HMS 8 Weekly Newsletter
March 6-March 12
Principal's Note
Pre-enrollment for high school is next Monday and Tuesday, March 6th and 7th during the school day. Each POD will be bussed over to the high school to visit with staff and student leadership, tour the school, and pre-enroll per the schedule below. If your student is absent or unable to attend on their day, HHS counselors will be at HMS8 on Wednesday, March 8th in the morning to enroll them. Please note that this does NOT take the place of 8th Grade Open House at Hutch High on Tuesday, March 7th at 7:00pm. We encourage all parents and students planning to attend Hutch High next year to come to this event to learn more about Hutchinson High School. Please contact HMS 8 or HHS offices with any questions. Thank you.
- Blue POD - Monday morning, 3/6/23:
- Depart HMS8 at 8:20am
- Return at 10:40am.
- Gold POD - Monday afternoon, 3/6/23:
- Depart HMS8 at 12:35pm
- Return at 2:55pm.
- SILVER POD - Tuesday morning, 3/7/23:
- Depart HMS8 at 8:20am
- Return at 10:40am.
A student's POD is determined by their Science teacher.
- Blue POD = Ms. Otto
- Gold POD = Mr. Wells
- Silver POD = Mrs. Dingler
Spring Sports Physical Reminder:
Spring Sports Tryouts and Practices are right around the corner. Your student must have a current Physical on File to attend Tryouts and participate. Please find the attached Physical packet here.
Weekly Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Weekly Calendar of Events and Birthdays
Weekly Activities:
7:00 PM District Wide Orchestra Concert @ Memorial Hall
7:00 PM HHS Open House @ Hutchinson High School in the Performing Arts Center
4:00-5:30 PM HMS Soccer Tryouts @ Salthawk Soccer Complex
No School
8:00 AM Instrumental Music Festival @ HMS 7
4:00-5:30 PM HMS Soccer Tryouts @ Salthawk Soccer Complex
(Transportation to Fields not provided due to School not being in session)
4:00-5:30 PM HMS Soccer Tryouts @ Salthawk Soccer Complex
Peek at Next Week:
**Please note that there is No School Monday, March 13 through Friday, March 17 due to Spring Break. School will be back in session on Monday, March 20**
3/6: Morgan Most
3/9: Haleigh Ward
3/10: Casey Chadwick
And Happy Birthday to all of our Spring Break Birthdays:
3/13: River Duerksen, Yahir Ruiz Andrade, Justina Denison
3/16: Arianna Brooks, Aiden Valdois, Jean Dingler
3/17: Jesse Parker
3/18: Heather McClure
3/19: Dylan Graves
Door Duty and Supervision:
AM: Commons/Hallway/Gym
PM: Outside East/Outside Front/ZAP
Friday School Supervision:
Spirit Week
Tri 2 Honor Rolls
HMS Yearbook
Students of the Week
Save the Dates
- March 8-10-Soccer Tryouts
- March 9-No School
- March 13-March 17-Spring Break-No School
- March 20-1st Day of Track, Boys Tennis and Soccer Practice
- March 24-Bite of Reality
- March 31-HMS 8 Dance
- April 7-No School
Salthawk Dance Team
HHS Cheerleading Tryouts
HHS Color Guard Tryouts
Buhler Drivers Education Program
Hutchinson Middle School 8
Email: eckhoff.camille@usd308.com
Website: https://www.usd308.com/o/hms-8
Location: 200 West 14th Avenue, Hutchinson, KS, USA
Phone: 620-615-4800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HMS8HAWKS/