Panther Paw

October 25, 2024
Price Website: https://price.cambriansd.org/
Translating Newsletter
This newsletter can be translated into almost any language by clicking the link below then choosing the "translation" button listed in the square black box on the right-hand side.
Este boletín se puede traducir a casi cualquier idioma haciendo clic en el enlace de abajo y luego eligiendo el botón "traducción" que aparece en el cuadro negro sombreado del lado derecho. Translation Link
Dates to Remember
October 25 - Family Night Out | California Fish Grill, Cherry Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA
November 1 - NO SCHOOL | Teacher Professional Development Day
November 11 - NO SCHOOL | Veteran's Day
November 12 - Board Office Hours 6 pm at Price (In room 3)
November 12 - Home & School Club meeting 7 pm (In room 3)
November 15 - 7th Grade Field Trip
November 25-29 - NO SCHOOL | Thanksgiving Break
Admin Update
It was a fun week with Spirit Days and celebrating Red Ribbon Week, pledging to be drug-free. We will be culminating the fun at our Halloween Rally on October 31st. Please be sure to read through our Halloween costume protocols so that your student can wear their costume and enjoy all the fun. This week was also our Redemption Week where students were able to cash in their hard-earned Proudgrams to Spin the Wheel for a $5 gift card, have a pizza party with a friend, and other fun prizes.
We hope your weekend is filled with fun and laughter and that you are enjoying the fall weather.
As always, thank you for all of your support,
Your Admin Team
Family Dinner Night - Tonight!
Family Dinner Night
Friday, Oct 25, 2024, 11:00 AM
California Fish Grill, Cherry Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA
Not sure what to have for dinner tomorrow night? Grab a bite from California Fish Grill and support the Price Home & School Club fundraiser!
You can participate in this fundraiser by:
- Dine in
- Take out
- Delivery
- Pick up
To place your order visit California Fish Grill's online order website. Use the promo code of "FUND2024" and 25% of your meal’s price will be donated back to Price Middle School.
Coach Kirwan's JV Volleyball Team are 2-0 CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Halloween at Price
Price is a fun place to be on Halloween! Students, teachers and staff all dress up to celebrate the occasion. A celebratory rally will also take place. To ensure we all have a fun time, please have your student adhere to the costume rules.
Halloween Costumes:
* Make-up or face-paint is permitted
*Regular school rules regarding the dress code must be followed (ie, clothing must be free of profanity and may not advocate the use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or gange affiliation.)
* Masks may only be worn during the parade.
* Costumes may not be violent or suggestive
* Costumes may not have props or accessories that could be used as weapons (ie, water pistols, fake knives, or swords.)
* Students must show respect for others by not choosing costumes that are insensitive and/or offensive to the diverse backgrounds represented by others at our school.
A reminder that we do not accept drop-offs at school, which includes items like homework, shoes, Chromebooks, food, and PE clothes. Our goal is to encourage students to take responsibility for their own belongings and schoolwork.
To support this, each class is equipped with two loaner Chromebooks for students to use, PE provides loaner clothes and shoes when needed, and all students are eligible for free brunch and lunch.
We appreciate your help in fostering this sense of responsibility in our students. Thank you for your understanding!
There's still time to give....
Spinning the Wheel with Mr. Segovia
Pajama Day
Thank you to everyone for continuing to help keep all of our students safe on their way to and home from school. Just as a reminder to continue to follow all of the parking lot safety measures to ensure all of our students and families are safe.
Everything You Need To Know About Measure BB
Look for Measure BB on your ballot on election day.
Measure BB is the continuation (with no changes) of Measure H, a parcel tax of $94.24 per-parcel/year approved by Cambrian School District voters in June 2018, which supports Transitional Kindergarten through eighth grade students by attracting and retaining quality teachers, continuing core programs in math, science, engineering, technology, reading, music and the arts. Maintaining class sizes and providing physical education programs that promote student health and fitness.
Proceeds from Measure BB may be used to:
Attract and retain highly qualified teachers and support staff who specialize in technology
Continue funding for advanced and core programs in math, science, engineering and technology
Support funding for advanced and core programs in reading, music and the arts
Maintain manageable class sizes
Provide ongoing training and skills development for teachers and staff
Continue funding for physical education programs that promote student health and fitness
Taxpayer Protections:
All Measure BB funds stay local to support CSD instructional programs
The State cannot take Measure BB funding away.
No funds are allowed for administrators' salaries or pensions.
Mandatory annual audits ensure the funds are used as promised.
An exemption from the tax is available for senior property owners 65 years and older.
For more information, visit our website at: www.cambriansd.org
NJHS Proudly Presents: Socktober!
Socktober begins this month!! Donate socks to those who need them most, especially with the cold months coming up. The socks collected will be donated to LiveMoves, a family shelter that currently houses people who are experiencing homelessness in San Jose. Donations will be open from October 7th through November 22nd. Please donate new socks!! Any size, style, and color are accepted!! Donation boxes can be found in rooms 9,10, 23,15, the office, and the library. Spread the gift of socks to those who are in time of great necessity. Thank you for all your generous donations.
Attendance is critical to student success!
Did you know...
- By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
- By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
• Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day.
• Help your children maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
• Try not to schedule dental and non-urgent related medical appointments during the school day.
• Keep your student healthy, and if you are concerned about Covid-19, call your school for advice.
• If your children must stay home because they are sick, make sure they have asked teachers for resources and materials to make up for the missed learning time in the classroom.
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
Price Middle School
Website: https://www.cambriansd.org/Domain/11
Location: 2650 New Jersey Ave, San Jose, CA, USA
Phone: (408)377-2532