In the Loop
October 7, 2022
FALL BREAK - Schools Closed for Students and Teachers October 10
Hewitt-Trussville High School Parents...Please Take Note....Important Information
Freshmen and Junior Students ONLY at Hewitt-Trussville High School will participate in a Remote Learning Day Tuesday, October 11, 2022.
Sophomore Students will be in school October 11 to take the required Pre-ACT test and all HTHS personnel will be used for testing on this day.
Senior Students will be asked to take a College Visit Day or a Career Exploration Day on October 11.
The Remote Learning Day will not involve elementary or middle school students.
TCS Calendar Reminders
Dates to Remember!
October 10 - Fall Break for Students and Teachers
October 10 - 12 Month Employees Work
October 11 - 9th grade and 11th grade ONLY Remote Learning Day
October 11 - 10th grade students take the Pre-ACT Test at HTHS
October 11 - 12th grade students take a College visit or career exploration day
November 11 - Veteran's Day - Schools/Offices Closed
November 21 and 22 - Remote Learning Days for PreK - 12th grades
November 23 - 25 - Schools/Offices Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays
December 16 - 1/2 day dismissal for PreK - 12th grades
December 19 - January 3 - Christmas Holidays for Students
January 2 - 12 Month employees return to school for the 2nd semester
January 3 - Faculty/Staff return to school for the 2nd semester
January 4 - Students return to school for the 2nd Semester
Trussville City Board of Education
The Trussville City Schools Board of Education Information
The Board of Education now has a dedicated page on the TCS website for Board Meeting updates. The new page can be found at The first update from the October 4, 2022 Called Board Meeting has been posted.
Board Member Contact Information:
Board President Kathy Brown –
Board Vice President Kim DeShazo –
Board Member Mark Sims –
Board Member Sherrye Tolbert –
Board Member Steve Ward –
The address will also remain active too should you need to send information to the full Board of Education.
15th Annual Special Olympics
On Tuesday, October 4th, Trussville City Schools hosted the fifteenth annual Special Olympic Area Track and Field Events at Husky Stadium.
Athletes from four districts representing 38 groups/ classes enjoyed a day of competition, success, and recognition of their talents, skills, and hard work. We were excited to host our awesome athletes, their teachers and staff who work with them daily, as well as their peers and families who attended to support and cheer them on. Approximately 500 individuals attended the event as participants in the games, along with approximately 400 teachers and staff and peers.
The event began with a Walk of Champions as the athletes entered the stadium cheered on by a crowd of peers a couple of Huskies, and a “herd” of Chick Fil A Cows! It set the tone for an awesome day. The Walk of Champions was followed by the Lighting of the Torch and our Opening Ceremony to begin our events for the day.
Lunch for our athletes, teachers, and staff was generously provided by Chick Fil A. They are a strong supporter of this event each year and we are grateful for their generosity.
Special Olympics Alabama is an incredible organization and we are thankful for their support of our event each year. The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
We would also like to thank the Georgina Davis Masonic Lodge #338, the Trussville Daybreak Rotary Club, Trussville Police and First Responders, the HTHS Pep Band under the Direction of Mr. Mike Guzman, the HTHS Peer Partners, HTHS Cheerleaders, and MANY volunteers from HTHS and the community of Trussville who make this day possible.
For any additional questions, please contact Carrie Jones at 205-228-4058.
Magnolia Elementary Celebrates Athletes
Magnolia Elementary gave Cayden Hester, Zac Langford, Saumya Shakya, and J.W. Woods a spectacular send-off celebration as they left to participate in the Special Olympics games. Students lined the halls, showing their hand-made posters, and cheered for these athletes. After these athletes loaded the bus, School Resource Officer Brandon Brown gave them an official police escort as they headed for the competition held at HTHS.
According to Fran Box, Exceptional Education Teacher, "Special Olympics was a fantastic day of local communities coming together to celebrate our students. They were able to run, throw, walk, and more to show off their talents in track and field events. We love Special Olympics and I think our students felt the love from our school on this day."
