CSD Board Briefing
January 16, 2025 School Board Meeting

Recognition of Board Member Jarod Middleton
Mr. Jarod Middleton is retiring from the Governing Board after many years of faithful service. At the meeting, staff and the Board recognized Mr. Middleton for his years of dedication to the Cambrian School District. The District is grateful to Mr. Middleton for his sacrifice and commitment to the Cambrian School District.
In this photo, Board President Carol Presunka honors Mr. Middleton at the meeting.
Good Apple Awards
Cambrian would not be Cambrian with the generosity of others. The Governing Board and the Superintendent recognized individuals who have gone the extra mile for the children and staff of our district. Congratulations Good Apples!
- Sartorette: Joy Hart
- Price: Roli Mohan
Cambrian's January Good Apple Award Winners
Students of the Month
The Governing Board honored seven students for their outstanding work, attitude and leadership. (First names only are listed for student privacy).
Congratulations to:
Bagby: Michael, grade 3
Fammatre: Grace, grade 3
Farnham: Jeremy, grade 2
Price: Charlotte, grade 8 & Hannah, grade 8
Sartorette: Leia, grade 4 - from 11/24, Jacob, grade 2
Steindorf: Eli, grade 1
Cambrian's JANUARY 2025 Students of the Month Award Winners
Adoption of Consent Agenda Items
The Governing Board voted to accept the consent agenda items. Items listed under the consent agenda motion are considered to be a regular course of procedure and are acted on by the Board of Trustees in one motion.
There is no discussion of these items prior to the Board vote unless a member of the Board, staff, or the public requests specific items be discussed and/or removed from the agenda. It is understood that the administration recommends approval on all consent items. Each item on the consent agenda approved by the Board of Trustees shall be deemed to have been considered in full and adopted as recommended.
Personnel Report
The Governing Board approved the Personnel Report as part of the Consent Agenda. To view the Personnel Report for 1.16.25, please click here.
Williams Quarterly Report: October 1 - December 31, 2024
The Governing Board approved the Williams Quarterly Report through December 31, 2024, as part of the Consent Agenda. Each quarter the District is required to submit a report reflecting any formal complaints that the District has received in the areas of sufficiency of textbooks and instructional materials, teacher qualification, and the condition of our facilities. The District has received no formal complaints with respect to textbooks, materials, teacher qualifications and facilities.
To review the Williams Quarterly Report for the final quarter of 2024, please click here.
Facilities: Energy Conservation Measures Scope of Work - Phase Two: Solar
The Governing Board discussed the work scope for Phase Two energy conservation measures. On September 21, 2023, Centrica Business Solutions Services, Inc. provided a report that identified Cambrian’s current facility assessment and proposed facility improvement measures that, if implemented, would result in energy and utility savings.
Centrica Business Solutions, Inc. representatives presented the scope of work for Phase Two - Solar. Cambrian School District desires to continue moving forward with ways to conserve energy and water, and on February 6, 2025, Cambrian wishes to enter into an Energy Service Contract with Centrica Business Solutions, Inc. for Phase Two.
To review Cambrian Phase Two Solar Schedules and Exhibits combined, please click here.
To review the Design-Build Energy Services Agreement, please click here.
To review the Resolution for Energy Performance Contract please click here.
Measure R: Interior Classroom Modernization Projects
The Governing Board awarded the General Trade Contract for the Interior Classroom Modernization Projects for package A to the lowest responsive bid contractor. As part of Measure R - Phase 3, the District will be modernizing classroom interiors at five (5) of our school sites: Bagby, Fammatre, Farnham, Price, and Sartorette.
A public bid opening was held on January 8, 2025, for the interior classroom modernizations. A total of 11 contractor bids were received covering four construction trade bid packages, including two bids for General Trades. The bid results are attached. The basis for determining the low bidder is the “Total Base Bid” plus all Alternates. Bid Package A has 6 Alternates.
Staff presented findings from these evaluations and presented to the board which contractor submitted the responsive low bid for Bid Package A, and made a recommendation of which contractor should be awarded construction contract for Bid Package A. The performance of these contracts will be paid from the Measure R bond account.
