Ponaganset Middle School
January 2025
Dear PMS Families and Friends,
Happy New Year! Yes, it’s January, the time of year when we all make resolutions to improve our lives – exercise, lose weight, get more sleep, pass all my classes with honors, etc. These are all good resolutions, unfortunately they become good intentions and we never follow through. Why do they become “good intentions”? We usually set unattainable goals. Rather than a blanket statement of “I’ll pass all my classes with honors”, students need to set a goal that is easily attainable such as “I will spend ten extra minutes every day reviewing my notes for ELA class. The ten extra minutes will add up to fifty extra minutes a week and there will be improvement in my grades”. This is an attainable goal and students will see the results quickly – their grades should improve with each assignment they get back from their teacher. Young adolescents need to see results happen as quickly as possible, so encourage your child to make, and keep, attainable resolutions, the results will quickly follow. Check out the resources at the bottom of this newsletter.
While it's the beginning of a new year, the school year is moving right along. The end of our second quarter and first semester marking periods is January 22, 2025. We will be half way through the 2024 - 2025 school year. It's a good time to reflect and reset to complete the school year successfully. Please check with your child's teachers and/or school counselor regarding any concerns you may have regarding their progress/grades.
On behalf of the faculty and staff, a happy and healthy new year to all! Good luck with your goals, may they be easily attainable, and let’s help our students reach their goals by working together.
Patricia Marcotte
Welcoming Ms. DelSignore to PMS
Ms. Amy DelSignore is joining PMS in the role of School Counselor!
Ms. DelSignore is coming to us from PHS. She was a special education teacher for several years before moving into the role of School Counselor for Grade 9 Students.
Mrs. Flowers is now full time school counselor and Ms. DelSignore is school counselor and will teach our Explorations course in grade 7. Mrs. Flowers will finish with her Semester 1 Explorations classes.
The following changes will be made to the school counselors' caseloads.
Grade 6 & 7 - Mrs. Flowers
Grade 8 - Ms. DelSignore
Students will no longer be divided alphabetically between the two school counselors.
We wish Mrs. Vigneau all the best in her retirement and thank her for her many years of service to PMS.
News to Use
Important Dates and Future Planning
Important dates to note for January
1 - No School (Holiday)
2 - School Resumes
7 - School Committee Meeting
8 - PTO Meeting
10 - Student of the Month Ceremony
20 - No School (Holiday)
24 - Dance (Gr 8 Fundraiser)
31 - No School (Professional Development Day)
31 - PMS Musical (Jan 31 & Feb 1; see information below)
Future Planning
This school year, there will be a full week off in February. The Winter Recess is Monday, February 17 through Friday, February 21, 2025.
Professional Development Day, March 14, 2025 - no school for students.
Second Quarter Marking Period
January 22, 2205 is the last day of the Second Quarter Marking Period.
We hope your child took some time during the Holiday Recess to work any needed assignments after the Mid-Quarter Process Check on December 9, 2024.
Now is a good time to check with your child’s teachers regarding progress. Please, do not wait until the last weeks of the Marking Period; it may be too late to help. If you need assistance, please call your child's teacher(s) or School Counselors, Mrs. DelSignore or Mrs. Flowers, at 401-710-7500 ext. 2284.
Mrs. Flowers is School Counselor for students in grades 6 and 7.
Mrs. Vigneau is School Counselor for students in grade 8.
STAR Testing - Renaissance Learning
The Mid-Year/Winter Star Testing will take place between January 27 and January 30 during ELA and Math classes. Star Testing is used to monitor the progress of our students and the data from the students’ results is considered in scheduling classes to meet the needs of the students.
2024 - 2025 Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Schedule
If school should be closed due to bad weather – “No School Foster-Glocester” – you will receive a telephone call from our electronic notification system – School Messenger. We use this system to inform you of school closings, send information such as this Newsletter, and upcoming school events.
If you reviewed and updated your child’s biographical information form (printed from Aspen) and returned it to us when it was sent home at the beginning of the school year, that information* will be used to send a telephone call when school is either cancelled, delayed, or closing early due to inclement weather. Announcements will be made (scrolled) by the local television stations (WPRI 12, WJAR 10, WLNE 6) and listed on RI radio stations' websites (WPRO 63 AM and Lite 105 FM).
*Please inform the school when your contact information changes so that we have the correct information to contact in case of emergency as well as school closings. (Cell phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, home phone numbers, etc.)
Here is the FGRSD Virtual Learning Days for Inclement Weather 2024-2025 schedule.
Attendance Matters at PMS
In RI, missing 10% of the school year, or 18 days out of 180 days, means a student is chronically absent. Research shows it negatively impacts how they do in school. Making sure your child is in class each day is one of the best ways you can get them on a path to success.
As of January 1, 2025, school has been in session for 76 days. Students absent 7 or more days as of January 1 are considered Chronically Absent.
