AMI Plans

AMI Plans
Clever Family,
As we move into fall and look ahead to winter, we would like to share some information about inclement weather days. Please read the following information carefully, and reach out to your building principal or the central office if you have any questions.
This year, the first two snow days which occur are already built into the calendar. They will not have to be made up. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) allows schools to create AMI (Alternative Method of Instruction) days during inclement weather, and the Clever School District will implement AMI for snow days 3-7.
By taking advantage of AMI days, we reduce the amount of time the school district has to make up at the end of the year. Students will be counted present as long as their work for the day is completed. Students who do not complete their assignments will be counted absent.
Should we go beyond 7 snow days, subsequent days will be made up in May.
In summary, snow days will be addressed in the following manner:
Snow days 1and 2 are built into the calendar and will not be made up
Snow days 3-7 will utilize AMI
Additional snow days will be made up in May
We will hope for a mild winter with few snow days, but it's best to be prepared. Linked below are newsletters outlining how AMI days will be implemented for each building. Please take a moment to review the AMI plan(s) that pertain to your child(ren)'s grade level.
Please remember students will be counted present as long as their work for the day is completed. Students who do not complete their assignments will be counted absent.
If you have any questions regarding the implementation of the AMI plans, please reach out to your child's building office.
As we move closer to inclement weather season, we would like to once again stress how important it is to make sure the school has your most current contact information. School closings will be sent through email, phone calls, Facebook, the school website, and local news outlets. When possible, school cancellation notices will be sent the night before. In the event that it is necessary to call off school in the morning, every effort will be made to notify parents/guardians by 5:30 am.