HLD School Improvement Plan 24-25
School Improvement Plan 24-25

School Improvement Plan 24-25
Our school is chasing continual growth for each student by providing a rich, guaranteed Tier 1 experience every day. We are committed to being "all in" by using new approaches and working together in new ways for the sake of our students and their learning.
We commit to:
- excellent instruction through universal use of three of our nine LSSD instructional strategies.
- strengthening the effectiveness of our Collaborative Educator Teams.
- achieving equitable outcomes for each student through effective use of Student Growth Goals.
By committing to these things, we will achieve the following:
- Our goal for literacy is to have 80% of more of our students in grades 3-5 meeting or exceeding standard on the spring English/Language Arts Smarter Balanced Assessment, increasing from 66% (3rd), 57% (4th) and 57% (5th).
- Our goal for math is to have 80% of more of our students in grades 3-5 meeting or exceeding standard on the spring Math Smarter Balanced Assessment, increasing from 66% (3rd), 57% (4th) and 57% (5th).
- 90% of students will respond favorably to questions relating to Sense of Belonging on Panorama assessment. K-2 students will be measured by a tool to be developed by Data Team, with the same goal of 90% responding favorably. This goal is supported by the implementation of new monthly cross age Family Groups which include 100% of our students, inclusive of those served in SLC, daily class meetings and PBIS recognition.
- Multilingual Learners - Our goal for this year is 80% of our students making expected growth in grades 1-5. Although being noted via WSIF as needing improvement in the area of growth for students identified as ML, we are exceeding the district average for growth as measured by WIDA assessment tracking two years of growth. By making expected growth, students are on track to exit the program within 6 years upon entry. This will be supported by ongoing Can Do meetings, the use of Flashlight 360, and increased specialization and training for teachers who lead Multilingual Learner Communities.
We will monitor our progress during the year through:
Data review cycles will provide the opportunity for us to consider each student's progress toward key assessments in ELA and Math. Data will guide interventions which will be provided during What I Need (WIN) Time, with an emphasis on grade levels collaborating on interventions and sharing students when appropriate.
iReady will function as our universal assessment, with specific diagnostic assessments provided to determine skill deficits in literacy (foundational skills) and in math (number sense).
Data will be collected to determine the effectiveness of all interventions regardless of the staff guiding and/or providing the intervention.
These processes will also result in a reduction of referrals to Special Education.
Our Tier One Strategies -- we commit to excellent instruction through the universal use of
Daily class meetings to build skills in Social Emotional Learning (Second Step) and create a sense of belonging for our students. These connections are foundational to our implementation of Tier 1 across areas.
Collaborative Educator Team Work
Data Team and Intervention Team serve to guide the school-wide work to improve outcomes for individuals and groups of students.
We will achieve equitable outcomes for students using Student Growth Goals...
That focus on teacher reflection of the learning process rather than just student achievement
Go beyond quantitative results to focus shared learning of students as well as Collaborative Educator Teams
That elevate and support teachers being innovative in their instruction to best serve their individual student needs, thus closing the achievement gap
February check in
At the midyear point, here is where we are...
June check in
At the end of the year, here is how we did, and the start of our plan is for next year