Hometown School Newsletter
December 6, 2022
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
As we are moving through December, please think about volunteering your time at the school. We are in need of parents to help with our PTA events. We need holiday shop volunteers, craft night people, and ice cream parents for Fridays. Our PTA board does so much for our school community. We need some other hands to help. Unfortunately, we will start canceling events if we do not get volunteers. No one will be left to complete the task by themselves, but we do need some additional hands to provide your students with these fun activities.
Holiday Dress
As we continue the holiday season, please join our staff in wearing cozy pajamas on Friday, December 9th. We also will wear crazy holiday socks on Monday, December 12th and flannel on Tuesday December 13th.
Fun Pac
Please see the flyer for purchasing the fun pac. If you are not purchasing, please return the entire pac back to the office.
Late Start- Wednesday
Remember there is a late start on Wednesday of this week! Students start one hour later.
Still looking for Gifts
Our staff is suggesting some of the board games listed in the document. These offer great learning experiences for kids and provide hours of family fun time.
We are looking to hire paraprofessionals. If you know someone or are interested, please reach out to the school for more information.
Holiday Craft Night
We are looking for a person to be the chairperson for this event. Please reach out to Kari Devine if you are interested. We will host a holiday craft night night on Thursday, December 8th. Please come and make crafts as well as shop in the holiday shop. Please RSVP as soon as possible so we know how many materials to buy.
Holiday Shop Volunteers
Holiday shop is currently taking place this week. If you could volunteer your time at any point during the school day, please reach out. Please see the attached flyer for details.
Ice Cream Volunteers
We are in need of ice cream volunteers for our Friday ice cream days. If you are able to help out, please see the dates and reach out to PTA.
Holiday Shop
We will host holiday shop in our library the next two days. Students can bring money to spend for their loved ones. Please send the money in an envelope.
Winter Concert
Our winter concert will take place for our chorus and K-2 grade students on Tuesday, December 13th. The concert will start at 1:30pm. Come watch all of the great singing and hard work your students have been doing. Students should wear holiday best.
Fifth Grade At a Glance
- Fifth grade is always an exciting year for students. It's the end of their time at their feeder school before they enter the middle school next year. These students are excited for the fun that comes with being the biggest Hornet in the building. They will have opportunities like DARE. DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) teaches students good behavior and decision making skills. Students are also looking forward to their annual 5th grade trip to the Wolves game in February where they learn about how hockey relates to everyday classroom subjects such as math, science, language arts, reading, and social studies. 5th grade students also participate in the Buddies Program. Each 5th grader is paired up with a kindergarten student. Once a week, the fifth graders come down to visit their buddy. Together they do a craft project to work on fine motor skills, they help them with writing and read to them. It is the highlight of the week!
- In ELA, students are reading Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. This story is New York Time's best selling book that a story that will forever change how people look at anyone with a disability.
- In Science the units covered this year include Patterns of Earth and Sky, Modeling Matter, The Earth System and Ecosystem Restoration.
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown