Kenwood News
February 2025
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Upcoming Dates
February 3rd-7th - School Counselor Week
February 3rd - Parent Teacher Conferences Night 1
February 4th - PTO Meeting 6-7pm in the Cafeteria
February 5th - PD Day NO SCHOOL
February 8th - Summer Experience Registration Opens (Summer Fair @ East HS 10-1)
February 12th - Parent Teacher Conferences Night 2
February 14th - Friendship Day Festivities in classrooms
February 17th - NO SCHOOL
February 18th - 2nd Grade to Spruce Run
February 19th - 1st Grade to Spruce Run
February 26th - 1st & 2nd Grade Musical "Les Insectes" 10am & 2pm
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District Calendar
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
February 12, 2025 – For third-grade students at Ecole Kenwood French Immersion, the world feels a little more connected. In celebration of Francophone Month, students bridged continents through a Zoom call with students in Cameroon. Excited students gathered to engage in a vibrant cultural exchange that turned language learning into a real-world connection.
“Events like this create such a sense of excitement and pride for the staff and students in CCS's Immersion Pathway Program,” said Columbus City Schools Immersion Coordinator Dr. Amye R. Sukapdjo. “The Immersion Pathways provides students with incredibly rich academic, linguistic, and cultural educational experiences.”
For students at Ecole Kenwood, learning French goes beyond spoken word and grammar. They acquire the language naturally while exploring the cultures that speak it. Ecole Kenwood teacher Isabelle Cadenel embraces the challenge of finding authentic ways to bring the language to life.
“In a French Immersion classroom, students simultaneously learn a new language while mastering academic subjects in a dynamic and engaging learning environment,” Cadenel said. “One of the greatest challenges for an immersion teacher is finding opportunities for students to have authentic experiences with the language.”
Thanks to a unique personal connection, Ecole Kenwood students could meet and speak with students in a village in eastern Cameroon. Cadenel’s son, Preston Thomas, is a former Ecole Kenwood student and Ohio State University graduate. Thomas currently serves as a Peace Corps volunteer in the country and teaches math to middle schoolers. Thomas' presence made this international classroom connection possible.
In Columbus and Cameroon, students logged in and greeted each other in their shared language, French. Students filled the 90-minute call with curiosity, laughter, and the excitement of discovering key similarities and differences on both sides of the phone.
“We spent a month studying Cameroon in preparation for this cultural exchange,” Cadenel said. “As we explored the country, my students came up with thoughtful questions I couldn’t answer: ‘What pets do children in Cameroon have? Do they travel a lot? What subjects do they study in school?’ and more.”
The students took turns asking and answering questions, comparing everything from school subjects to daily routines. Some differences students found were that Cameroonian students walk or ride motorcycles to school. While Columbus students commute to school by either bus or car. Students were perplexed to hear of new foods, activities, and traditions in Cameroon.
“As a teacher, this is the reason I do what I do every single day,” Cadenel said. “To witness students' engagement and understanding for the world around them, those moments when they realize that despite differences, there are powerful commonalities. Discovering that ‘other’s way of life is different but just as enriching as ours’ are lessons that transcend textbooks.”
The biggest lesson wasn’t found in the differences but in the similarities. Both groups of students enjoyed talking about their favorite colors, video games, and pets. Both groups shared a love for soccer and Christmas, though the students in Cameroon introduced their American peers to “La Fête de la Jeunesse,” a national youth celebration in February.
When asked if they liked where they lived, the Cameroonian students answered proudly, “Yes, we were born here, and it is the place of our ancestors.”
For the students of Room 193, this was more than a lesson—it was a moment of global connection that will stay with them far beyond the classroom.
“The classroom interactions are an example of the amazing opportunities that highlight the global, cultural, and linguistic competency skills gained in the immersion school setting,” Dr. Sukapdjo emphasized.
Francophone Month at Ecole Kenwood is more than about studying French-speaking countries—it’s about fostering understanding, empathy, and an appreciation for our diverse world. Thanks to modern technology and a shared commitment to learning, students in Columbus and Cameroon made connections that will last a lifetime.
Let Me Run Sign Up Open For 3rd-5th Grade Boys!
Happy Black History Month
Cell Phones & Two-Way Devices 📱⌚
Students may not use cell phones or other two-way devices (smart watches) while at school. If devices are brought to school, they must be left in backpacks or lockers (4th & 5th grade) for the entire school day. If your student doesn't feel well they need to get a pass to the office and speak to Nurse Jodi, who will then contact you. Thank you for helping to reinforce this district-wide policy with your student(s).
Illness & Attendance
Please keep your child home if they have a fever, are vomiting, have diarrhea, a contagious illness like strep throat, or exhibit other significant symptoms. They should only return to school after being fever-free for 24 hours without medication and symptoms have subsided; if unsure, contact Nurse Jodi to discuss your child's specific situation at jvanzile@columbus.k12.oh.us
Toys & Personal Items
Toys and personal items often become lost or damaged here at school. We encourage students to keep toys at home. If your student's teacher allows for such items to be brought into the classroom please realize there is a significant risk in doing so.
Resources For Parent Teacher Conferences
Potluck Dinner for Teachers
The PTO is organizing a potluck dinner for teachers on the first night of conferences, February 3rd. If you are able to prepare/provide a dish, drinks and/or supplies OR help with set-up, please sign up below. Thank you for all of your help and support, our staff truly appreciates you.
Recess Chaperones for Conference Days
We will be taking volunteers to help chaperone our lunchtime recesses during the very busy conference days for teachers. This will give caregivers the opportunity to not only support our staff but also see your little ones play and interact with friends! There are a few steps that need to be taken to ensure this goes safely and smoothly so please take your time and read all of the information provided in the sign-up and we look forward to seeing you here at Kenwood!
