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Self-Check Month
February 2023
Avoid Chronic Disease
National Self-Check Month is a great reminder that we are empowered to take charge of our health. Self-selected preventative check-ups are one of the best ways to mitigate chronic disease and other often preventable lifestyle-related conditions.
We all have our reasons for avoiding a checkup. We’re too busy, we don’t want to know the truth, or it's simply not on our minds. National Self Check Month brings a variety of proactive, early detection, and preventative resources to guide us through healthcare-related fears and concerns.
In this edition of Positive Pulse, you will find information on heart health and ways to improve heart health, a checklist for both men's and women's health, how conscious language can be incorporated into our lives, and more!
Self Check
Heart Health
More Information:
Cancer Awareness
According to the CDC, the leading risk factors for preventable cancers are smoking, getting too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds, being overweight or having obesity, and drinking too much alcohol.
Check the Way You Speak
How we speak in our everyday lives can affect our overall health. Words are powerful and can shape our beliefs and behavior. Conscious language is the intentional use of words and terms to create empathetic, inclusive and non-stigmatizing content. Conscious language should be used in all areas of our life, including at home, in the office and throughout our community. Below are some ways you can incorporate conscious language into your life:
- No Self-Criticism - People can be overly critical of themselves. Try to focus on what you love about yourself instead of looking for what needs improvement.
- Resist Gossiping and Speaking Ill of Others - Putting others down says more about you as an individual than it does about other people.
- Boost the Positive Energy of Words - Try switching out the word "good" with words like amazing, fantastic, wonderful, etc.
- Avoid Negativity - Separate yourself from people always looking to complain or critique others. Negative energy has a way of dragging us down and is completely unhelpful.
- Surround Yourself with Positive, Uplifting Words - Post affirmations on sticky notes around your home and office that say wonderful things about you, your family, or your goals.
Other examples of incorporating conscious language into our lives include:
- Instead of saying, "I'm dying to see that movie" try saying, "I'm looking forward to seeing that movie."
- Instead of saying, "My feet are killing me" try saying, "I can really feel the impact of that hike today"
- Instead of saying, "I can't live without my morning coffee" try saying, "I love waking up to my morning coffee."
“Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” – Denis Waitley
Email: ginther@smolaconsulting.com
Website: www.smolaconsulting.com
Location: 260 East Main Street, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 5857774080