Week of January 27: Bobcat News
From the desk of Principal C.
January 2025
School Appreciation days
National School Board Appreciation month: Thank you Mr. Josh Edmond for your community leadership and continuous dedication to our school. We appreciate you!
Jan. 20: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
What's happening at the Bouch!
1/27: Beta fundraiser ends- turn in all collections in as soon as possible
1/31: Celebrating the 100th day of school
- reminder flyer to be sent home to show ways your child can participate
Preparing to celebrate Black History Month 2025
Black History Month (BHM) is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of African Americans in the United States.
If your child has a special talent singing or performing and would like to showcase that talent at the next grade level assembly, please reach out by this Friday to Mrs. Terry, librarian.
Be on the lookout for more information about how our school will celebrate in the month of February.
AR (Accelerated Reader)/Library
9W3: ends March 13, 2025
AR reward: Nachos and Jean
How to earn the reward: Meet all 3 goals (points, percentage, and reading levels)
Principal C.'s AR Point club- ends May 9 (data below updated weekly)
25 points- earn a book grab bag
- Basil B.
- Mallorie O.
- Khristian R.
- Mali W.
- Ava T.
- Emelie C.
- Randy B.
- Jett L.
added week of 12/1
- Demin E.
- Ava M.
added week of 12/8
- Parker H.
- Kharter N.
- Bailey L.
added week of 12/15
- Saige W.
- Jayceon S.
- Isaiah P.
- Kanna M.
- Mikiya J.
- Carrigan A.
- Haley A.
added week of 1/13
- Ian B.
- Dacoby C.
- Kason D.
50 points- popcorn and drink
- Basil B.
- Mallorie O.
200 points- earn a T-shirt
400 points- Lunch off campus with Principal C. and Mrs. Terry
Counselor's Corner
New Month, New CORE Value: Resilient
A resilient person is someone who has a GROWTH MINDSET.
A "growth mindset" means believing that your intelligence and abilities can grow and improve with effort and practice, like a muscle you can strengthen through exercise, rather than being fixed traits you are born with; it encourages embracing challenges, learning from mistakes, and persisting even when things get tough, which is a key concept to instill in young elementary school students to help them succeed in their learning journey.
How to foster a growth mindset at home:
- Ask open-ended questions: Encourage your child to explain their thinking process and problem-solving strategies.
- Set challenging goals: Help your child set achievable goals that push them slightly outside their comfort zone.
- Celebrate progress, not just perfection: Acknowledge small improvements and effort, not just the final outcome.
- Model a growth mindset: Share your own learning experiences and how you overcome challenges.
- Read books about growth mindset: There are children's books that explain the concept of a growth mindset in an age-appropriate way.
Your input is needed!
Please take a moment to fill out our Family survey. Your feedback is so important to us and completing the survey helps us to continue receiving funding.
It only takes about five minutes to finish. Click the link below to support the Bouch!
Big Brothers, Big Sisters partnership
We are incredibly happy to have so many students sign up for the BBBS program. Their team is currently working on interviewing students to find their perfect match!
Growth, Opportunity, Safety, Culture Highlights
9W2 perfect attedance- 26 students achieved this honor
Students will be rewarded sometime this week with a sweet treat!
Attendance recovery:
If your child is absent from school, he or she is missing vital information which will prepare them to master on grade level content by the end of the school year. Attendance recovery is offered on our campus as an opportunity for students to remain after school three days a week to work on assignments to help close learning gaps created by absences. Mrs. Trahan, asst. principal, is the lead for attendance/truancy on our campus. Please reach out to her if you received a message from her regarding your child's attendance.
Extended learning:
If your child is determined to meet the criteria to attend after school extended learning, you should have received an invite last week. Please highly considering your child to extended learning.
- Deadline to submit permission slip for bus transportation is 1/15
- Deadline to submit permission slip to participate is 1/21
- Start date is 1/21