Indian Insight
16th Edition
Summer School
NEW this summer - credit recovery will only be available in the month of June. The form to sign-up for Summer School will be sent out after Spring Break.
A+ Program Information
Talent Show
If you signed up for the Talent Show please pick a time below for auditions!
One more opportunity for auditions on March 7th!
Remember to see Ms. Ingersoll about scholarship opportunities - don't delay!
Graduation Date: May 18th
Time: 6:00 PM
Project Graduation will take place after graduation - Time: TBD
CLASS MEETING - MONDAY, March 10TH @ 11:40
Gowns & Announcements
If you owe a balance or to find out if you owe, please contact Jostens or visit The Graduation Center website. You can pay over the phone or online: 636-230-7350 or thegraduationcenter.com
Every year, the Pacific High School yearbook captures the moments, achievements and memories that make the school year unforgettable.
Start (or continue!) the tradition of celebrating your student’s journey.
Order their 2025 yearbook today!
Yearbooks are sold on a first-come basis and while supplies last.
A message from Pacific High School
Help us make a difference in the lives of our over 3,000 Pre-K through 12th grade students. Jobs available now and for next school year. Start the process of finding your home in #MVNation today! Questions? Visit bit.ly/JOINMVR3 for more info, email a member or our HR Department, or call our Central Office at 636-271-1400. #GrowingTogether
Power Lunch
Power lunch, first and foremost, is an academic time of day. You don't need to be failing a course to receive assistance! Anyone can go see core content experts during A lunch or any teacher during office hours. IF students are all caught up on assignments there are other activities students can participate in on power lunch days.
Meal Benefits
Directions to fill out the application: Log in to Infinite Campus, click on more on the left hand side, click on meal benefits, and you can click on the button to fill out the application.
If you haven't already, please download the MVR3 App! Rooms will be coming to the app this year. This will be a district wide two way communication opportunity!
School breakfast & lunch
PHS Activities
Download the activity scheduler app to see the High School calendar and athletic schedule.
Looking Down the Road
3/6 ~ Together We Grow Night @ 5:30 PM
3/7 ~ Graduation Gown & Announcement distribution
3/7 ~ Last Talent Show Audition
3/15 - 3/22 ~ Spring Break
Keith Orris
Email: korris@mvr3.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.mvr3.k12.mo.us/o/phs
Location: 425 Indian Warpath Drive, Pacific, MO, USA
Phone: (636) 271-1414
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PHSINDIANPRIDE/