Curtis Chronicles
January 13, 2020
A Message from Curtis Principal, Sonya Pitcock
Cougar Families,
Happy New Year to everyone! It has been so great having your students after break and seeing how they have changed! Some seem about a foot taller since we left!
We are excited to start this second semester and finish the year strong. We appreciate your support at home by encouraging your students to come to tutoring, talk with their teachers, check their grades and ask for help if they need it. We have many supports in place and want to make sure they utilize these to help themselves.
This month we have our first simulation testing on January 28 for 7th grade writing and 8th grade reading. This will be a full building practice to make sure students are comfortable with testing procedures. The rest of our testing for simulation data will be done through classrooms instead of building wide. We are confident we can get good data on how our students are progressing using these tests.
Course registration has already started and we will have parent meetings on February 5 for our current 7th graders moving up to 8th grade at 6:00 in the CMS cafeteria. Our meeting for current 6th graders moving up to 7th grade will be on February 4 at 6:00 in the CMS cafeteria. We will also have Coffee with the Counselors on February 10 from 8:30 – 10am for an informal question and answer session with our counselors.
There will be a district Advanced Academics informational meeting on February 6 at 6:30 at the AISD Service Center.
Warm regards,
Sonya Pitcock
Upcoming Events
Jan. 13: 7th grade basketball v. Rockwall Utley; girls away/boys home
Jan. 16: 8th grade basketball v. Rockwall Utley; girls home/boys away
Jan. 20: Student/Staff holiday
Jan. 21-24: College and Career Week
Jan. 22: 7th grade basketball v. Willow Springs; girls home/boys away
Jan. 23: 8th grade basketball v. Willow Springs; girls away/boys home
Jan. 27: 7th grade basketball v. Ford; girls away/boys home
Jan. 28: STAAR Simulation
Jan. 30: 8th grade basketball v. Ford; girls home/boys away
Feb. 5: Current 7th graders, 8th grade course info night
Feb. 6: District Advanced Academics info meeting
Feb. 10: Coffee with the Counselors
PTA Business Sponsorship Program
Red Level, $100
- 1 PTA Community membership
- Logo/website listed on PTA website for one year
Black Level, $250
- 1 PTA Community membership
- Logo/website listed on PTA website for one year
- 1 shout out in both our campus newsletter (1,400+ student families) and 1 shout out on the PTA FB page
CLICK HERE for a flyer with more details or email Jennifer.
Snack Donations Needed for Jan Staff Meeting
The Staff Meeting is on Wednesday, January 15th right after school. We are asking that items are dropped off at CMS on the 15th between the hours of 8am and 1pm. Click here to sign up.
Social and Emotional Learning Recap
7th grade
This week, your child will learn how emotions affect decision making, and that even when your child’s emotions feel very strong, he or she can still make good decisions.
Ask your child to describe a time when he or she was angry or upset. Together, talk about the kinds of good decisions your child can make the next time his or her emotions are that strong.
8th grade
This week, your child will learn how emotions affect decision making, and that even when your child’s emotions feel very strong, he or she can still make good decisions.
Ask your child to describe a time when he or she was angry or upset. Together, talk about the kinds of good decisions your child can make the next time his or her emotions are that strong.
Concession Stand Needs Volunteers
- Basketball Concession Stand
- Copy Room
You will need to sign in to your account, select My Account in order to see the Volunteer opportunities.
Curtis Reflections Student Moves to State
The results are in for the Allen Council PTA Reflections art contest. Our Curtis student, Aadil Aslam, received an Award of Excellence for his written submission and will be advancing to TX PTA level. Congratulations, Aadil!
Allen Eagle Run: February 29
The 12th Annual Allen Eagle Run will be held on Saturday, February 29 at Eagle Stadium. Hosted by the Foundation For Allen Schools and the Allen Council of PTAs, the event will feature a one-mile Fun Run, a certified 5K Run and a sleep-in option.
