JISD Family
Parent Newsletter 8/16/2024
Message to Parents from Dr. Rob Fields
What a great first week of school at Judson ISD! As I traveled around the district this week, I saw many happy students, teachers, and staff members. Along with the smiles were the normal first days of school challenges - traffic, car lines, new schedules, and more. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we navigate those first few days!
With the beginning of the year upon us, I want to stress the importance of our partnership with families. Our goal to see academic and personal growth for every student is impossible without your involvement and support. I encourage you to be active in your child’s school experience, whether that’s staying in close contact with teachers and school staff about your child’s academic progress or being part of a PTO or booster club.
Working together, our students are guaranteed the best opportunity to flourish academically and socially. I look forward to seeing each of you around the district. Let’s have an incredible year!
First Day of School
August 14, 2024 was the first day of school and it was a great success! Our halls were filled with smiles and energy ready to learn.
Here's to a fantastic year ahead!
Judson ISD Key Contributor
Judson ISD families and community members are invited to nominate a JISD employee for Key Contributor by filling out and submitting the Nomination Form.
If you know a staff member who inspires others and goes above and beyond to make Judson ISD a better place, we want to know about them!
Back to School Information
Your Back to School Guide is here! Whether you are looking for your child's open house dates or other family resources you can find them on our Back to School webpage at www.judsonisd.org/backtoschool!
Find the 2024-2025 academic calendar, supply list, lunch menu, bus information, FAQ, and more!
It is not too late to register your child for the school year! You can begin the process here.
Welcome our new Board Member
Judson ISD Board of Trustees appoints new Single Member District 5 Trustee
The Judson ISD Board of Trustees officially appointed Mr. Arnoldo Salinas as the new Single Member District 5 Trustee. The unanimous vote (5-0) took place during a special board meeting held in July.
“I am eager to rejoin the Judson ISD Family and feel that my wide and varied experiences uniquely qualify me for the position,” Salinas said. “My passion for community involvement and leadership is rooted in my experiences as a former educator, administrator and board member of Judson ISD.”
Salinas dedicated over 25 years of service to public education, spending 14 of those years as a teacher and administrator in the district. After retirement, Salinas returned to Judson ISD where he spent 8 years serving the students, staff and community as a board member.
The search for a new representative for District 5 began after the Board accepted the resignation of Single Member District 5 Trustee Jennifer Rodriguez in June. Less than one year remained on her term. Salinas will serve in this capacity until the next trustee election, which will be held in May 2025.
Free and Reduced Meals Application
If your student attends one of the following Non-Community Eligibility Provision (Non-CEP) campuses, your family could greatly benefit by applying for Free and Reduced-Priced status.
- Elementary Schools - Crestview ES | Olympia ES | Salinas ES | Rolling Meadows ES | Copperfield ES | Wortham Oaks ES
- Middle Schools - Judson MS | Kitty Hawk MS
- High Schools - Judson HS | JECA | Veterans Memorial HS
Applications for Free & Reduced Meals Program are available online, at the campuses or at the Child Nutrition office. You can also apply online at My School Apps or the APPLY button below.
If your student attends one of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) campuses, they already qualify for free breakfast and lunch so there is NO NEED TO APPLY for Free and Reduced-Priced meals.
Find out more if your family needs to apply for Free and Reduced-Priced meals.
Topping Off Ceremony for Cibolo Creek Middle School
On Friday August 9, 2024, Judson ISD attended the Topping Off Ceremony for Cibolo Creek Middle School. The event marked the installation of the final pillar for the new campus. Board members, Cabinet members and Cibolo Creek's principal, Mr. Greg Brauer, were all on-hand to sign the pillar.
Cibolo Creek Middle School, a bond 2022 project, is being constructed by SpawGlass and is scheduled for completion in July 2025.
We look forward to watching the progress of our new middle school throughout this year!
Cibolo Creek MS Mascot Survey
We are excited to involve our community in the process of naming our new middle school mascot! Your input is invaluable as we seek a name that embodies the spirit of Cibolo Creek Middle School. Please take a moment to review the options and make your suggestion.
This survey will be available though August 20th at 11:59 PM.
Thank you for being a part of the legacy of JISD's sixth middle school!
