Liberty Link
July edition
The 2024-2025 school year is upon us!
We are so excited to welcome you back to Liberty Elementary. We hope your summer was restful & gave families the opportunity to spend some time together. Please review this newsletter for helpful information as we begin our new school year together.
While teachers are not yet back in the building, our office staff is here and available! The best way to reach me is to email me if you have questions or concerns that you would like to discuss. Give your kids a BIG HUG from me & tell them I can't wait to see them!
Mrs. Heidi Hennigar
Liberty Principal
Don't Miss Back to School Night!
Back to School Night: August 13th
Additionally, we welcome you to visit Kona Ice, which will be located by our playground area, after visiting the classrooms. Items are available for purchase and range from $3-$6. Please be sure to enjoy these outside, so that we can keep the building clean for the first day of school!
Popsicles on the Playground
School Supplies
Our supply list is below. If you are unable to purchase those items, please reach out to us and we will ensure that your child has what they need. We have a generous community and can assist with school supplies, backpacks, and clothing/ shoes for school if requested. You can call our front office or email me, our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Kristin Bonez, or our school counselor, Mrs. Lindsay Stainko to request assistance.
Who's my teacher?
Skyward - After August 9th, log in to the Skyward Parent Access Portal. Once you have logged in, click on the SCHEDULE tab. There you will find a Homeroom course with the teacher name listed.
*Please note that we will no longer be posting class lists on outside doors of the school in keeping with district regulations.
Once you see who your teacher is, learn a little more about them on our website! On the "Classrooms" tab, you can click on the appropriate grade level to see a picture and learn more about the teachers. Click on the chalkboard picture and it will take you directly there. Please note: this will be updated & finalized with our newest staff members by August 9th.
Elementary School Day Schedule
Our school doors will open at 7:10 AM each day, which is when we will start operating our car line.
Construction Zone
There has been a huge amount of construction that took place not only over the last school year, but over the summer, as well. We anticipate continuing to see improvements to areas all the way up until the beginning of the school year.
If you would like to take a look at the newly remodeled building, we will have a community open house in the evening on September 16th. This will be self-guided. More information will be forthcoming on that!
Liberty FAQ
New to Liberty or need a little refresher?
Although teachers are given the freedom to create their own classroom procedures and expectations within their own classrooms, we do have some specific school guidelines and rules that we follow. In each area of the school, there are “ROAR” expectations for how students are expected to behave. ROAR stands for: Responsible, Operating Safely, Active Listening, and Respect. We review these on a regular basis. They’re a general code of conduct for places like the bus, the hallway, the cafeteria, and the playground.
I encourage you to look at our student handbook (linked here) for more information about expectations for all elementary school students. We also have more specific school-wide rules that are specific to Liberty. I’ve included these below.
Additionally, families new to Liberty may find the following document helpful, which was passed out at Kindergarten Roundup this last spring.
Communication: You can expect to receive communication from the school and district level on a weekly basis. These are our newsletters that come to your email, and are coupled with a text message and phone call. Those regularly go out from the district on Thursday evenings, and from me on Friday evenings. You can also expect to have regular communication with your child’s teacher. We use Class Dojo school wide to communicate with parents about school events, specific classroom activities, and tailored messages from the teachers about your child. Teachers utilize this during the day as they are able to, but please plan to give them 24 hours during the school week to respond to any messages you send. Be sure to sign up for Class Dojo so that you can easily see what’s happening at school from your phone.
Lockers: Students in grades 2-4 will be assigned a locker. Students are not permitted to decorate the insides of their lockers with pictures or stickers, put up magnets, or add locker organizers. We understand this is typically a fun ‘rite of passage’ when students get a locker, but they will have the opportunity to do that when they are older. These are utilized more as coat cubbies, and we do not have space or time for students to spend much time at their lockers. Locker decorations will be sent back home if they are brought in. Thanks for understanding.
Snacks: Students in all grades are allowed to bring one snack from home. Specific times of day for snacks are determined by the classroom teachers. It may be before or after their lunchtime. Snacks should be small (able to be finished in 10-15 minutes), healthy, and help students’ brains stay sharp for their school day. Candy of any kind, drinks other than water, or desserts should not be sent in for snack. Nut-free snacks are required in some classrooms, and encouraged in others. Snacks are not provided by the school.
