we@sel * November
student support services sd57 * social emotional learning
Hello all!
In the flyer you and your kids will find tips on making friends, handy posters, a video in french and english with ideas for school success, an audio link on anxiety in children and community resources. It is Remembrance Day coming up, a lovely video clip at the end. Everything is clickable and don't forget to browse the pinterest families and teen sites too. I hope you all have a nice November!
Linda Campbell
student support services counsellor
how to help your help your child make friends
Posters from Second-Step * Click and Print
Second-Step Posters
How to Calm Down
Problem-Solving Steps
Friends can make life so much better! They make us laugh, and they are there for us when we’re down.
Friendship skills: suggestions for families
making friends - for kids
When you meet someone, you don't know whether that person is going to become a good friend, so you have to be a bit careful at first. Friendship is like planting a seed that you've found. You are not quite sure what is going to come up so you have to watch it carefully and nurture (look after) it.
community resources
Prince George Child Care Resource and Referral CCRR offers parenting information, workshops and links parents to child care providers in the community. Free consultations, support and referral services are available to parents. Forms and assistance with child care Subsidy available
Contact 250-563-2483 or ccrr@nbcy.orgwww.childcarechoices.ca
Prince George Healthy Weights for
Children: Shapedown BC
Group based programs that help youth (age 6-17) and their families develop meaningful lifestyles changes that lead to healthy weight management, improved physical health and emotional wellbeing. Supported by a multidisciplinary team, the programs use family therapy, exercise, nutrition and behavioural techniques to help families identify and problem-solve their unique challenges to healthy eating and active living. Suitable for youth with complex weight management issues (BMI > 97% or 85-97% with co morbidities) No cost. Referral required from Physician
Contact: 250-565-5825
or Arkell.Wiley@northernhealth.ca
Prince George Kidsport
City of Prince George Part of a provincial and national network providing financial assistance to children and youth who need it to participate in sport programs. Grants of up to $100 per child per year for sport registration fees are offered.Application forms available at the Community Services Dept. at City Hall, 1100 Patricia Blvd. Contact Community Services http://princegeorge.ca/cityliving/recreation/kidsportprogram/Pages/Default.aspx
Linda Campbell
Email: lcampbell@sd57.bc.ca
Location: Prince George, BC, Canada
Twitter: @weaselwe