PTO Meeting Tuesday, February 4th 6-7pm (Cafeteria & Zoom)
Get involved with the PTO today! Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month in the cafeteria from 6-7pm & on Zoom. Childcare & snacks are provided. The PTO plans and executes so many incredible events that afford our students & staff amazing resources and opportunities, but we need your help! Whatever time you're able to contribute really does make a difference.
PTO Survey: Please Complete By February 14th
Thank You Mme Ortega, Happy School Counseling Week!
Feel free to send Mme Ortega a note, draw her a picture or send her a treat (gluten free) to thank her for all of her hard work and dedication to our students. She makes Kenwood a better place and we're lucky to have her 💙
Personalized Photo Valentines Fundraiser
Support Kenwood and take the hassle out of class Valentines with this convenient and adorable fundraiser!
Summer Opportunities & Engagement Fair at East High School
Join CCS at East High School on Saturday, February 8th from 10am-1pm for the Summer Opportunities & Engagement Fair. More than 50 community partners will be there with information about summer camps, jobs, internships, and more!
Summer Experience 2025
Registration opens February 8 for elementary and middle school students and March 10 for high school students.
The 2025 Summer Experience is FREE to all Pre-K through 12 Columbus City Schools students! Summer Experience for Pre-K through 8 students kicks off June 23, and June 9 for high school students. We're excited to provide CCS students and families with a summer of exciting school and community-based learning experiences.
This year’s Pre-K through 8 Summer Experience includes similar project-based learning students and families have been able to enjoy through our Pathway Express focuses, including Pathways such as Health and Fitness, Performing Arts, Environmental Sciences, World Languages and Cultures, and MORE!
Tour your child’s building and meet their summer teacher June 18 during our Family Open House!
Questions? Contact the Office of Extended Learning: 614-365-5010 or ExtendedLearning@columbus.k12.oh.us.
A Message From Our Superintendent
Dear Columbus City Schools Community,
Since the November election, I have heard from many of you who have expressed concern over the well-being of our New American and immigrant students. We know that New American and immigrant students are a vital part of our Columbus City Schools community, enriching the lives of their fellow students, their teachers and all school staff. All students have a right to public education, and the United States Supreme Court has confirmed that all students, regardless of theirimmigration status, may not be denied this constitutional right. Therefore, our CCS families should know that Columbus City Schools are and will continue to be a safe place for all students.
As Ohio’s largest school district, Columbus City Schools is proud to be an inclusive, diverse, and equity-centered institution that strives to be a model of excellence in public education. We want to reassure our community that CCS remains fully committed to providing safe learning environments for students regardless of immigration status, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, color, national origin, age, gender identity or expression, ancestry, familial status, military status, disability, or genetic information. The safety of our students and staff will always be a key priority and responsibility of the District.
We are committed to identifying and providing additional resources for our students, staff and community, and that our focus remains on providing a high-quality education in warm and welcoming environments to the students of Columbus.
Dr. Angela Chapman
Resources for Undocumented Students & Families
Notre-Dame de Paris Organist, Vincent Dubois Will Perform in Columbus March 16th
Vincent Dubois Solo Organ Recital
Sunday, Mar 16, 2025, 04:00 PM
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Northwest Boulevard, Columbus, OH, USA
Vincent Dubois is titular organist at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, France, where he serves alongside Olivier Latry and Philippe Lefebvre. He is also Professor of organ interpretation and improvisation at the Hochschule für Musik (University of Music), Saarbrücken, Germany.
Click here to learn more about Vincent.
📕📙 French Book Website Store Closing Sale 📗📘
Lecture de France is having a Store Closing Sale with 50% off everything through February 28th. If you're in the market for French books, take advantage!
Volunteer Thursdays
We are looking for volunteers to help complete teacher projects (copying, cutting, laminating, etc) on Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30! This is a great opportunity to get to know your school and to support our busy teachers. All volunteers are required to complete some paperwork their first time in the building each school year. Don't forget to bring along a photo ID. Please sign up using the link below. Thank you in advance, looking forward to seeing you here!
Kenwood is Hosting a Chess Tournament
5th Grade Families - Get a FREE COSI Membership!
Give your family the gift of science learning with a free membership to COSI! Thanks to the generosity of the Robert Weiler Company, Columbus City Schools 5th-grade students and their families can receive FREE year-round visits to COSI!
Memberships are limited. Don't wait. Apply today! First come, first served. Application closes on February 28th, 2025.
Please use the link below to register for your FREE membership.
Your Local Library Has Programs For Every Student
Use the button below to link your Kroger Plus Card to the Ecole Kenwood PTO. Now every time you shop at Kroger they will donate a percentage to our PTO so that they can continue to give your students all of the best resources possible! Thank you so much, every penny counts!
Family Ambassador Note
Thanks for reading!If you have suggestions of content for inclusion - or any other questions, comments, or concerns - please feel free to contact me. I'm here to help!
Elise Beck
P.S. Click below for a great comprehensive list of events, programs & resources for Columbus families!
Kenwood Contact Info
Attendance Email: attendance.ecoleken@columbus.k12.oh.us
Principal Alex Miller: amiller5@columbus.k12.oh.us
Interim Support Principal Pat Price: pprice@columbus.k12.oh.us
Secretary Mme Danielle Jamison: djamison@columbus.k12.oh.us
Counselor Mme Norma Ortega: nortega7812@columbus.k12.oh.us
Nurse Mme Jodi Van Zile: jvanzile@columbus.k12.oh.us
Family Ambassador Elise Beck: ebeck@columbus.k12.oh.us
CCS Factline: factline@columbus.k12.oh.us or 614-221-FACT (614-221-3228)
Customer Relations: customerrelations@columbus.k12.oh.us or (614) 365-8888