Dr. McGann's Newsletter
December 2024
Holiday Wishes & Weather Reminders
Our students have enjoyed a whirlwind of activities this month, including our first snow flurries! As winter weather approaches, now's a good time to review and update your family's contacts in the Genesis system so that you'll be informed and alerted in the event of inclement weather.
'Tis the season to enjoy our school concerts! So many music students have been practicing and rehearsing for their upcoming performances. Please check the monthly events calendar for concert dates and times.
I wish all of our families and community members a most happiest of holidays. I hope all of our students enjoy time with friends and family. Students will have an Early Dismissal on Friday, December 20. Our schools will be closed from December 23 through January 1. We look forward to having our students back on Thursday, January 2. It will be a B Day/Day 6 in the daily schedule.
Budget Development & Town Hall
Community members, staff, and faculty can read information that's been published about the 2025-2026 budget here.
Also, I invite community members, staff and faculty to the first of three town hall meetings on our school district budget. The first is scheduled for Thursday night, December 12, from 6-7:30 p.m. at J.P. Case Middle School. In addition to joining in person, community members can also choose to join virtually with this Zoom link (Webinar ID: 825 4700 3505, Passcode: 829311).
At the Town Hall meeting, I'll be sharing important information about the District’s developing budget and explaining the financial strains that the district is under. Additional sessions will be held on January 27 and February 26. We will be sure to record the meeting and post it on our district website for those of you who want to listen to the meeting at a later date.
Special Highlights
Below are a few initiatives, efforts and happenings that are of importance to note:
- Student Achievement - Our FRSD learning community is working diligently to close achievement gaps between student subgroups. For example, at Barley Sheaf Elementary School, in the Fall of 2024, 38% of Hispanic students performed in the high-achieving green and blue levels on the NWEA MAP Growth Benchmark for Reading compared to 26% in the Fall of 2023. In the Fall of 2024, 45% of Economically Disadvantaged students performed average and high in the yellow, green, and blue levels on the NWEA MAP Growth Benchmark for Reading compared to 37% in the Fall of 2023. Individual student reports can be found on the Genesis portal. Please contact our Director of Technology, Data & Student Assessment Ralph Losanno (ralph.losanno@frsd.us) if you have any trouble locating your child's report.
- Social/Emotional Health - Therapy dogs are a growing part of our district! Therapy dogs in schools foster emotional well-being, reduce stress, and create a calming environment for students. They improve social skills, enhance focus, and support mental health, contributing to a positive school climate and academic success. These loyal companions also promote empathy, making schools more inclusive and supportive for all learners. A discussion about the importance of therapy dogs in elementary schools is up for discussion in Trenton with legislators; A1165 (Murphy/Matsikoudis) establishes a pilot program in the Department of Education to use therapy dogs in public elementary school wellness programs.
- School Shout Out - Project Wisdom, through morning announcements at Reading-Fleming Intermediate School, is a unique program bringing great pride to the Huskies! Using grant funds, RFIS invested in a school-wide character education program, Project Wisdom. Project Wisdom morning messages help encourage students and staff to have a growth mindset to prepare themselves for life’s challenges. Each lesson, read by a Rocky Reader, shares a diverse cultural message from a universal perspective. Project Wisdom helps students make good choices throughout their day at school and home, supporting the RFIS mission statement of “Excellence in Community, Character and Learning.” The delivery of this message is a team effort as there is a rotation of “Rocky’s Readers.” All staff are scheduled to read a Project Wisdom message at least one time during the year. Way to go, Huskies!
Superintendent Ad Hoc Committee Update
Three ad hoc committees have held kick-off meetings to explore and discuss specific topics this year. Here's a recap:
- Family Engagement Committee - Discussed ideas and offered feedback on the 2025-2026 budget, school calendar, district priorities and transportation.
- Preschool Expansion - Discussed ideas and offered feedback on program needs, facility and space constraints, and possible grade level configurations.
- Artificial Intelligence - Discussed ideas and offered feedback on various A.I. capabilities, applications and equity in access.
We're Ready for the Wizards!
Preschool Lottery Reminder
The district's Preschool Lottery opens on January 3 for parents who live in the Flemington-Raritan community and have a child who turns 3 or 4 years old by October 1. Be sure to enter the lottery if you are interested in having your child attend our free, high-quality preschool program. Community members and parents can find more information here.
December 20 - Early Dismissal
December 23-January 1 - School Closed/Winter Break
January 2 - School Resumes
January 3 - Preschool Lottery Opens
February 18 - Kindergarten Registration
Dr. Kari McGann
Email: kari.mcgann@frsd.us
Website: www.frsd.k12.nj.us
Phone: (908) 284-7561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/flemrarschools/
X: @karimcgann