goodies, helped with the event, and allowed their child to participate. The money raised will be used to help with PE equipment.
*The next upcoming PTF event will be the Fall Festival on October 20th. Volunteers are always needed!
Volleyball Games
From away games, to home games, to county tournament games.... you name it, they played it! The Youth teams and the Junior High team have finished for the season. The JV and Varsity teams will continue their season for a few more weeks.
We are proud of our players. They have worked hard all season and have improved so much!
County Runner Up
Johnny Appleseed Day
Raindrops Can't Get Dr. Boyd Down
Van Gogh Exhibit
4th-6th Grade Talent Show
- 1st Place: Jude Smothers - Dancing
- 2nd Place: Ella Brooks - Singing
- 3rd Place: Elizabeth Haynes - Piano
Finishing the 1st Quarter Strong
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. -Colossians 2:23-24
Preschool Learning Centers
See More Photos from September 23-28, 2024
2024 Fair Parade
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- October 1 - Volleyball at Home vs Meek (JV,V)
- October 2 - Fall Portraits
- October 3 - 4H Robotics after School
- October 3 - Volleyball at Sumiton Christian (V)
- October 4 - EARLY DISMISSAL (No lunch; Students dismiss at 11:30)
- October 5 - Cross Country at Guntersville
- October 7 - NO CLASSES
- October 7-11 - Free College Application Week (Seniors)
- October 8 - Fair Queen Pageant at 7 PM (Go Evelyn!)
- October 8 - Volleyball at Addison (JV, V)
- October 10 - 4H Robotics after School
- October 10 - Volleyball at Holly Pond (V)
- October 11 - $1 Dress Down Day
- October 11 - 4D Farm Field Trip (Kindergarten)
Looking Ahead
Fall Portraits
Students should wear their BEST UNIFORM for pictures. These portraits will be used in the school yearbook.
Seniors: Seniors will also be taking their drape and tux pictures on this day.
Senior Tux and Drape Portraits
Class of 2025:
Please be sure to read the email from Mrs. Candase about Senior Tux and Drape photos!
Spoiled Rotten Photography will be taking Tux and Drape portraits on 10/02/24. (Same day as fall portraits for the yearbook.)
SENIORS should register and pay your $35 Session fee here: https://spoiledrottenphotography.com/register/#!/?event_id=5861
Fair Queen Pageant
Miss Evelyn Griffin, CCS Senior, will be representing our school in the 2024 Cullman County Fair Queen Pageant. The pageant will be on Tuesday, October 8th at 7 PM at the fair grounds.
You can help support Evelyn as she represents CCS by purchasing a t-shirt to wear to school on the 8th and to the pageant. To order, Venmo: @Marisa-Griffin-1 or PayPal @griffinfamilyfarms and be sure to tell her what size! Pickup will be Friday at CCS. Orders close Sunday night, September 29th!
PARENT Ambassadors
This will not take the place of our current PTF, it will simply enhance it by assisting us to reach families in a more individualized manner. It will help us to ensure information is being communicated more efficiently.
As the school grows, communication is becoming more important than ever. I look forward to the great things we will be able to accomplish by working together.
Mrs. Candase Wilkins
Check your SPAM!
We seem to be having an issue with school emails from Gradelink going to spam/junk folders. This can happen when emails are sent out in bulk to a large number of email addresses. Please check your email spam folder for missed emails.
Fall Festival
Mark your calendar!
Our annual Fall Festival will take place on Sunday, October 20th.
This event will be held in the afternoon and be filled with lots of good, old-fashioned fun! More details will be available soon.
Veterans Day Program
This year's Veterans Day Program will be held on Friday, November 8th.
Details will be released soon.
A few more items...
Visitors & Volunteers
We love having visitors and volunteers on campus!
If you are visiting, please be sure to check in at the main desk.
If you would like to volunteer, applications are available.
Tell Your Friends
We’ve had lots of phone calls and questions about future year waitlists at Cullman Christian School. If you know someone who would like to receive notification of when lists open, they can sign up to receive information. This will help us plan space for the growth we are experiencing.
College Admission & Scholarship Applications
College applications for current seniors (Class of 2025) are underway!
Parents of Seniors need to be aware of the following:
- Opportunities are Posted in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for Students AND on the CCS Guidance & Counseling Website
- FREE College Application Week is October 7-11, 2024. During this week the admission application to most colleges in Alabama will be waived. (Special Note: Mrs. Yearwood will be advising students to apply to at least 5 colleges!)
- Transcripts Needed for Applications can be Requested from Mrs. Yearwood
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu