The J-List
September 6, 2024
Hello JES Family!
I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and were able to spend some quality family time together! As is usual with changes in the schedule, the start of the week was a little challenging for our kids, so we are really looking forward to getting back to a normal schedule next week!
Our first Dragons & Donuts breakfast event of the year will be held this Friday, September 13th at 6:40 am in our JES Dragonatorium. This free event is sponsored by our Dad's Club, but moms are also welcome! I hope you are able to attend as we are excited to welcome our new Superintendent, Dr. Jeremy Glenn to our community. You can find more information about this event and a pre-registration link in the PTO section of this newsletter.
Thank you for the honor of serving this beautiful community! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, celebrations, or concerns to share with me!
Patrick Holladay, Principal
Johnson Elementary School
Attendance Update
Did you know...when a student misses only 2 days of school per month, he/she will miss:
- 20 school days a year,
- over 22 hours of math and 33 hours of reading/writing over the school year, and
- over a year of school by graduation!
Attendance by the Numbers...
Mon Sep 2 - No School
Tue Sep 3 - 96.57%
Wed Sep 4 - 99.18% (2nd grade 100%!)
Thu Sep 5 - 97.88%
Fri Sep 6 - 96.90%
Weekly Average - 97.68%
Drop Off & Pick Up Reminders
Thank you for following our campus procedures and helping us keep our Little Dragons safe during drop off and pick up. Just a couple of reminders:
- The car line is open from 7:20-7:38 am. We close the line at 7:38 each day so that our staff can be inside with their students at 7:40.
- After 7:38 am, please park in front and walk your student into the office. After 7:40 am you will need to sign them in.
- Changes in transportation should be called in by 2:00 pm if at all possible.
- Your student will only be released to those who are on your emergency contacts in Skyward. If someone else will be picking up your student, please email permission to the office at jesoffice@southlakecarroll.edu
- For the safety of our students and staff during dismissal and arrival times, please refrain from using your cell phone in the car line. We have had several near misses by distracted drivers in these first few weeks of school. If you must use your phone, please use hands free option.
#InspireExcellence Teacher Nominations
Do you know a Dragon Teacher who exemplifies high standards of excellence? Do you know a Dragon Teacher that models instructional expertise with creativity and innovation in the classroom? Do you know a Dragon Teacher who is resilient and makes learning engaging, relational, and innovative for students? Do you know a Dragon Teacher whose work and service #InspireExcellence for all teachers?
If so, then please take a moment to nominate a CISD Dragon Teacher who inspires excellence in you or your student(s). Teaching is a noble profession and the #InspireExcellence Award is designed to recognize our amazing teachers, inspire those they work with each day, and to enhance the brand of being a Carroll Dragon! Community members and CISD staff are invited to nominate!
Nominations are being accepted through Friday, September 13th and the CISD Board of Trustees will honor the recipients at the September 23rd board meeting.
#InspireExcellence Employee Nominations
Do you know a Dragon Employee (not classified as a teacher) who exemplifies high standards of excellence, inspires those they work with each day, and continues to #protectthetradition?
If so, then please take a moment to nominate that employee for the September #InspireExcellence Award, which is designed to recognize an outstanding Dragon Employee that models excellence for all employees in CISD.
Nominations for September are open through Friday, September 13th, and the awardee will be recognized during the September 23rd board meeting.
Patriots/First Responder Day
Please help us celebrate our First Responders by encouraging your student to wear red, white, and blue on Wednesday, September 11.
4th Grade Kindness Ambassadors
Johnson Elementary has a special leadership opportunity exclusively for our 4th grade students: the JES Kindness Ambassadors. Beginning with their first day at JES, our students learn about the value and importance of being kind, and now as 4th graders, they have an opportunity to take a leading role in fostering kindness throughout our school.
Kindness Ambassadors will have various responsibilities, including participating in the JES Welcome Team, contributing to the new JES Kindness Newsletter, helping lead our special events such as the Dollar Drive for our custodians and cafeteria team, and more!
