MAY 1, 2024
On April 4, we had our MCAS p(r)ep rallies for grades 5/6 and 7/8. These fun whole-school events served to build community and have fun as we prepare for MCAS testing season. Students and staff competed in activities such as musical chairs, hands-shoulder-knees-toes, plunger relay, obstacle course relay, and grade vs. grade tug-of-war. Everyone had a blast as you can see from the photos!
On Saturday, April 6 RMS band and chorus students performed at the Providence Bruins game, which was an exciting opportunity to showcase their talents.
Term 3 ended on Friday, April 5, which means we have moved into the final term of the school year!
Report cards were posted on April 12.
ELA MCAS took place on April 10 and 11. Students at all grade levels worked incredibly hard and we are all so proud of their efforts.
May 1 and 2 - RPS Arts Festival 6:00 - 8:00 PM
May 2 - Early release day, 11:25 AM dismissal
May 6 - 10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 14 - Term 4 progress reports posted in Aspen
May 14 - Math MCAS grades 5-8
May 15 - Math MCAS grades 5-8
May 17 - STE MCAS grades 5 and 8 only
May 20 - DARE graduation (grade 5), auditorium, 8:30 AM
May 20 - Grade 8 Philly meeting, lecture hall, 6:00 PM
May 21 - STE MCAS grades 5 and 8 only
May 30 - Civics MCAS, grade 8 only
May 31 - Civics MCAS, Grade 8 only
Zoey Rohrer
William Pratt
Max Capelotti
Aiden Capone
Lucas Ricciarelli
Caden Risen
Mariana Junqueira
Liam Dorsey
Abby Stronach
Brody Fallon
Quinn Hourihan
Mackenzie Beals
Olivia Da Silva
Aiylah O'Connor
Penny Davidson
Nick Wild
Ednusa Andrade Dos Reis Borges
Jennifer Nogueira
Avery Casado
Brielle Crowley
Colin Tully
Henry Schipper
Layla Buckley
Hayley Shine
Charlie Kuja
Christian Estabrooks
Molly Jackson
Samantha Chagnon
Aaron Nicholson
Amelia Capozzoli
Noah Davidson
Caleb DoCarmo
Gabriel Lemos
Laura Machado
Raymond O'Handley
Riley Winter
Landon Brewer
Evan DelPrete
Ryan Kesler
Maggie Butler
Sophia Kim
Nolan Craig
Alice De Oliveira
Vinicius Lacerda
Madelynn Kelley
Joseph Burton
Tristan Farqueharson
Christy George
Fallyn Linskey
Madison Hinkle
Grace Kulikowski
Brynn O'Brien
Elyza Light
Nathan Quinones
Gracie Spadea
Sara DelPrete
Pedro Alves
Sam Walo
Aaliyah Pinto
Madeline Hanley
Benjamin Tansey
Charley Lockhart
liam Callahan
Mason Dore
Colt Wardwell
William Traynor
Riley O'Connell
Alexander Haddad
Arianna Cara
Leandro Silva
Emma MacLeod
Sydney Bodio
Claire Carpine
Jacob Mateo
On Thursday, May 30th the NJHS will be holding a Blood Drive to benefit Boston Children's Hospital in honor of our former superintendent, John W. Rogers. The drive will take place from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.. Any interested donors should register using the QR code on the flyer they may also enter the Sponsor Code of JWROGERS using this link:
All students completed the ELA MCAS testing in April. Math MCAS testing is up next on May 14th and 15th for all grades. Grades 5 & 8 will take Science and Technology on May 17th and 21st.
PCC Applications are due May 1st. (late applications will be accepted)
PCC, Project Contemporary Competitiveness, is an academically based leadership program for students currently in grades 7-10. Students will have the opportunity to live at Stonehill College during the week and spend the summer learning and leading with students from across Massachusetts. All students get to live in the dorm Monday through Friday with a roommate. Please visit their website to apply .
8th grade families: If your student isn't planning to attend RHS next year, please be sure to email Mrs. McDonald at so we can be sure correct paperwork is filled out and their academics records are ready to be sent to their new school.
With the warmer weather upon us, take advantage of a natural way of increasing your mood! Sun exposure increases serotonin levels, which are the chemicals that affect our mood. See the link below for more information. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen!
Looking for things to do this summer?? Remember to check out the many programs and opportunities Rockland Recreation has to offer!
Spring has sprung!
Many students have been suffering with seasonal allergies due to pollen. They have complaints of headache, stuffy nose, runny nose and cough. If your child requires allergy medication, please give it to them at home. I do not have anything for allergies at school.
Physical/ sports/ camp forms are needed for all students each year. The 8th grade must have a recent physical on file in the nurse’s office for the move to high school. Please send those in if you have not already.
A friendly reminder that sneakers should be worn for gym class to avoid injury.
Sunscreen and bug spray should be applied at home before school. Those things are not available in the nurse’s office.
Thank you,
Amy Kemp, RN BSN
From the Main Office:
- Please call 781-878-4341 or email to report an absence or let us know your child will be late.
- Please remember to bring your up-to-date photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport, green card) into the office when picking up your student for early dismissal, coming in for a meeting, or dropping off something to the Nurse. One of these forms of ID is required each time in order to pick up a student or to come in for a meeting or to see the Nurse. If one of your contacts is picking up your child for early dismissal, please let them know they need to bring one of these forms of ID into the office.
- If you are withdrawing your child from Rockland Public Schools, please be sure to complete and return a withdrawal form. You can come in to get the form, or email for one to be emailed to you. A withdrawal form is also needed for those students who will be attending SSVT or private schools in the fall.
- If you plan to chaperone an RMS field trip or volunteer for an RMS event, you must have a valid CORI on file. Please come in to the Main Office with your driver's license or US passport and fill out the form. It can take a week or so for the CORI to come back. With field trips starting to be planned, please come in as soon as possible so you will be all set for when the field trip or event happens! If you are unsure if you have a CORI on file, or if your CORI is still current, please call the office at 781-878-4341 and we will look it up.
May is a busy month filled with end-of-the-year projects, activities, festivals and events. We also have several more MCAS tests as outlined above. Please encourage your child to continue to give their best effort! Please consider attending the RPS Arts Festival. Coordinated by the RPS art department head Cheryl Thompson and the talented teachers across the district, this event has grown in recent years to include robotics, woodworking, a multicultural event, smoothie station, band and chorus concerts and the Blue Dog Cafe. It highlights the outstanding talent in the Rockland Public Schools and many of the great things that happen every day!
Cheryl Schipper