Hudson Hawk Band Updates
Week of 2/7/2022
Substitute This Week & Schedule/Procedure Changes
There will be NO SECTIONALS for Wind Symphony & Honors Band students this week due to TMEA. We will resume ALL sectionals next week (2/14).
ALL PRIVATE LESSONS WILL CONTINUE AS SCHEDULED, UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD FROM A LESSON TEACHER THAT THEY WILL NOT BE HERE THIS WEEK. Some attend the convention as well and some do not. If you do not hear from the teacher, assume the private lesson is happening like normal.
MORNING PROCEDURES - Wednesday-Friday morning this week, all students must enter the building through the front doors. The band hall WILL NOT be open for students to enter before school Wednesday-Friday. They will still be able to put instruments away before 1st period and pick them up at the end of the day, but the exterior door will remain locked before school while we are gone. Thank you for understanding and making this change for a few days!
Booster Club Meeting
Tuesday, Feb 15, 2022, 07:00 PM
B G Hudson Middle School, Hudson Drive, Sachse, TX, USA
Spring Trip Information
There will be a maximum of 16 chaperone spots (chaperone cost is $12) and the spots will be filled on a first come, first served basis by filling out the chaperone interest form in the Smore sent next Sunday, February 13.
Advanced Band Solo & Ensemble Contest - PERFORMANCE TIMES LINKED
Solo & Ensemble Contest Performance Schedule
We have begun piano rehearsals already and they continue this week and next. Please see this link for the piano rehearsal schedule (TAKE NOTE OF THE 3 TABS AT THE BOTTOM) which takes place before school or during class. A portion of each student's band fees pays for the accompanist rehearsals and the performance on the 19th.
Students who do not appear on the list have been spoken with already. If you have any questions about the status of a student's piano rehearsals or eligibility for the Solo & Ensemble Contest, please let us know.
Saturday, Feb 19, 2022, 08:00 AM
Austin Academy for Excellence
Percussion & Makeup Advanced Band Solo Contest
If you have questions about whether or not your student is involved, please let us know.
All Beginner Band students will have a solo contest on May 7 - don't worry, your time is coming! :)
REMINDER - Winter 50 Day Challenge Ends SOON!
Winter 50 Day Practice Challenge Tracker
FINAL DATE CHANGE - Pre-UIL Showcase Concert
Thursday, Mar 3, 2022, 06:00 PM
Sachse High School, Miles Road, Sachse, TX, USA
Band Rehearsals During Intersession
Daily Rehearsal Schedule
9-10:30am - Honors Band rehearsal
10:30am-12:00pm - Beginner Band & Symphonic Band practice time/help sessions
1-3pm - Wind Symphony rehearsal
If you will be in town, PLEASE make arrangements to join us for these rehearsals and practice sessions. You do NOT have to be signed up for the intersession to attend the band rehearsals. We will use the back band hall door (#11) for pickup and drop-off during that week.
What Should We Be Practicing?
Practicing should happen daily to help build coordination and muscle memory and retain progress. Students should practice sitting in a real chair (preferably one that doesn't roll/spin), using a music stand, with a metronome. Please make sure woodwind players are properly swabbing out their instrument at the end of every practice session to keep their instruments clean!
Rhythm Rockers units 1-5, Musical Mastery warm-up exercises, pages 9-12 in Sound Innovations, Double Reeds units 5 & 6 in Boot Camp book, SCALES!!! We have started Scale Masters and will award a trophy to the first student in each class who passes off all of their scales
Symphonic Band: Longtones 1A, Concert Bb, F Ab, Eb, Db scales, rhythm chart 1-8, Solo, concert music
Honors Band: Longtones 1A, Set 1 Opt.1, Set 1 Opt. 4, Concert Bb, Eb, F, and Ab scales, rhythm charts 7-10, UIL songs, solo
Wind Symphony: Long tones, lip slurs, scales (ALL - including chromatic), rhythm charts 11-15, solos/ensembles, UIL tunes
Reminders from Previous Updates
ALL Smores In One Place
Charms Logins
After logging in, you can see payments due in the financial tab, make changes to personal information, see uniform parts that have been checked out, school-owned instrument information, and more.
As a reminder from last week, spring band fees are due February 4. If you have a financial hardship, please communicate that with us so we can help!
Are You Handy? Like to Build Things?
Instrument Usage Fees in Skyward
About Us
Heather Becker - Director
Dan Urban - Assistant Director
Phone: 972-675-3070
Twitter: @hudsonhawkband