To review Bid Package A for Phase 3 Modernization, please click here.
Measure R: Electrical & LV Trades Contract for Phase 3
The Governing Board awarded the Electrical & LV Trades Contract for the Interior Classroom Modernization Projects for package B to the lowest responsive bid contractor. As part of Measure R - Phase 3, the District will be modernizing classroom interiors at five (5) of our school sites: Bagby, Fammatre, Farnham, Price, and Sartorette.
A public bid opening was held on January 8, 2025, for the interior classroom modernizations. A total of 11 contractor bids were received covering 4 construction trade bid packages, including 3 bids for Electrical & LV Trades. The bid results are attached. The basis for determining the low bidder is the “Total Base Bid” plus all Alternates. Bid Package B has six alternates.
Staff presented findings from these evaluations and presented to the board which contractor submitted the responsive low bid for Bid Package B, and made recommendation of which contractor should be awarded construction contract for Bid Package B. The performance of these contracts will be paid from the Measure R bond account.
To review the bids for electrical for interior classroom modernizations, please click here.
Measure R: Award Painting Trade Contract for Phase 3
The Governing Board awarded the Painting Trade Contract for the Interior Classroom Modernization Projects for package C to the lowest responsive bid contractor. As part of Measure R - Phase 3, the District will be modernizing classroom interiors at five (5) of our school sites: Bagby, Fammatre, Farnham, Price, and Sartorette.
A public bid opening was held on January 8, 2025, for the interior classroom modernizations. A total of 11 contractor bids were received covering 4 construction trade bid packages, including 2 bids for Painting Trades. The bid results are attached.
Staff presented findings from these evaluations and presented to the board which contractor submitted the responsive low bid for Bid Package C, and made recommendation of which contractor should be awarded construction contract for Bid Package C. The performance of these contracts will be paid from the Measure R bond account.
To review the bids for painting in the Phase 3 modernization project, please click here.
Measure R: Award Flooring Trade Contract for Phase 3
The Governing Board awarded the Flooring Trade Contract for the Interior Classroom Modernization Projects for package D to the lowest responsive bid contractor. As part of Measure R - Phase 3, the District will be modernizing classroom interiors at five (5) of our school sites: Bagby, Fammatre, Farnham, Price, and Sartorette.
A public bid opening was held on January 8, 2025, for the interior classroom modernizations. A total of 11 contractor bids were received covering 4 construction trade bid packages, including 4 bids for Flooring Trades. The bid results are attached.
Bids from ProSpectra and All County Flooring were found to be non-responsive upon review. Staff presented findings from these evaluations and presented to the board which contractor submitted the responsive low bid for Bid Package D, and made recommendation of which contractor should be awarded construction contract for Bid Package D. The performance of these contracts will be paid from the Measure R bond account.
To review the flooring bids for the Phase 3 modernization project, please click here.
Cambrian Extended Day Update
Ms. Christina Bingham, Coordinator of the Extended Day Program, as well as members of her staff, presented an overview of the Extended Day Program's progression and next steps on the upcoming summer opportunities. Ms. Bingham discussed pricing, summer camp, learning opportunities, finances and development/training.
To review the Cambrian Extended Day presentation, please click here.
Educational Services: 2024 California Dashboard Performance Summary
Mr. Linh Nguyen, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, presented an overview of Cambrian School District’s performance on the 2024 California School Dashboard. This report provided key insights into the district’s overall performance across multiple indicators and highlighted areas of strength, growth opportunities, and those requiring targeted support. The Dashboard serves as a critical tool for informing district and school improvement efforts by identifying specific needs and guiding strategic planning.
To review the 2024 California Dashboard Performance Summary presentation, please click here.
