Growing Together @ STL
November 29, 2024

Leadership Message
Mrs. Bilyk along with countless staff and students spent loads of time and TLC decorating St. Luke! - and it looks amazing! What a bright and cheery place to come to each day! Thank you so much to everyone who helped decorate!!
We are so very excited to introduce you to Constable Noon! (She's on the left!) She is our new RCMP School Resource Officer (SRO)! Constable Noon and Sergeant Bereza (on the right) joined us this week to say hi, connect with students, play a few games and talk police stuff. Sergeant Bereza captivated students in the Board Game Club as he answered questions about his taser.
Constable Noon will visit St. Luke Catholic School regularly and will be invited for presentations, special events and to help in situations when RCMP support is needed. We are deeply grateful for her partnership and presence!
Sunday marks the beginning of Advent! The season where we prepare for the arrival of baby Jesus! To mark this season, each day at 1pm we will have our Advent celebration, where we listen to scripture through the Jesse Tree, learning every story from Creation to the Birth of Christ, celebrating all the ways God prepared for Jesus' arrival.
Also, our Shepherd on the Search is in the House!! Each day, St. Luke students will need to find him in the school as he slowly makes his way to the manger where Jesus will arrive (Jesus isn't there yet!). On Monday and Tuesday we will vote on our Shepherd's name and we can formally introduce this new member of our St. Luke family!
Congratulations to one of St. Luke's very own who celebrated her First Holy Communion today on this amazing First Sunday of Advent! Father Jim and your entire St. Luke family are very proud of you! Bravo and well done! May God Bless your Faith Leadership!!
Have an amazing weekend and week!
With so much gratitude,
Mme Gravelle
Here's a joke to bring a smile to your face!
Why did the carpenter break his teeth?
Because he bit his nails!
Sunday, December 1
- Hot lunch order deadline
- First Communion Mass for St. Luke
- First Sunday of Advent
Monday, December 2
- Daily Advent Celebration! 1:00pm Everyday!
- St. Luke Catholic School Shepherd on the Search arrives!
Tuesday December 3
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in class
- Daily Advent service 1:00pm
- Mrs. McCann @ STL in the afternoon
- Grade 4-8 Boys Intramurals @ lunch recess
- Grade 5/6 Girls Group
- Priest Visit (Dcn. Lynn) Grade 1/2 @ 1:30PM Grade 4 @ 2:00PM
- Health Champs meeting @ 12:30
Wednesday, December 4
- Mrs. McCann @ STL
Early Dismissal @ 1:40
School Spirit Day - Students will dress as Elves. Staff will dress at St. Nick!!
Daily Advent service 1:00pm
- Grade 7/8 Girls Group 12:15PM
- Grade 3-8 Games Club @ 11:50
- Student Support Team Meeting in support of all learners
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in Class
- Choir Practice @ 11:50
- Mrs. McCann @ STL
- Grade 4 Girls Group 12:15PM
- Hot Lunch for those who ordered
- Daily Advent service 1:00pm
- No GIFT assembly - Mass @ OLPH on Friday
- Growing Smiles Pick Up Day
Friday, December 6
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in Class
- Mass @ OLPH 1:00pm (Pre K - Grade 8) - buses leave at 12:30pm - All are welcome!
- Don't forget about CHRISTMAS IN THE COUNTRY TOMORROW!! 10am-4pm
- Please wear RED for publicly funded education - RED FOR ED!!!
Advent Concert Front Row Seats Draw
With VIP Parking!
Yes! You read that right! Front row seats AND VIP Parking!
In the past, families could pay to have their names entered into a draw for front row seats. Thanks to Mr. Sopka and his company, he donated $250 to the St. Luke Catholic School Parent Association so that the name of each family at St. Luke Catholic School will be entered into a draw for one of FOUR front row seats (a whole bench!) at OLPH Church for our St. Luke Catholic School Advent Concert on December 19 @ 7:30pm and that includes VIP parking!!
Thanks to Mr. Sopka, your draw ticket is free and every family has equal opportunity to win! Thank you for making our Advent Concert so inclusive!
The draw for Front Row Seats & VIP Parking will occur at our GIFT assembly at 8:15am on December 12. All families are welcome to join!
Our Advent Concert will begin after 6:15pm daily mass at OLPH Church on Thursday, December 19 (Mark your calendars!) All families are welcome to attend the 6:15pm Advent mass and enjoy the St. Luke Catholic School Advent Concert beginning at 7:30pm.
There will be snacks and refreshments, along with our raffle baskets available after mass and before the Advent Concert (between 7pm and 7:30pm). It will be a beautiful evening of joy and community! Looking forward to seeing you there!
There will be a dress rehearsal and afternoon performance on Tuesday, December 17 at 10:00am. All families are welcome to attend. Thank you in advance for your grace as we work together through our very first Advent Concert.
Thank you for celebrating Advent with us!
ELEVATE Youth Conference
We are also excited to announce Face to Face Ministries will be back at OLPH parish for our 3rd Annual ELEVATE Youth Conference on January 25, 2025! This incredible event is for youth in grades 6-8. Registration will be officially opening November 1 and we will be counting on our schools to help spread the word. Stay tuned...