Our campus goal is 100 registrants. The 7th and 8th grade homerooms with the highest percent of registrants will receive:
- A front-of-the-line lunch pass for each student in the homeroom.
- A restaurant gift card for the teacher of that class.
Every student who registers will be entered into a raffle for movie tickets.
Details about registration, fees and deadlines or information about becoming a sponsor are available here. Price is $25 per runner when you register by February 7.
Proceeds from the Allen Eagle Run directly benefit Allen teachers and students through scholarships, teacher tuition reimbursements and classroom grants. Many of our Curtis teachers have been beneficiaries of these grants.
Thank you for your support!
Reaching Our Membership Goals
Cougar families:
Welcome back from the Holiday Break!
With half of the school year gone, have you ever felt like “It’s too late to bother with joining the PTA” or “It’s all under control, I won’t be much help at this point”?
Au contraire! It is NEVER too late! Whether you are still thinking about volunteering some time, and/or just want to make a contribution, your actions will still make a tremendous impact upon our school. There is so much left to do, and you and your family can help by becoming a member! Money donated to the PTA through membership will still be helping with the purchase of in-house concessions, teacher appreciation week, Val-o-grams, and the biggest of them all, the Spring Dance!
Student membership purchases will still come with the Student Incentive coupon booklet. Each booklet will still contain ten passes as in the Fall, all available for use through the end of the year! (Booklets contain late homework passes, tardy passes (1st period only), front-of-the-lunch-line passes, two free service hours, one free Val-o-gram, and 1 free slice of pizza at the dance!
Not only will you be helping provide all these amazing things for the students and teachers, but you will also help us reach our membership goal. We’ve set our goal high this year, striving for a membership total of 1/2 of the student population—something that hasn’t been done in a very long while, if ever. Currently we have 555 members. We are hoping that we will reach our target of 708!
So, please, if you haven’t done so yet, sign your family up today.
Joining is easy. Visit, and you will be directed to the Membership Toolkit page, where—if you don’t already have one—you can create an account and help out our school!
Use Amazon Smile to Support Curtis PTA
Doing any online shopping this holiday season? Use Amazon's Smile and support Curtis PTA!
AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your purchase to Curtis PTA when shopping Amazon.
Select your charity: PTA Texas Congress 201 Curtis Middle School
Start using whenever you want to shop at Amazon!
Be sure to shop through AmazonSmile the next time you shop online. You’re still shopping with Amazon — you’re just doing good while buying what you need!
Please encourage grandparents, neighbors, and friends to support Curtis PTA by shopping through AmazonSmile too.
Helping AISD Students Thrive
With feedback from campus counselors and nurses, AISD Council PTA has compiled a list of items that are needed at many of our AISD campuses.
Please consider donating and supporting students throughout AISD. These donations will be distributed to the campuses in the district that are in need.
Save a trip to the store and donate by ordering the district approved items via the Amazon wish lists below:
Thank you for helping students in Allen!
Allen ISD Learn 'N Play Preschool Registration Info
Learn ‘N Playday is located at Anderson Elementary School (anyone in AISD may enroll) and has been providing a quality tuition-based preschool experience for 3 and 4 year old children since 1986. Classes run from 9 am until 2 pm and are offered 2, 3 or 5 days (5 day-4’s only) a week. If you have any questions please click here to send an email.
Daily Announcements on Curtis Website
Curtis Spirit Wear
You can still order Curtis spirit wear! The t-shirt styles have limited quantities. Sizes and quantities available are updated online.
Orders will be delivered to your student's homeroom teacher approximately 4 weeks after purchase. Please be sure you enter your student's homeroom teacher for easy delivery.
To order, visit, login or set up an account to place your order.
Questions? Please email Jennifer
Curtis Middle School PTA
Location: 1530 Rivercrest Boulevard, Allen, TX, USA
Phone: 972-727-0340
Twitter: @CurtisCougars