EHS Principal's Update:Week 21
Monday, January 27, 2025

Good Evening EHS Lion Family,
Hello Lions,
馃帀 It is week 21 of the school year. We are already looking ahead for many events that are in the works. Please keep reading to see everything that is happening.
Back to School Night
Back to School Night is this Wednesday January 29th at 5:30 PM. Parents anonymous and student performing groups will be doing presentations in the small gym. Teachers and clubs will be in the large gym. Our school counselors will be in the wrestling room to help 12th grade students and families with FAFSA applications for college. We look forward to meeting all of your families at this event.
Black College Expo
We still have seats available for the Juniors and Seniors to attend the Black College Expo at SoFi Stadium this Saturday. Over 200 college recruiters will be represented for students to speak with. During this event, most students can return with acceptances and college scholarships that are offered on the spot. This is a great opportunity for students who wish to pursue education after high school. Interested students should visit the activities office for a permission slip.
EHS Talent Show
Join the chocolate factory crew on a delicious journey through the chocolate factory in our Annual Talent Show on Friday January 31, 2025 at 7:00 PM in the EHS theater! Prepare to watch amazing performances from our very own EHS students and EHS Los Leones and Lion Heart Dance! Get a taste of delicious sweet treats just for you鈥檙e enjoyment! We hope to see you at Wonkas Whimsical Talent Show!
We are already looking ahead for Prom! 馃帀 This year's theme is Rio Revel and will be held in the H.W. Hunter Pavillion at the Antelopve Valley Fairgrounds on May 3, 2025. Juniors and Seniors who wish to attend this fun event, need to submit their permission slips before tickets can be purchased. The permission slips are available now for pick up in the activities office or at this link.
Senior Information Packets
Senior information packets are available and will be distributed and reviewed in senior classes. This packet contains important information including dates for graduation, graduation rehearsals, senior grad night, Prom as well as attendance and behavioral expectations for these events. The link to review the digital packet is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f2oQ6tLufkd3QWpBgDD5gWaE5TQpuck9/view. We hope this helps with future planning.
Athletics Events:
Winter sports are in full swing with Girls' and Boys' basketball, soccer, and wrestling. Be sure to check the athletics calendar below for the times of upcoming home games.
As school resumes in January, please keep in mind that regular attendance is key to helping students stay on track for graduation and to building important friendships. Starting in January 2025, students will need to maintain at least 94% attendance during the second semester to take part in fun campus activities like Prom, dances, performances, and athletics. This includes both tardies and unexcused absences.
If a student has an excused absence, it should be cleared through the attendance office. If a student doesn't meet the 94% attendance requirement, they can make up unexcused absences and tardies by attending Saturday School. Additionally, when out of class during class time, all EHS students must have an On Campus Pass signed by a staff member to avoid being truant. Parents/Guardians must clear all student unexcused absences by emailing ehs-attendance@avhsd.org or call the EHS Attendance office at 661-946-3800 ext. 1045 to avoid their student being marked truant.Thanks for your continued support in encouraging students to attend class and stay engaged!
Academic Support
As always, tutoring is available for students seeking academic support. After School tutoring is available for all student Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:40pm - 4:30pm. Before school tutoring is available Monday-Friday from 7:40 am - 8:40 am. Also, please mark your calendars for Saturday School dates for quarter 3 and quarter 4 which are posted below.
Have a great week lions!
Blake Stanford
EHS Principal
Hola Leones,
馃帀 隆Es la semana 21 del a帽o escolar! Ya estamos preparando muchos eventos que est谩n en marcha. Por favor, sigan leyendo para ver todo lo que est谩 ocurriendo.
Noche de Regreso a Clases
La Noche de Regreso a Clases ser谩 este mi茅rcoles 29 de enero a las 5:30 PM. Los Padres An贸nimos y los grupos de actuaci贸n estudiantil estar谩n haciendo presentaciones en el gimnasio peque帽o. Los maestros y los clubes estar谩n en el gimnasio grande. Nuestros consejeros escolares estar谩n en el sal贸n de lucha libre para ayudar a los estudiantes de 12潞 grado y sus familias con las solicitudes FAFSA para la universidad. 隆Esperamos conocer a todas sus familias en este evento!
