Clifton Park Cougar Weekly
What's happening - February 10-14, 2020
4th and 5th mock STAAR tests
All 4th and 5th graders will be taking mock STAAR tests this week.
Tuesday, Feb. 11 - 4th writing, 5th math
Wednesday, Feb. 12 - 5th reading
Thursday, Feb. 13 - 4th reading
The library will be used on Tuesday and possibly Thursday. Stay tuned for Carla's emails with final details.
We will meet in the library from 3:15-4:00. We will be TRAINING for TELPAS! Please bring your computer - you will set up your calibration site. We will also talk about a new law concerning "time outs" and SPED students.
PTA Valentines' Day Dance!!!
We will have a Valentines' Day dance/social in the cafeteria on Friday from 3:15-5:00. Please talk to your students about it! Our wonderful PTA moms are very excited about it, and there will be cookies and lemonade for all who come. Let's support our PTA and be there if you can - what a great way to end the work week!
Walk Throughs and Coaching Walks... we love to see what you do!
Schoology Trainings - Please Come!
Sarah Barnum has been offering trainings on making Schoology a part of daily lessons. The MAKE UP date for the JANUARY session is Feb. 13 after school, and the next BIG one where she will start at ground zero (for Newbies) is after school on Feb. 18. There are SO many neat things you can do with it!
***Here's a fun challenge... IF you come to her session, AND you then use what you learn IN YOUR CLASSROOM and we get to see it (because you invite us), you will get a ticket to WEAR JEANS on a day you choose! Such a great incentive to embrace technology!!***
We will print progress reports on WED. Feb. 12. Grades need to be loaded no later than 10:00 Monday, Feb. 10 so Carla can run calculations. I look forward to seeing how your students are doing!
We will have a Valentines' Day dance/social in the cafeteria on Friday from 3:15-5:00. Please talk to your students about it! The cost is $1.00 per student. Our wonderful PTA moms are very excited about it, and there will be cookies and lemonade for all who come. Let's support our PTA and be there if you can - what a great way to end the work week!