Applications are available from Mrs. Bailey and are due back to Mrs. Bailey by 8:00 am on Friday, September 20th. Please reach out to Mrs. Bailey with any questions.
Kindergarten CEF Yard Signs
If you have a Kindergarten student, were not able to attend Curriculum Night, and would like a CEF Class of 2037 yard sign, please stop by the office and we would be glad to give you one!
Last Call! GT (Gifted & Talented) Referral Window
The referral window for students currently in 1st - 4th grades for the CISD Gifted and Talented Program (Quest) is open and will close on September 10th at 3:00 pm. Please note that there are NO exceptions to the referral deadline. Information and details on the process are available in the link below. Please contact Mrs. Dickinson at JES with any questions.
September Core Essential
The Core Essential for the month of September is Compassion. Compassion is defined as caring enough to do something about someone else's needs.
Volunteer Application & Background Check
If you plan on volunteering at JES in any capacity this year (including but not limited to field trip chaperones, PTO events, Dragon Wagon, mystery readers, library volunteers/helpers, car drop off line, workroom volunteers, etc.), you must complete a CISD Volunteer application and a background check.
To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers must complete and submit an application each school year prior to being allowed to volunteer on campus or any campus event. Please note that this process can take up to 1 week and can not be done on the spot at the campus.
Click here to begin your application to become a Carroll ISD Volunteer. If you have any questions as to whether you are an approved volunteer, please call the front office.
PTO Auction Flash Sale, Sep 11-15
Click here to shop the sale when it goes live on September 11th!!
Dads Club
Our Dads Club will host the first breakfast of the year on Friday, September 13th at 6:40am! Chick-fil-A, donuts and coffee will be served. While it is mostly dads who attend with their JES students, any adult is welcome. RSVP below to have your badge ready to expedite the check in process.
Volunteers Needed - Classroom Art Creation
We are once again featuring grade level art at our Adult Event and Fundraiser! These amazing pieces, created by each student, will be auctioned off November 9th. Please sign up at this link to help the kids create their masterpieces. Each grade is on a specific day the week of 9/9 from 2-3pm.
Spirit Shop Delivery
Emerald & Gold Gala
The Emerald & Gold Gala is our annual adult event and fundraiser that you definitely don’t want to miss! Grab your tickets HERE and get ready for a fabulous evening to support our wonderful school!
Interested in making a bigger impact? We’re also offering sponsorship opportunities! Check it out HERE!Community Corner
2024 Junior Belle Clinic and Workshop - October 19
Join the Award Winning Emerald Belles on Saturday, October 19th from 1-4p at Carroll Senior High School for the Junior Belle Clinic and Workshop including grades K-8! This will also feature a Performance at Dragon Stadium on October 24th! Dancers receive training, a commemorative photo button and T-shirt for the performance night. Snacks are provided.
K-4 Clinic $55
5-8 Workshop $85
Online registration through 10/11 at www.emeraldbelles.com ; Walk up registration is available day of event for an increased fee. (T-shirt size not guaranteed)
Doors open at 12:30p, showoff performance at 3:45p and then performance night at Dragon Stadium on October 24th.
Southlake Odyssey of the Mind Meeting
Are you creative? Do you like to act? Do you like to build things? Do you like to problem solve? Do you like to think outside the box? Then Odyssey of the Mind is for YOU! Teams of 5 to 7 kids led by volunteer parent coaches compete in one of several problems. Visit dragonsodyssey.org for more information!
9/3 @ 6-7:30 pm Central Market Cafe
9/5 @ 7-8:30 pm Central Market Cafe
9/12 @ 6-7:30 pm Central Market Cafe
Around the Corner
11 - First Responders Day: Wear red, white, blue
11 - PTO Auction Flash Sale Opens
13 - Dragons & Donuts; 6:40am
15 - PTO Auction Flash Sales Closes
20 - JES Olympic Kick-Off Assembly
23 - PTO Spirit Night @ Feedstore
25 - Homecoming Parade
26 - Fall Individual Pictures, 8am
27 - Homecoming Game/JES Tailgate