Expo de Universidades Afroamericanas
Todav铆a tenemos asientos disponibles para los estudiantes de tercer y cuarto a帽o (Juniors y Seniors) que deseen asistir al Expo de Universidades Afroamericanas en el Estadio SoFi este s谩bado. M谩s de 200 reclutadores universitarios estar谩n presentes para hablar con los estudiantes. Durante este evento, la mayor铆a de los estudiantes pueden regresar con aceptaciones y becas universitarias que se ofrecen en el momento. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para los estudiantes que desean continuar su educaci贸n despu茅s de la preparatoria.
Los estudiantes interesados deben visitar la oficina de actividades para recoger un permiso.
Show de Talentos de EHS
脷nanse a la tripulaci贸n de la f谩brica de chocolate en un delicioso viaje por la f谩brica de chocolate en nuestro Show de Talentos Anual, el viernes 31 de enero de 2025, a las 7:00 PM en el teatro de EHS. Prep谩rense para disfrutar de incre铆bles presentaciones de nuestros propios estudiantes de EHS, Los Leones de EHS y el grupo de danza Lion Heart Dance. 隆Habr谩 deliciosos dulces para su disfrute! 隆Esperamos verlos en el Show de Talentos "Wonka鈥檚 Whimsical Talent Show"!
隆Ya estamos planificando el Prom! 馃帀 El tema de este a帽o ser谩 Rio Revel y se llevar谩 a cabo en el Pabell贸n H.W. Hunter en los terrenos de la Feria de Antelope Valley el 3 de mayo de 2025. Los estudiantes de tercer y cuarto a帽o que deseen asistir a este divertido evento deben entregar sus permisos antes de poder comprar boletos. Los formularios de permiso ya est谩n disponibles para recoger en la oficina de actividades o en este enlace.
Paquetes de Informaci贸n para los Seniors
Los paquetes de informaci贸n para los seniors ya est谩n disponibles y ser谩n distribuidos y revisados en las clases de 煤ltimo a帽o. Este paquete contiene informaci贸n importante, incluidas las fechas de graduaci贸n, ensayos de graduaci贸n, noche de seniors, Prom, as铆 como las expectativas de asistencia y comportamiento para estos eventos. El enlace para revisar el paquete digital est谩 aqu铆: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f2oQ6tLufkd3QWpBgDD5gWaE5TQpuck9/view. Esperamos que esto ayude en la planificaci贸n futura.
Eventos Atl茅ticos
Los deportes de invierno est谩n en pleno apogeo con baloncesto, f煤tbol y lucha libre para chicas y chicos. Aseg煤rense de revisar el calendario de atletismo a continuaci贸n para ver los horarios de los pr贸ximos partidos en casa.
Con el regreso a clases en enero, recuerden que la asistencia regular es clave para ayudar a los estudiantes a mantenerse en camino para graduarse y construir amistades importantes. A partir de enero de 2025, los estudiantes deber谩n mantener al menos un 94% de asistencia durante el segundo semestre para participar en actividades divertidas en el campus, como el Prom, bailes, presentaciones y deportes. Esto incluye tanto tardanzas como ausencias injustificadas.
Si un estudiante tiene una ausencia justificada, debe ser aclarada a trav茅s de la oficina de asistencia. Si un estudiante no cumple con el requisito del 94% de asistencia, puede compensar las ausencias injustificadas y tardanzas asistiendo a la Escuela de S谩bados. Adem谩s, cuando est茅n fuera de clase durante el horario escolar, todos los estudiantes de EHS deben tener un Pase de Permiso en el Campus firmado por un miembro del personal para evitar ser marcados como ausentes. Los padres/tutores deben aclarar todas las ausencias injustificadas enviando un correo a ehs-attendance@avhsd.org o llamando a la oficina de asistencia de EHS al 661-946-3800 ext. 1045 para evitar que su estudiante sea marcado como ausente injustificado. 隆Gracias por su continuo apoyo para alentar a los estudiantes a asistir a clases y mantenerse comprometidos!
Apoyo Acad茅mico
Como siempre, est谩 disponible la tutor铆a para los estudiantes que necesiten apoyo acad茅mico. La tutor铆a despu茅s de clases est谩 disponible para todos los estudiantes los lunes, mi茅rcoles, jueves y viernes de 3:40 PM a 4:30 PM. La tutor铆a antes de clases est谩 disponible de lunes a viernes de 7:40 AM a 8:40 AM. Adem谩s, marquen sus calendarios con las fechas de Escuela de S谩bados para los trimestres 3 y 4 que se encuentran a continuaci贸n.
隆Que tengan una excelente semana, Leones!