Contract Agreement: Redevelopment of District Property
The Governing Board approved the Phase VIII contract with Terra Realty Advisors to further the work on redevelopment of District Property, effective from Dec. 31, 2024 to Dec. 31, 2025. At the June 10, 2019, Board Meeting the Governing Board of Trustees entered into a contract with Terra Realty Advisors to investigate potential redevelopment of District properties. Subsequent contracts for Phase II - Phase VII, were entered into on October 21, 2019, March 25, 2020, March 18, 2021, January 20, 2022, January 19, 2023, and February 1, 2024. The Phase VIII contract proposed here continues the work on Metzler A, additional consulting support for potential negotiations necessary for property in the "North 40 Phase II" project which encompasses land development within the Cambrian School District boundaries, and other potential developers within the District boundaries.
To review the Phase VIII Proposal, please click here.
Measure BB: Resolution 24-25-06
The Governing Board approved Resolution 24-25-06, declared the results of the Measure BB election and requested Santa Clara County to continue to include the parcel tax. The Board called an election that was held on November 5, 2024 (“Measure BB”) to allow voters to voice their opinion on whether to continue the Measure H parcel tax that was approved by sixty-seven percent (67%) of voters at an election held on June 5, 2018. Measure BB was approved by seventy-seven percent (77%) of voters, and the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters canvassed the election returns and certified the results.
This resolution declares the results of the Measure BB election, authorizes District staff to deliver a copy of the resolution to the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools and the Santa Clara County Department of Controller-Treasurer (“County Treasurer”), requests the County Treasurer to continue to enroll the parcel tax on the tax roll, and authorizes District staff to work with the County Treasurer to continue to enroll the parcel tax each year.
To review Resolution 24-25-06, please click here.
Budget: 2023-24 Audited Financial Statements
The Governing Board accepted the audited financial statements for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Education Code 41020.3 requires that each school district Governing Board shall review, at a public meeting, the annual audit of the local educational agency for the prior year.
An external audit aims to provide an objective, independent examination of the District's financial statements and issue a formal report. The report includes aspects of the district's financial statements and whether they are presented accurately and fairly, in all material respects, per accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. All District Funds are included in the audited financial statements.
To review CSD’s Audited Financial Statements for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, please click here.
Budget: Wells Fargo Investments
The Governing Board approved utilizing a mixture of Delaware Statutory Trusts and deeds of trust as the investment tool for the funds currently held by Wells Fargo Advisors. About 25 years ago, the District selected Wells Fargo Advisors to invest capital facilities funds and currently handle about $5.4 million for the District. The portfolio majority is in Fixed Income Securities (public and private) earning around 4% at this time. Wells Fargo Advisors notified the District that they will no longer be doing business with us due to their new minimum limit of $10 million for municipal clients.
As the Board is aware, the property referred to as Metzler C, and the Firehouse properties have closed escrow on the Property Exchange. The final dollar amount that the District received was $10,307,907.44 for Metzler C, and $1,587,752.50 for the Firehouse property for a total of $11,895,659.94. These funds are used for property exchanges in real property investments.
The District also has property investments in various Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs), and Deeds of Trust on secured property in California with the current annual return on the exchanges totaling around 5.7%.
Unexpired Term Fulfillment: Board Member Vacancy
On December 19, 2024, Trustee Middleton announced he will be retiring from the Cambrian Governing Board as of January 16, 2025.
Whenever a vacancy occurs as defined in Government Code Section 1770, the procedure for filling a vacancy on the Cambrian Governing Board of Trustees is established by Education Code section 1008 and 5090-5093 and the process is set forth in Board Bylaw 9223 which requires that the Board order a special election or make a provisional appointment within 60 days of the vacancy. The Cambrian Governing Board elected to make a provisional appointment for the board vacancy.
To review Gov Code 1770, please click here.
To review Board member resignation information, please click here.
To review Policy 9223, please click here.
To review Procedure 9223, please click here.
Next Board Meeting
The next meeting of the Cambrian School Board will be held Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025 at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in person at the Professional Development Center located at 4115 Jacksol Drive, San Jose, CA 95124 in Building 7, and can be viewed online as well. Agenda and login information will be available the week of the Feb. 6th meeting. The meeting is open to the public.