Congratulations to Magnolia's Special Olympians for their teamwork, talents, and dedication:
Cayden Hester (1st place - Javelin; 5th place - 100 Meter Run)
Zac Langford (2nd place - 100 Meter Run; 4th place - Mini Jav Run)
Saumya Shakya (4th place - Softball Throw; 5th place - 100 Meter Run)
J.W. Woods (1st place - 50 Meter Power Chair; 4th place - Softball Throw)
Congratulations to the Hewitt-Trussville High School Wind Ensemble!
We are pleased to announce that the Hewitt-Trussville High School Wind Ensemble has been selected as a National Winner of the National Wind Band Honors Mark of Excellence, presented by the Foundation for Music Education.
Each year a committee of collegiate band directors evaluates submitted recordings and selects the recipients of this prestigious award. In 2022 over 375 high school band programs from 39 states submitted recordings and we are honored to be recognized among the best in the country.
A special thank you to our directors, teachers, students, and parents, past and present, for your dedication to our program. We are thankful for the continued support from our school and community. Congratulations to all!
A Musical Night at HTMS - October 3, 2022
Under the direction of Choir Director Ben Cook, the Beginning Choir, Honors Choir, Boys Choir, and Girls Choir presented their Fall Concert. Beautiful voices from HTMS students! GREAT JOB!
Hewitt-Trussville Middle School students in Mrs. Billings’ class practiced lab safety as they learned to discover heart damage, defects, and heart suture techniques. Great Job Students!
Hewitt-Trussville High School Student Leadership Team News
On Wednesday, the HTHS Student Leadership Team kicked off the Chick-fil-a Leader Academy program for this year. Lunch and a great motivational presentation were provided by our local Trussville Chick-fil-a restaurant. A special thank you to Mark Nichols, Trussville Franchisee, and Josh Pilgrim, Trussville Executive Director for providing this service leadership program for our students.
SWENext Girls in Engineering Club
On Tuesday, October 4th, the HTHS SWENext Girls in Engineering Club hosted guest speakers from Christopher Architecture and Interiors. Architects, Liz Hyatt and Mason Cunningham, spoke the club about opportunities in the field of civil engineering and architecture and shared details about various commercial and residential construction projects in the Birmingham area. During the Q&A session of the meeting, students asked questions about reputable architecture programs in the state of Alabama, and our guest speakers shared their college and early career experiences. Ms. Hyatt and Ms. Cunningham also shared information about the ACE Mentor Program. ACE (Architecture, Construction, Engineering) is a unique partnership among architecture, design and construction professionals who mentor high school students interested in these professions. More information about opportunities through the ACE Mentor Program can be found online ( If you or your student is interested in getting involved with the HTHS SWENext Girls in Engineering Club, please email Mrs. Dimler, the SWENext sponsor,”
Hewitt-Trussville Middle School Auditions for The Lion King Jr. Information
Auditions for The Lion King Jr. are quickly approaching: Monday, October 24th (Last names A-L), and Tuesday, October 25th (last names M-Z). There are several steps to complete before the day of auditions. Please visit the following link to sign up and prepare for the 24th and 25th.
HT Mountain Bike Team Sign Up Is Happening Now!
The State Champion Hewitt Trussville Mountain Bike Team is open for registration!
Mountain Biking is a great sport for beginners to advanced riders for all students grades 6th through 12th. Preseason Skills Clinics: 10/29 and 11/5 with other optional practice opportunities offered.
Full season practices begin after Christmas break
Team Sign Up Deadline: November 15th and Uniform Order Deadline: November 15th
Race Schedule
February 11-12
Chewacla State Park
Auburn, AL
March 11-12
Tannehill State Park
Bessemer, AL
March 26-26
Munny Sokol Park
Tuscaloosa, AL
April 15-16
John Hunt Park
Huntsville, AL
April 29-30
Noccalula Falls Park
Gadsden, AL
State Championship
May 6-7
Fort McClellan
Anniston, AL
Please contact Coach Rhonda Brittain or Coach Kirk Lovin at for questions, forms and additional information.
Check out this great feature by The Trussville Tribune that talks more about our team.
Paine Elementary School Goes "Gold" for Childhood Cancer!
Paine students and faculty wore gold during the month of September in recognition of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We have heroes among us at Paine & we stand by them as they courageously fight this battle!
