Hawks Happenings
Vol. 2, Issue 18- Weekly Family Update
Course Selection Night 2025
Course Selection Packets
Klein Oak PIE Night
Klein Cain Course Selection Night
Click Below for Klein Cain Principles Classes and Programs of Study
Early College HS Information
Clinic Information: Current 6th graders
Hofius Student Hawks of the Month ⭐⭐⭐
Congratulations to our amazing Student Hawks of the Month! They are Bryan Corey (6th grade), Emily Tchernomordik (7th grade) and Hunter Green (8th grade).
Your hard work, positive attitude, and commitment to excellence are truly inspiring. You embody our vision of Hawks Excellence and live out our core values of Honesty, Ambition, Willingness, and Kindness every day. Together, we soar higher! #HawksExcellence #SoaringToSuccess #HawkPride
We use REMIND to regularly communicate with our families. If you have not been getting any messages from Hofius, please make sure to join now.
Upcoming Dates
Course Selection for upcoming 6th-8th grades: January 14
8th grade visits: January 17
Mid-Winter Break for students: February 10-14
TELPAS Testing: February 17-28
Hofius Events Calendar 24-25
Hofius Athletic Updates
IB Meetings at Klein Oak HS
Gifted and Talented Information
Hofius Cheer
PTO News & Information
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to school. The PTO would like to invite anyone who is interested in getting more involved to our first PTO meeting of the year: Wednesday, Jan 15 at 10 am at Hofius.
Please plan to attend our next Spirit Night at Center Court Pizza, Tues, Jan 21 (All Day). Mention Hofius.
Purchase an 8th grade appreciation ad.
Thanks for your support.
The Hofius PTO
The Hofius PTO would like to thank our GOLD LEVEL sponsors:
Counselors' Corner
6th Grade Counselor
Anne Francis
7th Grade Counselor
Josie Jimenez
8th Grade Counselor
Tyshkiia Lampley
Nurse's Corner
Is your child too sick for school? If they have the following symptoms, please keep them home.
- A temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher.
- A child should not return to school until they have been fever-free without the use of fever reducing medication for 24 hours.
- Throwing up or having diarrhea.
- Eyes that are pink and have drainage or crust on the eyelashes.
- When coughing will not stop and prevents your child from participating or causes difficulty breathing.
- If there is a diagnosis or suspicion of a contagious illness such as COVID, Strep, Flu, Impetigo etc.
Still unsure? Talk to your school nurse about exclusion policies for these and other illnesses.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Hofius clinic.
Nurse: Mrs. Epps
School Reminders
Lunch Updates
To address concerns about lunches, we want to reiterate the following:
Each zone is called first one day a week. This means that each zone gets a chance each week to get in line first before other zones are called in the cafeteria.
We encourage students to get into the shortest line when we call their zone so they can get their food quicker.
We do not allow cutting in lines or getting into several different lines, as this creates longer wait times for students to get their food.
Morning Drop-off Updates
1) Please do not park in the parking lot or in the drop-off line.
2) Please pull all the way down to the end of the drop-off line to drop off your student. This allows the line to keep moving.
3) Please be courteous to other drivers who are also trying to get into the parking lot and drop-off line.
Reminder: Doors open for students at 8:40 am.
Afternoon Pick-up Update
We’ve received multiple reports of cars using the athletic entrance and parking lot for student pickup. Please remember to use the designated car rider line that leads to the main entrance of Hofius when picking up your student. Using the athletic lot or parking near the athletic entrance disrupts the flow and prevents our school buses from entering and exiting safely.
Additionally, please avoid parking in the reserved spots designated for families who won the parking auction.
We appreciate everyone’s teamwork and cooperation in keeping things running smoothly.
Thank you,
Hofius Admin
UPDATED Cell Phone Policy for the 24-25 School Year
UPDATED 9.2.24 - Dress Code Policy and ID Badges
We will be following the Klein ISD dress code as outlined in the Student Handbook.
We appreciate your support in ensuring that all students adhere to our dress code. Please ensure that students come to campus dressed appropriately. Shirts should be long enough to cover midriffs, and skirts and shorts should be an appropriate length—at minimum knuckle-length when arms are placed by their sides—and should remain at knuckle-length or longer throughout the day. Clothing should stay within dress code without needing adjustments after moving. Additionally, please remember that holes in pants should not expose skin above mid-thigh, and no undergarments should be exposed. Leggings or shorts may be worn underneath pants to cover exposed areas. Pajama pants and slippers are not permitted, and shirts with inappropriate language or references to alcohol or drugs are not allowed. We kindly ask that you talk with your students about selecting clothing that stays in dress code throughout the day. Thank you for your cooperation!
Reinforcement Ladder for Dress Code
1st-3rd- warning, change clothes, admin conference
4+- lunch detention, change clothes
Parents, please remind your students to bring their IDs every day!
Students must wear their ID badges around their neck all day, every day, and must have them to purchase food, check out library books, get on the bus, and more. Consequences will be given to students who continuously do not wear their IDs at school.
To ensure all students wear their student ID every day, we offer full/original replacements for $5 and temporary (paper format, valid for one week) replacements. To support students in developing the habit of bringing and wearing their ID, the 1st-3rd occurrences for not doing so are warnings. However, any 4th and subsequent occurrences will result in lunch detention. This is aligned with other expectations, including all students bringing their Chromebook to school charged each day. Replacement lanyards & Plastic sleeve replacement - $1 each.
Replacement ID card - $5 - this charge will include a lanyard and plastic sleeve *IF NEEDED*
Additionally, a $5 replacement ID fee will be added to students SchoolCash account after 3 temp tags have been issued.
