WILDcat Weekly August 20th Edition
Eaton Park Elementary Community Newsletter
What is the WILDcat Weekly?
Parent Survey
Emergency Cards and Student Forms
All emergency cards and student forms were due by August 16th. Please make every effort to complete and turn in all paperwork for your child if you have not done so yet.
Some of our bus routes have changed. Please be sure that all information is up to date on your child's yellow emergency card for transportation purposes. If your child has a change of transportation other than their usual route, you must provide a written note and/or an alternate transportation request form. Please call the front office with any questions.
WILDcat Days
Please be on the look out nightly for your child's behavior log. Please initial nightly on the side of the square which represents the conduct color that they earned for that day.
Virtual Orientation
Please make sure that you click the link below to view our virtual orientation for all of your FAQs!
VPSB Handbook and Eaton Park Elementary Student Handbook
Student handbooks are available to view online. The links are below for your reference. Acknowledgment form booklets have been sent home. Please make every effort to sign all forms in the booklet and send them back to school with your child.
Vermilion Parish Early Dismissal Days
When packing your child's lunches, please be sure that it is a peanut free lunch. This includes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, etc. Thank you for your help with this.
Fundraisers Happening at EPE
The only fundraiser we have going on at this time is the Eaton Park Elementary 2024-2025 spirit shirt sale.
We are also collecting the following:
Important Upcoming Dates:
August 27th: DIBELS
September 4th: Open House for grades 1 and 2 from 5:00-6:00
September 4th: WILDcat Weekly Starts - Red tops can be worn that align to the VPSB dress code policy if your child comes home with a WILDcat Day Card