Creek Lookout
July 31st, 2024 Vol. 4 Iss. 1

Hello Creek Families,
Thank goodness for a few warm days and some sunshine. Kids were able to get outside a little and we are grateful.
We are deep in the throes of Interim Assessments so this is just a reminder of the importance of attendance.
Thanks for all you do!
Mrs. Golden and Mr. Malaschak
Mrs. Golden
Mr. Malaschak
Important Dates at PCE
February 11 - Class Parties
February 12-13 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
February 12-17 - No School
March 4th - 4th Grade Purple team concert (Halterman, Ladish, Nolan, Wagner)
March 5th - 4th Grade White team concert (Catron, Eikenbary, Krusoe, Stockton)
⌚📱 Electronic Devices Policy 📱⌚
As a reminder, Smart watches are not allowed on state assessments...please keep them at home.
🚶🚌 🚗 Transportation Changes 🚗 🚌🚶
REMINDER: All transportation changes are due by 2:00pm. After that time, we cannot guarantee the change will be able to be made.
🧣⛄ Recess and Winter Clothing ⛄🧣
💘 Kids Helping Kids 💘
These 3rd and 4th graders used creativity and compassion to make Valentines and goody bags for children in the hospital. 💘
🎉 HYPE Squad! 🎉
Our Piper Creek Staff can nominate colleagues for being part of our HYPE SQUAD. They exhibit positivity, creativity, collaboration and relationships with their classes and colleagues! WAY TO GO Piper Creek! This week our winners are
❗❗ Lunch Announcements ❗❗
Please do not DoorDash food for your students. Fast food is not allowed.
🎯 K-5 Transition Information 🎯
Please click the photo below to be directed to the slideshow from the K-5 transition meeting.
💜 Dance Clinic 💜
🌍🛫 Piper Students: Ready for an Adventure? 🛫🌍
Join us for an unforgettable journey! Your middle school student could explore JAPAN in Summer 2026!
Parent Info Meeting: Thursday, January 30th @ 6:30 PM
Location: Register for the info meeting for details at https://rsvp.eftours.com/jxeam38
Discover how these trips can expand your horizons, boost your confidence, and create lifelong memories. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!
Registration for the info meeting is mandatory - > https://rsvp.eftours.com/jxeam38 Interested but can’t make the info meeting? Register by clicking “No, but send info.”
See you there! ️
The Piper School District is proud to support our military families! We are excited to announce that we are creating a dedicated Military Families Network to keep you informed, connected, and supported. By signing up, you'll receive important updates, exclusive resources, and opportunities tailored to our military families.
To join, simply fill out a quick form with your name, contact information, and the first and last name and grade level of your students. Thank you for your service and for being a valued part of the Piper community!
📞 New Phone System 📞
We have a new phone system at Piper Creek. Please follow the following prompts to be routed to the correct person:
1-Transportation Changes. This is for letting us know your child will be going home a different way than their regular dismissal.
2-Attendance Line. This is for letting us know your child will be absent; whether it is illness, out of town or other.
3-Nurse. This is if you need to speak to the nurse about your child's illness. This option is not for reporting an absence.
4-Food Service. This is if you have a question about your balance or if there is a question about the lunches.
5-Bus Company. This is if you have any issues with the bus. A late bus, a missed bus, a behavior to report.
0-Secretaries. This is for any option not covered above.
🚨 Safety Drills 🚨
We take safety very seriously here at Piper Creek. After talking with some families we decided to share with you after we have completed our drills so you can continue those safety talks at home. Thank you for all of your support.
🎈 Cultural Fair 🎈
🎨 Notes from Art 🎨
👟 IMPORTANT Note From PE! 👟
💻 Notes from STEM & Technology 🔬
🎵 Notes from Music 🎵
🩺 Notes From The Nurse 🩺
Notes from the Nurse’s office:
If your child needs to take medication at school, the forms can be found on the district website under the Health Services Department. Every student must have this form filled out for each medication prior to it being administered at school.
All medication must be in the original, labeled and sealed container from the pharmacy.
Medication can not be sent with your student on the bus.
As always, if your child is ill or requires medication for illness prior to coming to school, please keep them home.
Thank you for trusting me to care for your child!!
Kris Knefel, RN
Kansas Department for Children and Families Family Mobile Crisis Helpline
👍 Make a Difference! 👍
Morgan Hunter is looking for substitute teachers and can offer a flexible schedule and competitive pay! If you are interested in subbing in Piper, please click here: https://morganhuntereducation.com/
💜🏈 PIRATES! Go! Fight! WIN!! 🏈💜
It is great to see the enthusiasm and excitement the Piper community has for supporting our students’ athletics and activities. Attending these events is a great way to come together to show school and community spirit. We thank you for your support of our students, coaches, and activity supervisors.
As our district has continued to grow over the past several years, so have crowds at district events. The larger crowds make supervision of unsupervised youth even more difficult. We have had a few concerning issues where student safety has been compromised.
In an effort to provide a safe, positive and fun fan experience, parental supervision of middle school and elementary school students will be required at ALL district functions for the 2024-25 school year (unless otherwise noted by the building principal or other administrator). Middle school and elementary school student MUST attend games with a parent, guardian, or trusted adult. Unsupervised students will not be permitted to enter the events.
For football games, as per last year, the expectation is that young people sit in the stands with their parent or guardian or on the hill with staff supervision. Students will be able to access concessions and restroom facilities without supervision but will be directed back to their seats to enjoy the game.
Thank you for helping us with these updated procedures to help make Piper USD 203 athletics and activities a safe and positive experience for all.
Click here to find information about before or after school child care at Piper Creek. Y Care is run by the YMCA of Greater Kansas City, not Piper School District.
Friday Late Start at Y-Care - Sign Up
Sign up here: Friday Late Start Y-Care
Piper Creek Staff 2024-2025
Office Staff
Jenny Golden: jenny.golden@piperschools.us
Jason Malaschak: jason.malaschak@piperschools.us
Front Desk
Chelsea Koenig - registrar: chelsea.koenig@piperschools.us
Missy Hurrelbrink - accounting: missy.hurrelbrink@piperschools.us
Morgan Crusoe: morgan.crusoe@piperschools.us
Nicole Dugan: nicole.dugan@piperschools.us
We will still be Piper Creek Elementary School!
Website: www.piperschools.com
Location: 4420 N. 107th Street, Kansas City, KS 66109
Phone: 913-721-5000