Dress Code Reminder
A student’s appearance has much to do with the way the student feels about himself or herself. Appearance also affects the way in which other students respond to them and has a great deal to do with student success and the learning atmosphere of the school. Because of this, Judson ISD has established a standardized dress code for students.
You can read more about Dress and Grooming on pages 85-88 of the Student Code of Conduct. If you have questions, contact your child's campus directly.
Convocation 2024
On Friday, August 9, the Judson ISD family came together for our annual Convocation, marking the start of an exciting new school year. The event brought together all Judson ISD staff under the theme "One Team, Judson ISD," based on the unity and collaboration that drive our district forward!
The Convocation day was filled with energy and excitement, featuring games, engaging activities, and community vendors. A highlight of the event was the spirited competition for the JISD Spirit Stick. Congratulations to Escondido Elementary School for being this year's winner!
As we move through the new school year, we are ready to build on the strength of our community and continue our shared mission of providing an exceptional education for all our Judson ISD students!
We are One Team, Judson ISD!
Health Services Immunization Clinics
Judson ISD has partnered with University Health System and Christus Mobile Clinic for back to school immunizations!
Back-to-School Clinic Dates
- Tuesday, August 20th at Metzger Middle School
- Thursday, August 22nd at JISD Rutledge Stadium
- Monday, August 26th at Paschall Elementary School
- Tuesday, August 27th at Veterans Memorial HS
Be sure to check out the new Peachjar experience!
Our district cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing flyers electronically via Peachjar.
Peachjar has made it easier than ever for our families to stay connected with all of the resources offered to them through our community and beyond.
You can access the updated platform directly from your Peachjar notification email. If you’re already receiving Peachjar emails, there are no changes for you to make. If you’re not receiving them and you believe you should be, please reach out to Judson ISD Communications.
Join the JISD Family Now!
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of children? Are you looking for a job? Do you want to become part of the Judson ISD family? Please consider applying for one of our critical need areas below if you said yes!
- Special Education & Bilingual Teachers, Substitutes, School Nurses, Bus Drivers, Child Nutrition, Custodians, Maintenance, and Police Officers
Apply today: https://judsonisd.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
If you have any questions about a position, please contact:
- Elizabeth Rivera emrivera@judsonisd.org (210) 945-5615 for Paraprofessional Staff
- Jennifer Unwin junwin@judsonisd.org (210) 945-5618 for Professional Staff
- HR Department (210) 945-5101
Elementary School #21 gets a name!
We are excited to announce the newest addition to our Judson ISD family, Selma Elementary School!
Thank you to everyone who contributed their ideas and feedback. With many recommendations from our JISD community, the Board unanimously approved a name that reflects the community's geographic area. We are excited to continue building a bright future together with collective spirit and pride for Judson ISD!
Judson ISD Board Briefs
Board Briefs are published to keep staff and citizens informed about actions of the Judson Independent School District Board of Trustees during the regular board meeting. The agenda was appropriately posted along with supporting documents. All documents can be viewed in Boardbook.
Judson ISD's next regular board meeting is Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 7PM in ERC Board Room, located at 8205 Palisades Dr, Live Oak, Texas 78233.
Tell Us Your Story!
Are you looking to share a special story with the Judson ISD family? Whether it's highlighting an event, a district resource, a student, a teacher, or a community member, the Judson ISD Communications Team is eager to showcase student and district successes! With hundreds of submissions received every school year, we do our best to post as many district-appropriate events and resources as possible.
Click here to fill out the submission form.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Judson ISD's Multimedia Specialist, Briana Estrada at 210-945-5411 or via email at bestrada@judsonisd.org.
Thank you for being a part of this community-wide celebration of Producing Excellence!
Upcoming Events Around Judson ISD
August: Back to School and National Immunization Awareness Month
September: Campus Safety Awareness Month, Suicide Prevention Month, and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
September 2: Labor Day Holiday
September 3-7: National Payroll Week
September 6: Read a Book Day
September 8: Grandparents Day
September 11: Patriot Day
Sept.15- Oct.15: National Hispanic Heritage Month
September 19: Regular Board Meeting
September 23: Education Technology Day
September 26: Human Resources Professional Day
September 29: National Teacher's Assistant Day
This publication is brought to you by the Judson ISD Communications Department.
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8012 Shin Oak Drive, Live Oak, TX 78233
Contact Us
Phone: 210.945.1000