Please contact your child's School Counselor for more information or for assistance with attendance.
Basketball Game Attendance
Students are welcome to attend the girls and boys basketball games after school to support our teams.
We expect our supporters to exhibit PRIDE in their behaviors and community. Any/all students attending a game must be accompanied by and adult and remain in the stands with their designated adult during the game. All students attending the games must go home with their designated adult when the game ends.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in ensuring that all who attend our basketball games safely enjoys them.
PMS Athletics
Spring 2025 Athletic Registration
Spring 2025 Athletic Registration is OPEN:
PMS Spring season begins 3/24/25
Health and Wellness
Let's Stay Healthy
Let's work together to help keep each other healthy by using those best practices highlighted during the height of cold and flu season.
- wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer
- cough into your elbow
- stay hydrated
- wash surfaces
- wear a mask (as needed/optional)
- stay home if you are sick (fever, throwing up, coughing, etc.)
If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Razukiewicz.
Dressed for the Cold Weather Months
We want to remind our families that students should be dressed appropriately for the cold weather months. Coats, hats, gloves or mittens, boots, shoes or sneakers should be worn while outside waiting for the bus. And a sweatshirt is a good idea to have in the building to wear in cooler areas. Pajamas and slippers are not appropriate for our cold weather. It is strongly recommended that students wear tights or leggings with skirts or dresses during the cold weather.
Dressing appropriately for the cold weather months is a concern should there ever be an emergency where we must evacuate the building and be outside for an extended period of time in the colder/freezing temperatures.
Grade 7 Immunizations - Planning for Next Year
In accordance with the Rhode Island Department of Health Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Immunization and Testing for Communicable Diseases (R23-1-IMM), all children entering the 7th grade are required to have the following immunizations:
Ø One (1) dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine.
Ø Four (4) doses of Polio vaccine.
Ø Two (2) doses of MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella).
Ø Three (3) doses of Hepatitis B vaccine.
Ø Two (2) doses of Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine received or a statement signed by your child’s doctor stating that your child has a history of chickenpox disease.
Ø One (1) dose of Meningococcal Conjugate (Meningitis) vaccine.
Ø One (1) dose of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
All children entering 7th grade are required to be up-to-date on their immunizations as well as have a physical exam. The new year is the perfect opportunity to review your child’s immunizations with the doctor to ensure your child is protected from all vaccine-preventable diseases and schedule appointments.
Cook Center's Mental Health Series
The FGRSD has partnered with the Cook Center again this year to provide a custom Mental Health Series.
This calendar is tailored specifically to meet the needs of our district and will help guide our community through the month’s mental health resources and events.
The focus topics this month are Tools to Support Your Child's Mental Health - Kickoff (live session on January 6) and Everyday Happiness (live session on January 9).
Anyone is welcome to attend especially if you are looking for resources.
PRIDE Spotlight
PRIDE in our ABCs - Academics, Behavior, Community
Academics: Prepared, Responsible, Independent, Determined, Effort
Behavior: Positive, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, Excellence
Community: Partners, Recognition, Inspiration, Distinction, Enthusiasm
Dance - January 24, 2025
The Grade 8 Teachers are hosting a dance to support the eighth grade class in raising funds for their end of year activities. This dance is for all students to attend, not just grade 8 students.
More information will be shared.
Dances are a privilege - a positive consequence for students exhibiting Ponaganset PRIDE!
REMINDERS of Dance Guidelines
The following guidelines and rules are in effect during all school dances:
1. Only PMS students are allowed to attend.
2. Hours of dances are 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. (6th graders are picked up at 8:45)
3. Each student attending a dance is expected to behave at all times. All school rules apply to dances including no cell phones and appropriate dress per Handbook.
4. No student will be allowed to leave before dismissal unless the parent is called to pick up the student by a school employee.
5. Students picked up later than 9:15 P.M. may be restricted from the following dance.
6. Students may be restricted from school dances for not meeting PRIDE Expectations, such as poor classroom performance and/or school behavior.
8. In order to participate/attend in any extracurricular activities students must attend school for the entire school day.
For more information, please see School Dances - Parent Information
Winter Intramurals
Personal Strength & Conditioning is taking place in the Fitness Room every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afterschool for 1 hour starting on January 7, 2025. Students must have transportation home at 3:00 PM.
Spots are limited, but students in all three grade levels are welcome to attend. Students should go to their PE teacher's Canvas home page to sign-up.
Any questions, please see Ms. LaRose
'Tis the Season
Highlights from the busy month of December.
First LEGO League Regional Qualifier - December December 7, 2024
JA Inspire with Grade 8
Contact and Connect
Website: https://fosterponagansetms.ss11.sharpschool.com/
Location: 7 Rustic Hill Road, Glocester, RI, USA
Phone: 4017107500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ponaganset