The Weekly Roar
Hanna Woods Elementary - October 20th, 2024
Hanna Woods's Mission and Vision
Our Mission:
To ensure all students are capable, curious, caring, and confident learners who understand and respond to the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Our Vision:
We succeed when all members are leaders who demonstrate core values, problem-solve, and work to achieve our goals.
Schewe's Speech
Happy Sunday!
Parent/teacher conference season is upon us! Hanna Woods is using PTCFast.com to make this year's signups as convenient as possible. Please enter the following web address into your browser window:
Please select your child's teacher to sign up for a 15-minute conference on either November 12th or 14th. All specialists (PE, music, art, strings, library, and MOSIACS) also have individual links. If you would like to attend a conference with a specialist, please also sign up for a 15-minute conference with them. If your child receives services from our reading specialist, math specialist, or special school district, they also have individual links.
Conferences will be available online up to 24 hours before the scheduled conference. We look forward to seeing you at conferences this year!
Parkway Votes
Students will participate in the 'Parkway Votes' mock election at school the week of October 28. Parents received an email with more information about Parkway Votes on October 15.
Parkway Votes is an opportunity for students to learn about the democratic process, understand the importance of lifelong voting habits, and increase communication with their families about the value of civic engagement. We encourage parents to talk with their children about their values around voting.
The elections are customized by grade level. Students in kindergarten through second grade will vote on their favorite national monument. Students in Grades 3-8 will vote for the President of the United States, and high school students will vote for all state and federal offices and select ballot measures.
While we believe students should have the opportunity to vote, we respect that you may prefer for your child not to participate. If you do not want your child to participate, please complete this opt-out form by October 23.
Notes from the Strings Room
Third - Fifth Grade Strings Families: Once again this year, we are offering Parkway Strings spirit wear for purchase. This year’s shirt is a new design! This is not a required purchase for your orchestra student. Funds earned support our fabulous orchestra program, allowing us to purchase new music to play with your students.
The black shirts will feature the Parkway Strings Logo and an instrument bridge in a bright color scheme. Options available for purchase are short sleeved shirts in cotton blend or dri-fit, long sleeved shirts in cotton blend dri-fit and hooded cotton blend sweatshirts.
Please note: Only adult size sweatshirts come with drawstrings. Sweatshirts in youth sizes run small. Elementary students may be allowed to wear these shirts for performances this year including 4th Grade String Day on February 8 and 5th Grade All District on March 6. Extra shirts will not be available for purchase prior to our district and school performances, so be sure to order your shirt before Oct 28!
This year, shirts will be ordered online through St. Louis Sportswear using this link:
Choose your school/classroom teacher (not your orchestra teacher) when checking out online and order what you’d like. All items are available in youth and adult sizes. Online orders will be accepted through Sunday, October 27th and shirts should be delivered to students late November.
If you have trouble ordering online, please contact Laura Schisler through email at lschisler@parkwayschools.net.
Please note: There is a small and unavoidable credit card charge added to your order. Ordering through your mobile device often causes issues. If trouble arises, please use a computer. (Parents are welcome to show support for the Parkway Strings program by ordering shirts, too!) We appreciate your support of our strings program. Thanks so much!!
The Parkway Elementary Strings Staff
Upcoming Events
National School Principal Month
25: Half Day @ 12:20 p.m.
26: Tiger Boutique, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
7: South Area Strings Fest (5th, 7th and High School Strings Students), 5:30-7:30 p.m., South High
11: Veterans Day Celebration, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
11 - 15: School Psychologist Week
12: 2-5 Grade MOSAICS Field Trip, Sheldon Concert Hall, 8:45-12:45 p.m.
12 & 14: Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:30-7:00 Save the Date!
14: Fall Picture Retake Day, Group Photos
22: National Substitute Teacher Day
Contact Information
Email: mschewe@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/14
Location: 720 Hanna Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HannaWoods72
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannawoods72/