Hamilton Avenue School Update
Diane Chiappetta Fox, Principal
August 30, 2024
Vol. 3 No. 3
Dear Parents,
I'm thrilled to share that our first day of school was a resounding success! The students were full of energy and excitement, and it was wonderful to see them settling into their new routines so smoothly.
Today, you will receive a short note along with links to the past two newsletters and an album filled with pictures from our first day. We hope you enjoy these snapshots of your children's first day back at school.
We want to remind everyone of the importance of good attendance and being on time. "Be Here" is one of our core norms in Greenwich Public Schools, and your support in ensuring your child is present and punctual each day is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your continued support, and here's to a fantastic school year!
Have a restful weekend,
Mrs. Fox
Welcome, Dr. Caribillo!
Thank you, Dr. Caribillo for serving as our Interim Assistant Principal while Ms. Simonelli is on Maternity Leave. We are thrilled to have your support andn donning our NEW West Side Best Side T--shirts!! For those you interested, you can purchase a t-shirt soon or other Hamilton Avenue swag at our staff store through Logos.
Departmentalizing 3-5!
We are excited to announce an upcoming change in our instructional model for grades 3-5, starting this year. We will transition from the traditional homeroom teacher model, where one teacher covers all content areas, to a departmentalized approach for core academic subjects.
What is Changing?
Departmentalization: In 5th grade, for example, students will now have specialized teachers for different subjects. One teacher will teach Math, Science, and Social Studies to all 5th graders, while another teacher will focus on English Language Arts.
Homeroom Activities: Despite this change, students will continue with their homeroom class for morning activities, Social Emotional Learning, recess, lunch, specials, and word study.
Benefits of Departmentalization
Expertise: Teachers can focus on their areas of expertise, providing deeper, more engaging instruction.
Collaboration: Teachers can collaborate more effectively, sharing insights and strategies to support student learning.
Enhanced Learning: Students will benefit from varied teaching styles and approaches, potentially increasing their engagement and understanding of different subjects.
We believe this shift will enhance the learning experience for our students by allowing teachers to specialize and bring their deep passion and knowledge to each subject. As always, our priority is to provide the best possible education and foster an environment where every student can thrive.
We understand that changes can bring questions and concerns. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or for more information about this transition. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education.
I am looking forward to Thursday's visiting day for PK, K, and students now at Hamilton Ave. and to seeing all of our learners on Friday.
Mrs. Fox
Husky Shout-Out
Ms. Flores, Ms. Camacho and Ms. Costanzo and their Pre-K learners....
...from last year!! Last Halloween, Ms. Flores and her class placed their Halloween pumpkin outside so they can watch nature decompose it over the school year. They were sure surprised to see that a pumpkin patch had grown where they left the pumpkin! 🎃
Arrival and Dismissal at Hamilton Avenue School
Arrival for Pre-K students begins at 8:15.
Students arriving by car:
Enter the main parking lot on St. Roch Avenue and follow signs to pull up to the first spot past the front doors, where teachers will meet you. Parents must put their cars in “park” and unlatch their children from their car seats. Staff will remove children from the car seat and escort them into the building. Parents should exit through the exit-only lane and obey the traffic sign, turning right only. Our bus loop on Hamilton Avenue is closed to through traffic and reserved for school bus access.
Students arriving by bus:
Pre-K staff will greet students in the bus loop and escort them into the building.
Late arrival:
Families bringing their children to school after 8:15 will now enter Hamilton Avenue from the parking lot doors on St. Roch’s Avenue. Please ring the bell and wait to be buzzed in.
Regular dismissal of Pre-K is 1:15 PM. Some students will take the bus and be escorted to the bus loop by staff. Parents will pick others up. If your child participates in "afters," dismissal begins promptly at 2:30. For both regular and “afters” dismissals, parents must park in the main lot and greet their children by the front doors of the parking lot on St. Roch’s Avenue. Staff will be there with students for dismissal. Please be prompt as dismissal of K-5 students begins at 2:45 PM.
Arrival for K-5 students begins at 8:00.
Arrival: Our bell rings, and doors open at 8:00 am*. We encourage all students to arrive at 8:00 to unpack and start their day. Our doors close, and instruction begins promptly at 8:15 am. Establishing a routine ensuring an on-time arrival encourages effective executive functioning strategies and allows students to settle into their day before instruction begins.
Students arriving by car:
Enter through the main parking lot on St. Roch Avenue and pull up to the first spot past the front doors. Beginning at 8:00 AM, our staff will assist students exiting the cars; parents do not need to get out of their cars. Please pull up to allow for adequate room in our parking lot. Parents should exit through the exit-only lane and obey the traffic sign, turning right only. Our bus loop on Hamilton Avenue is closed to through traffic and reserved for school bus access.
Students walking and biking to school can store bikes in the bike rack near our playground and enter through the school's front doors. Please remember to retrieve bikes at the end of the school day, as our playground is open to the public after school.
Walkers should use the access points around the field to arrive at the main doors. (DO NOT ALLOW WALKERS TO WALK THROUGH THE DRIVEWAY)
Late arrival:
Families bringing their children to school after 8:15 will now enter Hamilton Avenue from the parking lot doors on St. Roch’s Avenue (NEW Main Entrance). Please ring the bell and wait to be buzzed in.
