St. Paul Chong Hasang Bulletin
Sunday, October 6, 2024
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today is the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. God created us as man and woman and brought us together to form a family, setting it as a principle to harmonize everything in love.
Let’s ask God, our Creator, to help us not to separate what He has united.
Father Michael's Feast Day Mass
On Sunday, September 29, our church celebrated Father Michael’s Feast Day. The CCD and YG PTO presented flowers and a small gift as a token of appreciation for Father Michael's dedicated service. During his heartfelt thank-you speech, Father Michael shared a touching analogy, comparing each of us to an island.
He emphasized the importance of visiting one another’s islands, not only to build stronger relationships but also to understand the unique stories and experiences that shape our lives.
His words reminded us that, while we each have our own journey, it’s through connection and community that we truly grow.
Thank you, Father Michael, for all your inspiring homilies, love, and compassion!
October Mission Sunday Second Collection
Every year, the Catholic Church designates the Sunday before the last in October as "Mission Sunday" to remind us of our role in supporting the Church’s mission work around the world. It’s a chance to raise awareness and offer help to missionaries and churches in areas that need it most.
We’re asking for your prayers and contributions to support the dedicated missionaries spreading the message of Jesus, and to assist churches in mission territories that need extra help.
Your generosity will make a big difference.
Collection Dates: October 19, 20
Holy Fire Chicago 2024
All 7th and 8th-grade Confirmation candidates are required to attend Holy Fire on Saturday, November 2, 2024, at Credit Union 1 Arena. The event runs from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM (Doors open at 8:15 AM).
Please register by Sunday, October 6. The ticket cost is $40, and St. Paul will cover the bus transportation fee and provide lunch. To register, please use the link below, and submit your payment for the tickets directly to the YM Office in cash or by check before or after the 10:30 AM Mass.
For more details, feel free to contact the YM Office.
SPYG Bake Sale
Get ready to treat yourself!
The Youth Group will be selling delicious homemade goodies.
Don't miss out—come grab a sweet treat and support our amazing young bakers!
Date: Sunday, October 6, after Mass
Clothing Donation Drive
The Youth Group and CCD will collect clean, gently used clothes for St. Vincent de Paul.
Donation Dates: October 13th and 20th (before and after Mass)
Please place your donations in the boxes located in the church lobby.
For more details, please contact your class room moms.
We encourage everyone to participate and share your generosity!
<CCD & YG> Important Dates to Remember
SPYG Bake Sale
Date: Sunday, October 6, after Mass
Clothing Donation Drive
Date & Time: Sunday, October 13 & 20 before and after Mass.
Location: Church Lobby
Safe Environment Training
Date & Time: Sunday, October 20
Holy Fire 2024
Date & Time: Saturday, November 2, 9:30AM ~ 3PM
Location: Credit Union 1 Arena (525 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, IL 60607)
Volunteer Sign-Up Link
Reading Volunteer Sign-Up
Parish Announcements
Office Closure Notice
Please note that due to participation in the Chicago Diocese training, the office will be closed on Wednesday, October 16.
Launch of the Ha Sang Golf Club
President: Joseph Won
Vice President: Andrea Jin
Treasurer: Elizabeth Kim
Father Michael’s Golf Tournament
Date: Sunday, October 6 , 12:30 PM
Location: Foss Park Golf Course, 3124 Argonne Dr., North Chicago
Participation Fee: $60 ($40 for green fee + dinner)
Awards and Dinner: Social Hall/Cafeteria
Registration/Contact: Joseph Won, 847.912.3084
2024 Mexico Medical Mission Fundraiser (Social Services Committee)
From October 13-19, there will be a medical and volunteer mission trip to Mexico. A donation box has been set up to help purchase supplies. Your support, interest, and prayers are greatly appreciated.
Rev. Sungjae Hwang
Sr. Insook Han and Sr. Migyeong Kim