Paine Elementary School 5th Grade Leadership Rally!
On Thursday, October 6th, all Paine Elementary 5th grade students participated in the 5th Grade Leadership Rally! Special guests included HTHS assistant principal Mr. Jared Meads, along with 5 HTHS leadership team members. Each spoke about the importance of respect, leadership, kindness, and school involvement. After hearing from special guests, 5th graders enjoyed ice cream sundaes with friends. Special thank you to Mr. Meads, HTHS students, and Paine PTO for a fantastic event!
Cahaba Elementary PaceSetters Celebrate Respectful Students at with a Breakfast
Magnolia Student Leadership Red Team visits Peachtree Senior Living Community
Magnolia Student Leadership Team members on the Red Team, under the direction of Dr. Phyllis Faust, Principal, and Lauren Blake, Counselor and Student Leadership Team Sponsor, recently visited the Peachtree Senior Living Community. Eva Burroughs, student reporter, photographer, and member of the Magnolia Yearbook Team, took photos and documented the visit. Before going to Peachtree, Student Leadership Team members created fall-themed sun catchers. During this STEM-focused activity with Mrs. Blake, students studied the scientific properties of sunlight and the mathematical principles of two-dimensional shapes and created sun catchers. Then, members gave the sun catchers to Peachtree residents who used them to decorate their rooms. During their visit, students and residents played several rounds of Fall Bingo, complete with prizes. Finally, students gave each resident a special gift bag. Student Leadership Team members stated their favorite memories of the event:
- "I really liked seeing everyone get so excited about their prizes!"
- "I liked giving gifts and getting to know the residents."
- "My favorite part was playing Fall Bingo because I like to help others have fun."
National School Lunch Week is October 10-14, 2022
The State of Alabama officially recognized the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), serving nearly 30 million children each day, with a Proclamation from Governor Kay Ivey. Alabama will celebrate National School Lunch Week (NSLW) this upcoming October 10-14, 2022.
This year’s fun and creative campaign theme, “Peace, Love & School Lunch,” highlights the importance of healthy school lunches to student success, both in and out of the classroom.
Research shows children are getting their healthiest meals at school. National School Lunch Week will highlight the nutritious foods available daily in Alabama schools.
Lend a helping hand with Neighborhood Bridges
Neighborhood Bridges allows our community to help our students who have needs. Scan the QR code to learn more about neighborhood bridges and become a subscriber to receive information about needs as they are posted.
Current Need:
There are students in Trussville City Schools lacking funds for lunch this semester. Lunches have been free the last two years and families are adapting to paying for lunches again. Based on current charges, each school will need at least $1000 this semester to cover lunch charges for students who are struggling to pay at this time. Student lunches are $2.50 per day. We currently have over 450 students are charging lunches.
Thank you for sharing your kindness!
The QR Code is posted and the web address is:
P.A.C.E. Character Skills for 2022-2023
The 2022-2023 P.A.C.E. (Positive Attitudes Change Everything) Character Traits are listed below.
1. Respect: esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability.
2. Kindness: of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person.
3: Responsibility: answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management.
4. Honesty: truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
5. Compassion: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
6. Self-control: control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc.
7. Integrity: adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
8. Gratitude: the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.
9. Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
TCSF JOIN THE PACK! Don't let the "Pack" pass you by....join today!
One Dollar Per Day: Join the Pack!
Bookin' It 5K: Trussville Public Library
The Friends of the Trussville Library and the Trussville Public Library are very pleased to announce our first annual BOOKIN' IT 5K Race/Walk coming up this Fall on Saturday, October 15th at 8AM! The race will start and end at the Trussville Public Library and all proceeds from the race will benefit the Friends of the Trussville Library! REGISTER FOR THE RACE THROUGH THIS LINK: or through the library's website at
Fall Sports: Trussville Parks and Recreation
Check out the latest activities with Parks and Rec/City of Trussville
Questions: TPAC at (205) 655-9486.
Important Resources for TCS Parents & Students
Shortcuts to important resources listed on the TCS District website:
- TCS Bullying Reporting Form
- Special Education - Parent Rights (Section 504)