*students who wish to have breakfast in the morning may arrive at 7:30 AM and report directly to the Cafetorium.
Our bell rings, and dismissal begins at 2:45 PM.
Bus students will be dismissed to the bus hallways.
Buses from Hamilton Avenue School to the Boys and Girls Club WILL NOT be provided this year. Please contact the Boys and Girls Club regarding your child’s acceptance into their modified after-school programming. More information to follow.
Kindergarten and first-grade students will be escorted to their dismissal locations by their teachers.
Car Pick up at the main doors begins at 2:45 PM; please follow staff instructions. Please be sure to pull forward so that we have adequate room in our parking lot. Our staff members will escort students to cars; there is no need to exit the vehicle. Please follow the directions of our staff members to maintain safety. We will not allow students to walk through the parking lot, so parents must pull up to the appropriate spots according to the traffic flow. All other students will be dismissed at the Main Entrance (St. Roch Avenue lot), escorted by teachers. The bike rack on the field will dismiss walkers and parent pick-up students. Staff will be available to greet you during parent pick-up dismissal.
School Dismissal Manager comes to Hamilton Avenue!
Please be on the lookout for an email on Monday with instructions for setting up your School Dismissal Manager Account. This is the platform you will use to inform the school how your child is going home each day. This is also how you will report your child's absences from school. Please enter all absences into School Dismissal Manager.
REMINDER!! Important Forms
REMINDER all REQUIRED forms are to be turned in no later than September 6, 2024
- School Handbook Acknowledge Form (REQUIRED)
- Student Emergency Contact Form (REQUIRED)
- Authorized for Medical Treatment/Risk Notification (REQUIRED)
- Press Publicity Permission/Denial Form (REQUIRED)
- Notice of Network Use Opt-out Form (REQUIRED)
Additional forms to be returned if applicable
- Student Device Loan Form (all new students and Kindergarten students)
- School Lunch Debit Account Form (ENG)
- School Lunch Debit Account Form (SPA)
- Free and Reduced 2023-24 Application-Family (English)
- Free and Reduced Addendum (must accompany application)
- Free and Reduced 2023-24 Application-Spanish
- Free and Reduced Addendum - Spanish (must accompany application)
- Student Accident Insurance (if applicable)
Boys and Girls Club
Start Date 9/3/24!
Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich Clubhouse at 4 Horseneck Lane will continue to be closed during the planned renovation.
The Club will change from a “drop-in” model where members can attend the Club any day to a “Registration Required Lottery System” model. Modified after-school programs for elementary school-age students chosen for the lottery will be offered at the St. Roch Church School. Many of the Club’s other programs for middle and high school members will run as they did in the past but at various locations in Greenwich.
Please take a moment to check your email for communications from the Club. An email with a link to sign-up was sent in July. Given the limited space, only current Club families can participate in the lottery.
Information on Club operation plans during the renovation can be found by clicking here.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Liz Galeano at lgaleano@bgcg.org.
Thank you,
Don Palmer
Click the Links Below for Information Regarding After School Programming at the YMCA
Family First
Start Date 9/3/24!
Barbara's House Homework Club
Start Date is October 8th. Click here for more information and application in English and Spanish!
Start Date September 4th.
Hamilton Avenue After School Academics and Enrichment
We are so excited to announce the return of after school enrichment and academic afters. This year we are pleased to introduce K-Play afters.
News From Around the District!
Please see the message below regarding the new district device policy
ESL Classes at Hamilton Avenue School!
ESL classes will start this year on Monday, September 9th at Hamilton Avenue School. Classes will be on Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Registration and Pre-testing will be held on September 3, 4, and 5 at Havemeyer Building, 290 Greenwich Avenue at 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Please email Braulio Santiago at braulio_santiago@greeenwich.k12.ct.us and let him know what day and time you can go to register for class.
Clases de ESL en la escuela Hamilton Avenue
Clases de ESL empiezan el dia 9 de septiembre en la Escuela Hamilton Avenue. Las clases son Los lunes y miercoles de 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. Todas las personas interesada en tomar clases de inglés en septiembre tienen que ir uno de los próximos días (el 3, 4, o 5 de septiembre) a Havemeyer Building, 290 Greenwich Avenue a las 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m. a las 6:30 p.m. para inscribirse y tomar un examen para determinar su nivel de ESL. Favor de mandar un correo electrónico a Braulio Santiago, braulio_santiago@greenwich.k12.ct.us indicando qué día y hora puede venir.
Mark Your Calendar!
August 29: Kindergarten Orientation at 9:00-9:30 AM
August 29: Pre-K Orientation 11:30-12:00 PM
August 29: New student orientation 2:30-3:00 PM
August 30: First day of School! 8:15 for 1st-5th graders on the field
August 30: First day of School! 9:15 for Kindergarten on the field
August 30: First day of School! 9:30 for Pre-K students on the patio
September 2: No School, Labor Day
September 19: Open House
October 2: School Pictures
October 3: No School Rosh Hashanah
October 23: Early Release - Professional Development