News from Carl Sandburg
December 1, 2024
Message from Mrs. Johansen
Dear Wildcat Community,
I have included a few updates in this newsletter for families.
- We have our CS Spirit Wear store open until December 5th! Just a quick window this time! Happy Shopping!
- 1st Quarter Progress Reports: All 1st quarter progress report cards are viewable on Infinite Campus in the Parent Portal are available on Infinite Campus. We are two weeks into the 2nd quarter.
Kudos to our Musical Groups: Congratulations to our Wildcat musicians! We enjoyed the first Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, and Handbell Choir Concert of the school year in November. Sincere thanks to Mrs. Kurka and Mr. Photopoulos for their hard work in preparing our musicians for these performances. We look forward to our upcoming Orchestra concert on December 9th.
Academic Support at Sandburg: We have opportunities for academic support at Sandburg! This week, we started our math support after school. See the image below for more information. Twice a week, we offer lunch time study hall for students who would like a quiet place to work in a classroom during the lunch period. Our students participating in the Multi-lingual program have an opportunity for after school language support that is led by two of our Multilingual teachers.
Yearbooks: Our annual Sandburg yearbook is now on sale. All ordering is online and the cost is $16.00. Code: 14798525 The deadline for ordering is March 21st.
- Support from our Student Services Team: Our Outreach For Assistance Form is for you to fill out if your family is in need of assistance. Please feel free to reach out to our CSMS clinician team with any questions. Our students have access to a form to discreetly request assistance from a clinician while in school, as well.
We look forward to welcoming your students back to school tomorrow!
Erika Johansen
A Note from the Sandburg PTSA
- THANK YOU! A big thank you to everyone who joined us for this month's Dine and Donate at Fratello's! Your support means so much to us! If you couldn’t make it, no worries at all—our next Dine and Donate is happening on Monday, January 27th. Keep an eye out for more details coming your way after the new year!
Monday, December 2nd at 6pm:Next Meeting and Social We're excited to invite you to a fun social gathering for our upcoming meeting! It’s a great chance to catch up and chat about all the exciting events we have planned for the rest of the year. We'd love to see you at Rep's Place!
Don’t forget: Our wonderful school nurse could really use some extra supplies, and she’s created an Amazon Wish List to help us lend a hand. If you have a moment, please check it out and see if you can pick up something. It’ll make a big difference in how she cares for our students!
Support: We know life can get super busy and time is precious, but the PTSA could really use your support! We’d be absolutely thrilled if you could join us as a member and offer a financial contribution—it really makes a big difference! Check out this link to see all the ways you can sign up. Thank you so much for considering it!
Supplies Needed in Nurse's Office
Yearbook Sales Start Now!
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- December 2nd- CSMS PTSA Social @ Rep's 6:00 pm
December 4th- RMHS Elective Selection Night (incoming Freshmen only) 6-9 pm
December 9th- Orchestra Concert (6th-8th), 6:00pm
December 11th- D15 Board of ED Meeting 7:00 pm
December 21st- Winter Break Begins
January 6th, 2025- Return to School
Wrestling and Girls Volleyball- get those Physicals Ready!
Information & Registration for WRESTLING & GIRLS VOLLEYBALL will be sent out on December 5th. If you would like to try out for or join one of these sports, you will need a physical dated 12/1/23 or later - please plan ahead as you will need the physical on file in the school office right after Winter Break!
All Sports information is also posted on the CCSD15 Website
Free/Reduced Meal and Fee Applications Below
Administrative and Office Team
Erika Johansen- Principal (
Miguel Hernandez- Assistant Principal (
Anthony DeFeo- Special Education Coordinator (
Anne Carter- Secretary (
Dianne Barajas- Clerical Secretary (
Trina Annerino- Nurse (
Previous Newsletters
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!
Erika Johansen
Location: 2600 Martin Lane, Rolling Meadows, IL, USA
Phone: 847-963-7800
Instagram: @sandburgwildcats
Twitter: @csmswildcats