Miner Message
April 22, 2024

Upcoming Events & Dates
Thursday, April 25th: Registration Assistance @ Miner 9:30A-11A
Thursday, April 25th: Miner A-B-C Countdown Begins
Friday, April 26th: No School - School Improvement Day
Wednesday, May 1st: PTO Meeting - 6:00PM - 7:00PM
Thursday, May 16th: Fire Drill
Saturday, May 18th: Miner Roll N' Stroll!
Wednesday, May 22nd: 8th Grade Graduation
Monday, May 27th: No School - Memorial Day
June 3rd: Last Day of School for Students
April is Autism Awareness Month!
Miner Registration Event - Thursday, April 25th 9:30-11:00
Dear Miner Families,
If you need assistance with registering for the 24-25 school year, please considering coming to Miner School on Thursday, April 25th between 9:30AM - 11:00AM. We will have multiple devices and staff members available to support any families who need help completing the registration process. Please let your child's teacher know if you plan to attend and if you need an interpreter available.
Miner School News
Miner Students Enjoy the Solar Eclipse
Mrs. Mueller's class did a few projects to prepare for the Eclipse!
Ms. Schaffer's Class Goes to Sunrise Lake!
It was a beautiful day at Sunrise Lake and lucky for Ms. Schaffer's class, her students got to enjoy it! Our students got to do some fishing on lake 🐠🐟
Staff Spotlight
Ms. Sara - Miner ESP
Our very own, Ms. Sara (Miner ESP) takes the lead with training her fellow ESPs on play-based learning strategies and ways to engage our students in various ways during learning opportunities in the classroom. Her passion for helping our students to be successful shined through during her very thoughtfully planned training this past week. Thank you Ms. Sara for your leadership through sharing your knowledge to increase the toolbox of your colleagues.
Here is a visual that Ms. Sara shared during her training regarding the importance of play-based learning. She wanted to share this information with families as well. Thanks again Ms. Sara!
PTO Corner
PTO Updates
The PTO is hoping to organize a few Dine & Share events at local restaurants in the communities where Miner families reside. If you have any ideas of restaurants that would participate, please send them our way!
We have started to work on getting donations for the Roll N’ Stroll. If you have any connections to businesses that would be willing to donate prizes for our raffle, please contact Michelle Manfredi at minerptopresident@gmail.com
The next PTO meeting will be May 1st from 6-7 at Miner School and will be focused on planning for Roll n' Stroll.
Roll N' Stroll T-Shirts For Sale!
Order forms should have gone home last week for Roll N' Stroll T-Shirts. Orders are due by Thursday, April 25th. See flyer below for more information. Please let your child's teacher know if you need another form sent home.
Miner Student Gotchas!
PERC - Parent Education Resource Center Upcoming Events
Wrap Up
Information to Share?
Are you aware of any events or opportunities outside of school that might benefit some of our Miner students or families? If so, please share them with us! Please reach out to either tjeffrey@nsseo.org or dguza@nsseo.org to help spread the word. We’d love to share any information that might help to support opportunities or resources outside of Miner!
Important Dates
Thursday, April 25th: Registration Assistance @ Miner 9:30A-11A
Thursday, April 25th: Miner A-B-C Countdown Begins
Friday, April 26th: No School - School Improvement Day
Wednesday, May 1st: PTO Meeting - 6:00PM - 7:00PM
Thursday, May 16th: Fire Drill
Saturday, May 18th: Miner Roll N' Stroll!
Wednesday, May 22nd: 8th Grade Graduation
Monday, May 27th: No School - Memorial Day