Healthy Generations eNewsletter
November 2020
1. Student Spotlight: How Did Emily Reimer Adapt to COVID-related Changes and Challenges During her Title V Internship Experience?
Emily shares her Title V Internship experience at MDH over the summer. Her work included researching implicit bias training.
2. MCH Trainee Blog Competency #5: Communication
In this blog post, Michelle Slawinski, who is a graduate of University of South Florida (USF) College of Public Health and a Biological Scientist at Florida Department of Health, shares how her experience working in Uganda involved competence in communication. USF also houses one of thirteen Centers of Excellence in MCH, funded by HRSA.
3. Congratulations Rachel Hardeman
Center faculty member Dr. Rachel Hardeman was recently presented with the Courage Award from Planned Parenthood North Central States. The Courage Award honors people or groups of people who boldly advance the values of Planned Parenthood's mission.
4. MCH Students Featured in MCHB Highlights for Title V Work
Current MCH student, Abby Fink, and recent graduate, Liz Corey (‘20), were featured in the Trainee section of MCHB Highlights.
5. MCH Alumnae Featured in AP News Article
6. Jamie Stang Interviewed Regarding New USDA Dietary Guidelines
In this article, Center principal investigator and SPH professor Dr. Jamie Stang answers questions about her work on the USDA dietary guideline committee.
The Center is proud to sponsor the following event:
7. Qualitative Methods Mini-Lab Series: Introduction to Walk-Along
Friday, December 4, 2020┃1:30 - 2:30 PM CST
The final session in the Mini-Lab Learning Lab Series, Introduction to Walk-Along, will be presented by Dr. Carolyn Porta. Each event in the series will focus on qualitative research techniques and methods.
-To register
8. Postpartum Depression in Mothers and Fathers: A Structural Equation Model
This study, based in China, evaluated the risk factors for paternal postpartum depression (PPD) in heterosexual parenting couples. The results showed that both maternal PPD and maternal marital satisfaction were associated with paternal PPD.
9. Telehealth Uptake into Prenatal Care and Provider Attitudes during the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
During a 5 week period in March and April, this study evaluated the uptake and attitudes of providers using telehealth for prenatal care. Results showed that telehealth uptake increased over time and that providers responded positively to the switch. However, results also showed that patients with Medicaid insurance had more challenges using telehealth than patients with private insurance.
10. 2020 Overcoming Racism Conference
Friday, November 13 - Saturday, November 14, 2020┃Times Vary
What does it mean to be “We the People” through an antiracist lens, in these times? How do individuals take back, or claim for the first time in their history, the idea that “all means all” when talking about “We the People”? Participants will generate ideas and actions that can create racially equitable organizations and communities.
11. You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught: Our Classrooms Are Where Our Children Get Their Social Lenses
Thursday, November 19, 2020┃7:00 PM CST
Join the College of Liberal Arts and take a critical look at how curriculum and pedagogy within public and private elementary and secondary classrooms can shift how children view themselves and each other as equally important young citizens.
12. Video Challenge: #spreadinfonotcovid
Help keep Minnesotans Healthy and win $500! Submit your 30-60 second video message engaging young adults to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The #spreadinfonotcovid video challenge encourages BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) and other young folks to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Must be between the ages of 18-25 (upon date of submission) and live in the state of Minnesota. Submissions are due November 30, 2020.
-To submit
13. Art Challenge: NIMHD’s Envisioning Health Equity
The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) is celebrating its 10-year anniversary. As part of the celebration, they are hosting an art competition inviting individuals to submit images (paintings, drawings, photos, digital art, etc.) that represent NIMHD’s vision: a US in which all populations will have an equal opportunity to live long, healthy and productive lives. Submissions are due February 5, 2021.
-To submit and learn more
14. Call for Manuscripts: Advancing Scholarship on Anti-racism within Developmental Science
The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) seeks manuscripts that highlight innovative and high impact developmental science that will inform the development of anti-racism in children within and across contexts, and with attention to developmental stages. Letters of intent are due December 15, 2020.
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