Youth Services News
October 19, 2018
Deadline for 2019 Children's and Teen Summer Reading Program Performers' Showcase
The application for the 2019 Children's and Teen Summer Reading Program Performers' Showcase is open until Tuesday, October 23 at:
This year's showcase will include both children's and teen performers and is scheduled for Thursday, January 10 9:30am-2:00pm at the Warwick Public Library. There is one application for the showcase, and performers may indicate whether they will present a children's program, a teen program, or both.
Please share the application link and the PDF below with all performers you think may be interested. Please note that RI library staff are not eligible to apply.
"Substantial racial stereotyping toward young children of color found among white adults who work with them"
New research from The Australian National University (ANU), Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the University of Michigan:
"...young children and youth of color in the U.S. face significant racial stereotyping from adults who work with them.
This national study analyzed for the first time stereotypes held by white adults who work or volunteer with children across the U.S., examining their reported attitudes toward adults, teenagers and children from a range of racial and ethnic backgrounds. This includes attitudes toward black and Hispanic/Latinx groups, but also toward those from Native American, Asian and Arab backgrounds."
Read the press release and full study.
OLIS is thrilled to have the opportunity to bring you professional development from Diversity Talks in the form of their Implicit Bias workshop. Join us at the Fuller Creative Learning Lab in East Providence on November 15, 4:30pm-6:00pm, to examine our implicit bias and its impact on marginalized youth we work with. Check out for more information about Diversity Talks.
Register on the OLIS CE calendar.Spot the International Space Station
"What are we teaching boys when we discourage them from reading books about girls?"
From author Shannon Hale:
"I got better at noticing the myriad ways adults teach boys that they should feel ashamed for taking an interest in a story about a girl, from outright (“Put that down, that’s a girl book”) to subtle (“I think you’ll like this book even though it’s about a girl”). There is peer shaming as well, but it starts with and is supported by adults.
I’ve now asked thousands of kids the same question: “What kind of books do you like?” They answer: fantasy, funny, comics, mystery, nonfiction, etc. No kid has ever said, “I like books about boys.” Yet booksellers tell me that parents shop for their sons as if books have gender: “I need a boy book. He won’t read anything about a girl.”
Not only does this kind of thinking prevent boys from learning empathy for girls, it also prescribes narrow gender definitions: There is only one kind of boy, and any boy who doesn’t fit that mold is wrong.
Stories make us human. We form bonds by swapping personal stories with others, and reading fiction is a deeply immersive exercise in empathy.
So, what happens to a culture that encourages girls to read books about boys but shoos boys away from reading books about girls?"
Grant and Award Opportunities
RI Council for the Humanities (11/1)
ALA's Great Stories Club Series on Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (11/16)
Lands’ End Love Learning Award (11/30)
Autism Welcome Here Grant (12/1)
National Summer Learning Association Summer Learning Awards (12/21)
Walmart Community Grant (12/31)
YALSA/Dollar General Summer Learning Resources Grant (1/1/19)
YALSA/Dollar General Teen Summer Intern Grant (1/1/19)
Ezra Jack Keats Mini-Grant (3/31/18)
Bank of America Foundation Grants (varies)
Library Pipeline: Awesome Foundation Innovation in Libraries Grant (due between the 1st - 15th of each month)Professional Development Opportunities
RILA/NELA Joint Conference (Warwick, 10/21 - 23)
Northeast Regional Media Literacy Conference (URI, 11/10)
Upcoming Events and Celebrations
Lights on Afterschool (October 25)
National Bullying Prevention Month
Teen Read Week (October 7-13)
Picture Book Month
National Native American Heritage Month
National Family Literacy Month
International Games Week (November 4-10)
Media Literacy Week (November 5-9)
Hour of Code (December 3-9)
World Read Aloud Day (February 1)
Take Your Child to the Library Day (February 2)
Upcoming OLIS CE
Registration for all OLIS fall 2018 continuing education programs is now open. Check the OLIS CE calendar.
Young Adult Roundtable: Passive Programming
Limited space, staff, or budget? Experiencing low turnout for meticulously planned, heavily promoted teen programs? Passive, or self-directed, programming can be an opportunity to maximize your resources while still providing valuable learning and entertainment opportunities for teens. Join us for a discussion on the benefits and implementation of passive programming in your library. We'll share examples of passive programs and take a look at how passive programming brings together elements of connected learning.