Face to Face Ministries is coming to St. Luke Catholic Schools for a full day retreat for kids on January 14!!
Does your child want to celebrate the Sacraments?
If So...Click Below!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Students please remember to bring back your library books next week. Our library classes are every Thursday and Friday.
Thanks so much
Mrs. Scoggins
Grade 5/6 Girls Group project
"Always Believe in Yourself"
Games Club In Full....Bounce!
We are still on the hunt for more quick and exciting games to play (especially chess!). If you have them collecting dust, we will use them! This week's highlight was ping pong!
Way to Go Mustangs!
Congratulations to our Girls Volleyball Team for a fantastic season! Your playing skills improved so much! Bravo!
A special thank you to St. Luke's Girls Volleyball Coach Miss Diduck! Thank you for your countless hours of dedication to the team, on and off the court!
It was great to wrap up the season with a fun pep rally volleyball game - students against the staff! It was a close game and you made the staff play hard! Well done!
Do you want to play BASKETBALL?!?! 🏀🏀🏀
Cold Weather is Here!
Please ensure your child is coming to school with the necessary clothing to play outside. We are outside for the full recess times (20 and 25 minutes) up to -25 degrees calcium or Windchill, and outside for less time when it's colder for our Polar Bear Recesses because fresh air is vital for children's wellness, especially in the winter months!
Please contact us if your child needs winter gear. We can help!
Indoor & Outdoor Shoes
Thank you for ensuring that all children have both indoor and outdoor shoes.
As we move into the colder weather, children need more insulation to keep their toes warm when outside, and less when they are inside. Plus, taking off outdoor shoes helps to keep the school clean and the floors dry for safety.
After the November break we will begin to enforce the expectation for all students to have indoor and outdoor shoes. Thank you for you help with this.
Attendance Codes
Friendly reminder to our parents regarding attendance entries and accuracy. Please see our little guide below for more info!
ILL (illness) - Away due to sickness (that isn't flu related)
EXC (excused) - Away for appointments or family related reasons
FLU (influenza) - Away due to INFLUENZA ONLY (Flu like symptoms)
VAC (vacation) - Away for vacation or trip
Laughing Together is Healthy!
What do you call a body with no nose?
Nobody knows! (AKA No Body Nose!!) LOL!
Fee Waiver Application Deadline: Friday, December 13!
News from APPLE Schools!
NEW Hot Lunch Info
The next session of Hot Lunch is open for orders!
This session will run from December 5th to February 27th on Thursdays, with the exception of Tuesday December 17th to accommodate a field trip that week.
Ordering will remain open for the duration of the session, but only orders paid by the Sunday of each week will be included in that week's order.
We have also included an optional section to donate to St. Luke Families in Need. At the discretion of our School Leadership, these funds can be directed towards school fees, field trip costs, sportswear, etc.
Mark Your Calendar!!
PAC/SAC Meeting Dates 2024/2025
All meeting begin at 6:00PM
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 7
May 12
June 9
If you haven’t already, please join our School Council and Parent Association Facebook page! We are excited to offer this official space to share news and updates about events, fundraising, and more!
Questions or Want to Volunteer?
If you are interested in getting involved in events or have questions for St. Luke's School Council, please email stlukeparentassociation@gmail.com
Christmas in the Country is only a few weeks away! We are very excited to once again be hosting this annual community event.
Come out and join us on Saturday, December 7th from 10:00am to 4:00pm.
The day includes more than 40 tables to peruse for those hard to buy for friends and family members, a craft corner to keep the kiddos busy while you shop and a concession featuring coffee, hot chocolate, hot dogs and other snacking items.
As always, entry is free. There will be a box available for Food Bank donations and the tree will be ready to receive mittens for our annual mitten tree. Donations will be dropped off to those in need.
Community events don't happen without help from our parents and students and we are in need of several volunteers for the day. Please click the Survey Genius link below to lend your time in support of our students.
Gift Hamper to Those In Need
- Deadline is Approaching -
Family Resource Network - So Much to Offer!
Persons With Developmental Disabilities &
Family Support for Children with Disabilities
Upcoming Events @ St. Luke
December (Everyone is invited!)
- 7 - Christmas in the Council Throughout Strathcona County
- 13 - 5-8s @ Millenium Place all day
- 17 - 10:00am Advent Concert Dress Rehearsal @ OLPH
- 17 - Hot lunch today (for those who order) instead of Thursday
- 19 - Kinders, Grade 2&3 and 5&6 @ Telus World of Science all day
- 19 - 6:15pm Mass & 7:30pm Advent Concert @ OLPH
- 20 - Stay Tuned for Grade 1-8 Last Day of the Year Celebrations!
January - Happy New Year!
- 6 - Welcome Back & Epiphany
- 13 - First School Council Meeting of the year!
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is administered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sherwood Park. Please contact the parish for confession times and more information.
Clergy: Reverend Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Mass Time: Sunday 11:00
Email Address: StFrancisAssisi.Tofield(at)caedm.ca
5523 - 50 Street Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
See map: Google Maps
Phone: 780-467-5470School Contact Information
St. Luke Catholic School
Email: stl@eics.ab.ca
Website: stl.eics.ab.ca
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stlukeeics
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS