Benefiting You
4 - Part Webinar Series: Avoid Stress During the STAAR Test
Be on the Lookout!
Each week employees will receive an email offering ways to avoid stress during testing season, with a pre-recorded webinar, presented by our very own district counselors!
Teachers giving the STAAR test during the month of April-May, will have these tools to learn and share not only for themselves, but can also pass along to their students. It's a win-win!
These tools from our experts are not only for teachers but for any employee that may be dealing with stress/anxiety in other areas of their life and can be watch at your own leisure!
Student Support Counselor Highlights:
Monday, April 8: Mindful Tapping, by Jessica Frasier - Dawson High School
Monday, April 15: Mindful Movement, by Melissa McDavid - Turner College & Career High School
Monday, April 22: Testing Anxiety, by Dawn Corya-Hon - Pearland Junior High West
Monday, April 29: Better Sleep for Better Health, by Heather Hamilton, MS, MBA - TRS-BCBS
Exclusive Discounts for Employees on TRS ActiveCare-BCBS Medical Plans!
Employees enrolled in the TRS ActiveCare-BCBS medical plans are able to join Blue Cross Blue Shield's - Blue365 Program for discounts!
A free program from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, offers exclusive health and wellness deals to make maintaining a healthy lifestyle simple and affordable.
Blue365 works with top national and local retailers to bring you unbeatable discounts on fitness gear, gym memberships, vision care, healthy eating options and much more. Save on leading brands like Fitbit®, SKECHERS®, Garmin® and more. Getting started is quick and easy. Plus, after registering, you will receive deals and wellness tips straight to your inbox. Sign up today!
Register now for free at www.Blue365Deals.com
Put your TRS ActiveCare-BCBS medical plan to work by utilizing the plans' WellOn Target program, the Wellness Coaches and Personal Health Guides (PHG) for assistance in coping with allergies this year.
Check out this article on Coping with Texas Allergies from The Pulse, by TRS.
For an interactive map to show the state's allergy and pollen forecasts, click here: Texas Allergy Map | Pollen.com
- To view insurance details for the current plan year, click here Key Points for Insurance 2023
- Para mirar los Puntos De Clave: 2023-24 Elecciones de Seguros, haga clic aquí
- To view insurance plan summaries, get carrier contact information and more, visit: Employee Benefits
FSA: Flexible Spending Account - Medical & Dependent
HSA: Health Savings Account
Calendar Year 2024: Maximum Contribution Limits for FSA & HSA
FSA-Flexible Spending Account: For 2024, there is a $150 increase to the contribution limit for these accounts. An employee who chooses to participate in an FSA can contribute up to $3,200 through payroll deductions during the 2024 plan year. Amounts contributed are not subject to federal income tax, Social Security tax or Medicare tax. Employees can make a change to their FSA contribution during the annual enrollment period.
HSA-Health Savings Account: The HSA contribution limits for 2024 are $4,150 for individuals and $8,300 for families. Those aged 55 and older can contribute an additional $1,000 as a catch-up contribution. Employees can make changes to their HSA contributions throughout the year, but contacting the Benefits Office or emailing their change request to benefits@pearlandisd.org.
According to the district policy, an employee must be on an approved leave of absence, if they need to be out more than five consecutive workdays, or intermittently due to a medical and non-medical reason.
The Benefits Team is able to check FMLA eligibility and assist employees with their leave request for each unique situation. Additional details can be found in the links below:
What happens if an employee uses all their paid leave days?
Employees earn five state and five local days at the beginning of each fiscal year(pro-rated) to use throughout the entire year. Should an employee exhaust all days, and is not on an approved leave of absence, there could be adverse action by their supervisor.
So use your days wisely.
Returning back to work after surgery or medical procedure?
For safety reasons, informing the Benefits Team of a surgery or procedure is ideal. You can bring the doctor's note to us in Human Resources, in case there are restrictions.
Examples of restrictions include but are not limited to: cannot lift, bend, stand, carry, push pull more than a certain amount of weight; needing to wear a boot, cast, sling, use crutches, walker, scooter, etc.
- Leaves & Absences: What You Need to Know
- Leaves Process- Step by Step
- Proceso de Salidas- Paso a Paso
- Leave & Absences: Payroll FAQ
- Leaves FAQs
- Pearland ISD - Compensation and Benefits DEC Legal/Local
- Employee-Handbook-2023-24
Do I use state or local days first?
Payment of Leave at Retirement Full-time employees who retire under the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) guidelines shall be paid for unused local leave in accordance with Board Policy. An example spreadsheet of the Local Leave Pay calculation is available on the district’s intranet, under Business Office Internal Documents.
Pearland Independent School District
Human Resource Services
Email: benefits@pearlandisd.org
Website: https://www.pearlandisd.org/departments/hrs/benefits
Location: 1928 North Main Street, Pearland, TX, USA
Phone: (281) 485-3203