Byam Newsletter
September 13, 2024
Message from Principal and Assistant Principal
Mark Your Calendar
- Wednesday September 18- Early Release Day (11:45 am)
- Thursday September 19- Open House Curriculum Night
- Week of September 23- Scholastic Book Fair
- Thursday September 26- School Picture Day (order forms will be coming home next week)
Early Release Day Wednesday September 18
Wednesday is our first early release day of the year. Our dismissal time is 11:45 am and we open our side gate to begin staging cars at approximately 11:30 am. Lunches are not served at school but you can order lunches to bring home. Follow the directions below to order a lunch for Wednesday.
Early Release Day Lunches
A reminder if you would like your child to bring home a school lunch on next Wednesday 9/18's early release day, please use the online lunch ordering process by the end of day today Friday 9/13/24.
If you would like your child to have lunch on future half days, the online ordering is open for you to go ahead and select those dates.
Directions to set up your account and order:
1. Click URL Link: family.onlineordering.linq.com
2. Click Sign up now: Email, create password
3. Enter School District: Chelmsford Public Schools
4. Enter Student ID: This can be found on x2- Child’s student ID number
5. Enter Last Name: (You can also search and add siblings/family members at this time). Once this is completed, the student's name should appear on the page.
How to order meals
1. Select School Menu-select online lunch ordering (all schools)
2. Scroll to the week of half day/early release date (top right of page)
3. Find date, select meal option
4. Add item to cart/Select Add to order
5. Click on shopping cart icon at top right of page
6. Click Check out
7. Select pick up location: Elementary pick-up location classroom. Middle/high school pick up location cafeteria.
8. Place order
Curriculum Night Open House Schedule
We are excited to welcome families to our Curriculum Night Open House on Thursday. Below is the schedule.
5:00– 5:25 pm: Principal/Assistant Principal Presentation- Cafeteria (3 and 4 families)
5:30 – 6:15pm: Grades 3 & 4 Teacher Presentations
6:15 – 7:00 pm: Specialists/ Reading/ support providers available in classrooms/offices
7:00 – 7:25pm: Principal/ Assistant Principal Presentation- Cafeteria (K,1,2 families - same as first presentation)
7:30 – 8:15pm: Grades K, 1 & 2 Teacher Presentations
*Additional parking is available at Lockheed Martin (16 Maple Rd.) across the street.
From the Nurse's Office
I will be available at open house from 6-7pm to meet with families.
Reminder to 3rd grade families that the state requires a physical to be submitted for grade 3 students. Please submit your child's physical from 2024 as soon as possible.
Students will have hearing and vision screenings this fall. 1st and 4th grade students will also have height and weight measured this year. If you prefer your child opt-out of any screening, please provide a signed note to the nurse by October 7.
Thank you,
Nurse Pappo
Hold in Place Drill
This week we practiced another safety drill, our hold in place drill. When we conduct this drill, teaching and learning can continue in all of our classrooms, we just have to keep hallways clear. A hold in place would be used in cases of someone in an area needed medical attention. We would keep the area free of staff and students to provide privacy. Our staff and students did a great job!
Byam Library News...
Reveal Math Flyer
Reminder CPS Building Visitors
A reminder, The Chelmsford Public School District has implemented a new visitor management and screening service at every school building. When visiting the Byam school, or any school building in the CPS district, please bring your identification with you to the buildings. Thank you.
Byam Weekly Announcements Vidao
BSA Information
9/23- 9/26/24 : Scholastic Book Fair
10/20/24 : Boo Bash 1pm - 4pm
10/24/24 : Quick Clicks with Farmhouse Photography
10/29/24 : Picture Day Retakes
3/29/25 : Hootenanny
5/6/25 : Byam Art Night
Byam School Picture Day 9/26 (RETAKES ARE 10/29)
If you didn't know, school photos are actually utilized as a fundraiser for our schools! Each K-8 school's PTO will receive 20% of sales. This is one of the largest fundraisers for our district.
Please contact cpsphotoinfo@gmail.com with any K-8 school photo related questions or concerns, as well as any feedback (both positive and negative) with your school photo experience.
The Fall Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon!!
Join us outside in front of Byam 9/23-9/26 from 4PM-5:30PM, shop the fair and enter our raffle!!
Book fair flyers coming home soon. Online shopping will also be available, the link will be released and active the week of the Book Fair.
BOOKFAIR VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please sign up for 1 or more spots (whatever you can give us, we'll take it!): https://signup.com/go/UWTDCZb
Bookfair Questions? contact the Parent Volunteer/Scholastic Chairperson, Ellen Marcsisin: ejswain@gmail.com
Scholastic Book Fair: 9/23-9/26!
Boo Bash: 10/20 1-4pm!
Curious about the BSA?
Last week we had a HOT few days back to school, BUT did you know that before the start of the 2024-2025 school year, the Byam School association (BSA) was able to purchase 37 fans for the classrooms to help keep everyone cool and ready to learn!
Additionally, Did you know that the BSA was able to spend just over 25 thousand dollars on enrichment opportunities alone last year!? This means the BSA was able to provide your children with field trips, transportation to those trips, in school events and MORE thanks to YOUR support! The Byam BSA was also able to raise additional funds for teacher appreciation and facilitates improvements too.
So, if you’re looking for more information regarding what the BSA does, looking to donate or perhaps looking to get involved feel free to refer to the graphic below or to contact us via email: BSA.Chelmsford@gmail.com
Follow the BSA on Instagram
No-cost Registration for Byam Events:
*Financial concerns should never stand in the way of families participating in school events. If you are interested in any Byam activities please contact Lyndsey O’Neil, our school counselor, to register at no cost: oneill@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? BSA Help Needed
Here are some openings the BSA is currently seeking help on, reach out the bsa.chelmsford@gmail.com if you are interested in any of these positions!
Stay Connected...
Byam September 2024 Lunch Calendar
Please keep in mind the district School Wide Lunch calendar options are subject to change based on availability. For the most up to date lunch schedule, please keep the below link handy:
Follow Byam School Happenings on Instagram!
CPS Academic Calendar 2024-2025
2024-2025 School Wide Academic Calendar
Byam School
Office: Secretary Dossin dossina@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Clerk/Attendance: murphys@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Principal Fredette fredettej@chelmsford.k12.ma.usAssistant Principal Dolan dolane@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://byam.chelmsfordschools.org/about/
Location: 25 Maple Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5144