Birthday Snacks/ Treats: Students are permitted to bring in party favors or birthday invitations if parents wish to provide one for every child in the class. However, no food may be brought in to be shared with classmates. This includes food or candy that is intended to be sent home. Any food or edible treats that are sent in will be sent back home. Thanks for understanding.
Water bottles: Students are encouraged to bring a labeled water bottle (one that they can open/ close themselves, and has a spout or straw to drink from) to their class. Only water is permitted to be in water bottles.
Gum or Candy: Students are not permitted to chew gum unless it is for a specific, school approved purpose. Please don’t send your students to school with gum. Candy is permissible only when supplied by the classroom teacher for specific incentives or classroom activities.
Phones/ Smart Watches/ Personal Devices: If you would like your child to bring their phone/ smart watch device to school, please be aware that it will need to be turned off and placed in their backpack/ locker. Students are not allowed to utilize these throughout the day. In addition to this being a district rule, it is now also a state requirement. Please see our handbook for more information.
Breakfast Time: Students have the option of getting breakfast each morning. Depending on the time they arrive in the cafeteria, they may be asked to bring it back to their classroom. From time to time, we have heard from parents that their children are getting a second breakfast at school after having one at school. If you have concerns about this, please contact your child’s teacher.
Lunch Time: Students are given 25 minutes for lunch. This time has increased by 5 minutes this year. Occasionally a student will forget their lunch from home. Please know that if this occurs, we will get your child a school lunch, and charge their account. We don’t want any student to go hungry. If it’s been a hectic day, and you intend to drop off your child’s lunch later, please alert their teacher and the office, and ensure it’s here before their lunch time begins.
- Visitors at Lunch Time: Parents sometimes like to come in and have lunch with their children. While this is allowable, we do have some guidelines: Parents must sign in at the office, eat at a table separate from the other students, not interact with other students in the cafeteria, and leave when it is time for their child to go to recess. We ask that younger siblings remain at home. Additionally, visitors will not be allowed to attend lunch until after September 1, so that we can ensure our lunch procedures are in place before introducing a new element.
Visiting the Nurse: We ask teachers to be very mindful of how often students are sent to the nurse. If your child is suffering from something minor (generally not feeling well, has a cold, or other minor ailment) and you hesitantly send them to school, it’s fine to let their teacher know that you would like to be notified if they go to the nurse. Teachers are expected to screen out requests from students if they are constantly requesting to go to the nurse. Often, these are avoidant behaviors, and what students could use instead is simply a quick walk around the room or a two minute break inside the classroom. Your child’s teacher will communicate with you if they are a ‘frequent flyer’ and ask to go to the nurse for minor issues regularly.
Parent Notification: Our nurse will call you for any major concerns. Minor complaints, bumps, etc. may not warrant a phone call. If you would like to be alerted every time your child attends the nurse, please notify your child’s teacher and the nurse in writing.
- Medications: Students may not transport their own medications to school; these must be brought in, in their original containers, so that the nurse may talk with parents about their administration needs. Please note that this includes over the counter items such as pain reliever and cough drops, which may not be brought in and taken during the school day (these count as medications).
Dismissal Procedures
One of the most stressful times on the first day of school is the end of the day, when teachers must ensure that students get to the right location. I strongly encourage that you have your child transported to school in the morning and home in the afternoon whichever way they will regularly go. This way, they get used the routine and hear all of the rules and procedures on that very first day.
On back to school night, teachers will ask you to fill out a paper that states which way your student will go home- on the bus, picked up in the car line, staying after for Y-Care, or going to the Boys & Girls Club. If you are unable to attend back to school night, please email your child's teacher and the front office to let us know your child's transportation schedule. Please don't assume that we will know your child is to go to a specific place.
Additionally, all families will receive car tags for their students. These are required to be placed in your car in order to pick up your child from school. These are available to you at back-to-school night. If you need to pick up your child and don't have a car tag, we will have to ask you for identification and ensure that you are a designated guardian or emergency contact in order to pick up your child. Thanks for helping us to keep the kids safe!
Check out the dismissal slideshow linked below!
Lunch Account Information
Each week we will post our school lunch menu here. However, you can find information about allergens, carb counts, and more on nutrislice. Check it out for more information on the lunches we serve.
Liberty Elementary School
Location: 50-1 West 900 North, Chesterton, IN, USA
Phone: 219-983-3650
Facebook: Liberty Elementary