Blake Stanford
Director de EHS
Saturday School
Quarter 3 Saturday Schools will be as follows:
January 25- https://forms.gle/8faWrvEiK5JmsUuz5
February 1- https://forms.gle/CAD6As9VxipQztW46
February 22- https://forms.gle/5EnUKY7VDGA3cTvYA
March 8- https://forms.gle/w4HTnzpkoxzoaSeH7
March 15- Super Saturday -https://forms.gle/sCLN9ahP5cj7V51y9
March 22- https://forms.gle/rch7wpTXMsV66ypT6
Quarter 4 Saturday Schools will be as follows:
April 5- https://forms.gle/c1QJzEK53QZxdjmr9
April 12- https://forms.gle/2hWBsy7AnH7MZMzz8
April 19- https://forms.gle/U4NBUgKoZYNLm7QN8
April 26- https://forms.gle/xM9pXepAw6AkLqpM8
May 3- https://forms.gle/XyPXoBMTphQJm59u8
May 10- https://forms.gle/BkYnB8j2xZ1tXNqf6
May 17 Super Saturday -https://forms.gle/xgKPGeuTV9QnfBS58
Congratulations Eastside!
Eastside High School
EHS Instagram @eastsidehs_lions
Email: bstanford@avhsd.org
Website: https://www.eastsidehs.org/
Location: 3200 East Avenue J 8, Lancaster, CA, USA
Phone: 661-946-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastsidehs/
Stay informed with the weekly Eastside Extra and The Lion's Roar
Every week our EHS Digital Video Production students plan, film, produce, and edit a weekly video bulletin called The Eastside Extra to keep the EHS Lion family informed. We also have a student journalism club (The Den Writers) that produces an ENewspaper called The Lion's Roar. Be sure to subscribe to their channel to see the latest issue using the links below.
Click the links below for the most uptodate community news and happenings.
AVHSD Planner
AVHSD is pleased to offer students a Student Digital Planner App. The digital planner app is now live in both the Apple and Google appstores! Simply search for "AVUHSD Planner, " to add to your devices. You can also click on the individual links below:
AVHSD Planner
AVHSD se complace en ofrecer a los estudiantes una aplicaci贸n de planificaci贸n digital para estudiantes. 隆La aplicaci贸n de planificaci贸n digital ya est谩 disponible en las tiendas de aplicaciones de Apple y Google! Simplemente busque "AVUHSD Planner" para agregarlo a sus dispositivos. Tambi茅n puede hacer clic en los enlaces individuales a continuaci贸n:
Graduation Prep!
Visit www.jostens.com to order NOW!
Order by Oct. 16th for BIGGEST SAVINGS and receive most product on Nov. 7th at a senior celebration delivery!
Checkout our best package here which includes a Class Ring
https://jostens-sandusky.typeform.com/to/sNJL6ckC $130 SAVINGS.
Text JOSTENS at 661.414.0370 for more info.
Anti Bullying, drug, and violence anonymous Reporting
Social Emotional Student Support
Some examples of Student Support Groups offered at EHS are:
Mood Group, Anxiety, Life Skills, Anger Management, Grief/Loss, Conflict Resolution, and Substance Abuse.
You can also use the form to suggest a group your student may benefit from.
Attention Parents of Seniors!
Stay informed on student GRADES & ATTENDANCE
EHS parents/guardians have three options for viewing their student's grades, assignments, and attendance.
- AV High School District App (Lion Link) - This app gives you new, information, as well as your student's progress. It is available on both the Apple App Store and Google App Store. When in the app store, search for AVUHSD and download the app.
- PowerSchool App - This app ties right into your PowerSchool Parent Portal. You will get live updates on grades, assignments, and attendance. This app is also found on the Apple App Store and Google App Store. Search for PowerSchool and use district code: NWMZ.
- PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://powerschool.avhsd.org/public
There are some helpful links below to get your PowerSchool Parent Portal account set up for the school year.
How to clear student absences
Know any eighth graders who might be interested in joining our EHS Biomedical Academy? Have them sign up using THIS LINK.
EHS Film Pathway
EHS Education and Social Service Academy
ESSCA will prepare you to pursue a career as:
Social Service Worker (Social Worker)
Students will:
Interact with and learn from experts in your desired field
Gain first hand experience through an internship working in local schools and social services
Enjoy exclusive ESSCA field trips
Enjoy exclusive guest speakers