Student IDs - please review the Student ID expectations with your student. We appreciate your help and support to ensure the safety of our students while they are in our care.
We are grateful to be able to partner with our families to ensure the safety of our students while they are in our care. Thank, you in advance for your support.
Lunch Drop-off for Students
Parents may drop off lunch for their child ONLY. Sharing of outside food is not allowed. Parents please make sure that you are aware of when your students lunch period is in order for your student to be able to pick up their lunch from the front office, and have enough time to eat during the lunch period. UberEats DoorDash, or any other food delivery service is not allowed.
A Lunch 11:29 - 11:56
B Lunch 12:00 - 12:27
C Lunch 12:31 - 12:59
Check-In/ Check-Out
Anytime a student arrives late to school, they must sign in at the attendance office and receive a pass before going to class. If a student needs early dismissal, we ask that the parent notifies the attendance secretary no later than 2:00 pm. Student and parent must sign out at the attendance office prior to leaving school.
Please submit any transportation changes to the Grade Level AP Secretary by 2:00 pm.
Attendance Secretary Information
Ms. Rachel Twardowski
After-School Games/Activities
Parents! Please remind your student of the expectations for Home Games. Students will not be allowed to enter if they are not following the expectations communicated. We appreciate your attention and support! Expectations are communicated daily during school announcements, in our newsletters, as well as posted at the entry of any home games.
In order to enter a game, students MUST go home and later return to be a spectator in a game. No students will be allowed to stay on campus to wait for a game to start. Additionally, to enter a game, students must remain in dress code, including wearing their own school-issued ID badge. No backpacks are allowed at the games. Students must sit within the student section within the bleachers, unless accompanied by an adult. No foul language will be used, and all students will follow the HAWK Core Values at all times. No re-entry is allowed, once students exit the game/ school, they will not be allowed to re-enter. Students may not attend due to excessive tardies (5 or more) and other violation of the student code of conduct. We appreciate your attention to this.
Child Nutrition
Students are required to use their ID badge for every cafeteria transaction. By using their student badge, our system will capture all the account’s activity, allowing parents to view the items purchased. It also will help with making the lunch line flow go a lot faster when students are scanning their IDs.
Intermediate Breakfast: $1.60
Intermediate Lunch: $2.75
Add money to your student's lunch account HERE
Check out the school menu HERE
Student Arrival and Dismissal
Bus Riders
All bus riders will be dropped off in the bus parking lot with the opportunity to eat breakfast. Please do not use the bus parking lot to drop off or pick up students. Bus parking lot is a reserved area for our buses only.
Do you know what bus your student will ride? Check HERE for bus information.
Car Riders
To maximize student safety, student car rider drop off in the morning will take place in the front of the school. No cars will be allowed to drop off in any other areas, other than the coned area in the front of the building. Students will only be allowed to exit the vehicle next to the curb. The outside lane in the front of the building will be for drivers to pull out into the left hand lane to go around and exit. All students who are car riders will enter the building using the designated front doors beginning at 8:40 am. Students who are dropped off at school prior to 8:40 will be unsupervised as staff duty begins at 8:40 am.
Once students enter the building at 8:40 am, they may either eat breakfast in the cafeteria or go to their designated area and wait until the bell rings. No student will go to a classroom unless they have a tutorials pass. The designated areas are as follows: 6th graders in the small gym, 7th graders to the main gym and 8th graders to the cafeteria.
Vapes and E-Cigarettes
Safety remains our priority in Klein ISD. The state of Texas has passed a law that any student caught vaping or in possession of a vaping device at school could be sent to alternative school (DAEP). Parents please take note that the consequences for students have increased greatly. Please see the safety letter that was sent to families for more information.
Thank you for your partnership and for working with us to help every student achieve success and find their purpose.
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
ATTENDANCE UPDATE: Within five days of returning to school, a student who is absent because of a personal illness must bring a statement from a parent , doctor, or health clinic verifying the illness or condition that caused the student’s absence from school.
The academic success of EVERY student at Hofius Intermediate is extremely important to us. Daily school attendance and arriving to each class on time are critical for your student's success. We ask that you be diligent in monitoring your student for regular school attendance. Arriving to school late or leaving early may count as an absence for that class period. You can help in the following ways:
- Speak to your child about the importance of attendance and arriving to school on time everyday.
- Post the school calendar, and plan your vacations and appointments outside of school time.
- Regularly monitor your child's attendance through Klein ISD's Family Access (Skyward).
- Report absences to the school in a timely manner.
- Communicate with the campus regarding any attendance concern.
- Review with your child the Hofius Tardy Policy.
Our expectations is for our Hofius students to be in class on time and prepared and ready to learn! Students are tardy to class if they arrive to class after the tardy bell. Students are subject to disciplinary action for tardiness. If student arrives to class after 15 minutes, then the student is marked ABSENT and is subject to additional disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Consequences for Tardies (tardies reset every 3 weeks)
1st Tardy - Warning
2nd Tardy - Warning
3rd Tardy- Warning and parent phone call home.
4th Tardy - Before School Detention or 2 days lunch detention
5th Tardy- In School Suspension
Tardies will begin to count the week of August 19th.
Go Hawks! Soar to new heights!
Stay Connected!
Hofius Administration
Hofius Intermediate School
Principal: Mr. Jason Anderson
Email: janderson3@kleinisd.net
Website: https://hofius.kleinisd.net/
Location: Hofius Intermediate School, West Rayford Road, Klein, TX, USA
Phone: 832-375-8800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HofiusKISD