Thursday, Nov 1, 2018, 09:30 AM
Portsmouth Free Public Library, East Main Road, Portsmouth, RI, USA
Sensory Story Time Support Group
Join fellow youth services librarians to share best practices for sensory storytimes and inclusive library programs and services. We will be discussing community connections, sensory activity ideas, and programs/services beyond storytime.
The Sensory Story Time Support Group is a grassroots community of practice developed and faciliated by Maria Cotto at the Pawtucket Public Library and Babs Wells at the Greenville Public Library. The Sensory Storytime Support Group seeks to empower youth services librarians to better serve children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families by expanding programming, outreach, partnerships, and resources that welcome all abilities. For more information about the Sensory Storytime Support Group please contact Maria Cotto at
Tuesday, Nov 13, 2018, 01:00 PM
Exeter Public Library, Ten Rod Road, Exeter, RI, USA
Diversity Talks: Implicit Bias
Mark your calendar for this one of a kind workshop exploring how implicit biases are a direct impact of the environment in which we shape our values. Youth services library staff are invited to examine their own implicit bias and its effect on services to youth through this hands-on workshop facilitated by Rhode Island teens trained by Diversity Talks.
Thursday, Nov 15, 2018, 04:30 PM
Fuller Creative Learning Center, Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI, USA
Mock Newbery Discussion #2
We’ll continue our discussion of the best children’s books of 2018. Please read at least half the books on the second discussion list. Voting for a Rhode Island winner and honor books will take place on January 15, 2019 using the balloting procedures of the real Newbery committee. The second discussion list will be available on October 9 at
Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018, 04:30 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library, Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, RI, USA
Assistive Technology to Support Low Vision and Blind Patrons
Assistive (also called adaptive) technologies are digital solutions that enable people with disabilities to live independently. Blind persons can hear computer-screen text, and people with visual impairments can enlarge text, enabling independent reading. People who are unable to manipulate a mouse can enter data, and those who cannot physically hear a computer prompt can view prompts.
A Visual Presentation and Discussion on:
1. Rhode Island Vision Support Resources & Digital Literacy Resources (PPT)
2. Tablets, Mounts and Accessories to promote a physically accessible space for clients.
3. Demonstration of Assistive Technology Devices: Hands on with Hand Held Portable
Magnifiers, Tablets and Vision Apps for reading, Table-Stationary Technology Devices for
low vision and blind access.
4. Questions-Discussion
Thursday, Dec 6, 2018, 09:30 AM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, USA
Young Adult Roundtable: Collection Development & Readers' Advisory
Join us for a group discussion on maximizing your budget and your time to get the most out of your collection development activities. We'll share challenges and solutions, as well as creative ways to market your collection to match the right book with the right reader.
Please bring your collection development plan, an example of how you promote your collection.
Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018, 09:30 AM
Greenville Public Library, Putnam Pike, Greenville, RI, USA
Children's Services Roundtable: STEAM
Join us for this group discussion on integrating science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) programming into your regular offerings for kids. We'll share successful programs, challenges and roadblocks, and crowdsource questions and ideas for developing programming that meets community needs.
Wednesday, Dec 19, 2018, 01:00 PM
Newport Public Library, Spring Street, Newport, RI, USA
Children's and Teen Summer Reading Program Performers' Showcase
Showcase snow date: Thursday, January 17
The Performers’ Showcase is your chance to meet area educators/performers interested in being a part of the annual statewide children’s and teen Summer Reading Program. In addition to observing presentations, visit with other program providers setting up table top displays. This is your opportunity to provide feedback and offer your recommendations for the 2019 slate of children's and teen programs offered statewide.
The booking meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 31 (snow date: Tuesday, February 12) at the Warwick Public Library.
Thursday, Jan 10, 2019, 09:30 AM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, USA
Mock Newbery Discussion #3 - Voting
It’s time to vote for a Rhode Island Mock Newbery winner and honor books! Please read all the titles from the third reading list and come prepared to defend your top picks before we vote using the balloting procedures of the real Newbery committee. The third discussion list will be available on December 7 at
Tuesday, Jan 15, 2019, 04:30 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library, Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, RI, USA
Children's and Teen Summer Reading Program Performer Booking Meeting
Snow date: Tuesday, February 12
Bring your library calendar, and your presenter wish-list for our annual summer reading program block-booking event. Each library will receive booking number in advance of the meeting.
Performers will be booking teen programs 9:30am-10:30am.
Performers will be booking children's programs 10:30am-12:00pm.
Thursday, Jan 31, 2019, 09:30 AM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, USA
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri