CSD Weekly, December 19, 2024
December 19, 2024

In This Issue
- School Newsletters: See What's Happening in Our Schools!
BHMS Region Champions and Talley Street Establishes Best Buddies Club,
Student Opportunities: Young Georgia Authors Competition, License Plate Design Contest
- Community News: Teacher Innovation Grants, Semester Break Events for Kids
School Newsletters
Find out what's happening in CSD schools by clicking on your school's newsletter name.
District Dates and Observances
- Read a New Book Month, December 1-31
- Early Release Day, December 19
- Semester Break, December 20-January 6
- Infinite Campus Scheduled Maintenance, December 24-January 4
- Board of Education Meeting, January 14
- Homestead Exemption Opt-Out Public Hearings (HB 581), January 14 and January 21
Notice of Scheduled Infinite Campus Maintenance, December 24-January 4
The payments portion of Infinite Campus will be down from December 24 through January 4 for scheduled maintenance. Families are encouraged to clear any outstanding debt prior to this period.
This Week's Highlight
BOE Celebrates DHS Winter Graduates Kaleb Alexander and Madison Davis
Congratulations to DHS 2024 Winter graduates Kaleb Alexander Lanier and Madison Davis! Kaleb (top) and Madison (bottom)! Kaleb and Madison were honored at the December Board meeting for their hard work and dedication to graduating early. Kaleb completed his studies through the Decatur Virtual Academy and will attend Duke University on a football athletic scholarship beginning in January. Madison earned her high school diploma through DHS and Elizabeth Andrews High School and will join the workforce in the automotive field.
We join the celebration of their achievements and wish them the best as they embark on their postsecondary journeys!
District News
BHMS Students Win Academic Bowl and Stock Market Regional Competitions
Bottom photo: A team of eight-graders has won the Georgia Stock Market Game for our fifth congressional district! Students Grady Lothridge, Sam Gyuricza, Miles Johnson, and Grayson Martini in Mrs. Gary's 8th-grade gifted resource classes grew their initial $100,000 mock investment into $145,819.64! Mrs. Gary has also been named the New Teacher Winner. Congratulations to all!
Top, left to right: DHS teacher Desiree Cabrices, director of the Georgia chapter Best Buddies International Doug Peters, fifth grader Lottie Kramer, and members of the DHS Best Buddies club Gray Nichols, Kieva Morrison, Angel Collins, Wesley Diaz, Charlotte Hoppin and Anna Charen. Bottom: Members of the DHS Best Buddies club share with Talley Street's fifth grade classes.
Talley Street Establishes Best Buddies Club with Help from DHS Best Buddies
Pine Street Market Chef Rusty Bowers Visits Culinary Arts Class
CSD appreciates Chef Rusty Bowers of Pine Street Market for demonstrating to students in the DHS Career Center's Culinary Arts class how to break down a whole pig. Students also learned about butchering, using different cuts of meat, owning a butcher shop, and attending culinary school.
Decatur Eagle Scouts Replace Fence around Winnona Park Pond
Shout out to the DHS baseball team and Coach Jefferson for helping clean up at Clairemont Elementary after the school hosted the Decatur Holiday Marketplace + Cafe this past weekend!
STAR Assessment Reports Available
On Thursday, December 19, all K-8 students will bring home printed STAR reports. For students in grades 9-12, these reports were sent digitally. If your child completed both the STAR Early Literacy and STAR Reading assessments, you will receive two separate reports. These assessments measure different aspects of your child’s literacy development, which is why the reports will differ in content. To better understand the differences between these assessments and what the reports tell you about your child’s growth, please watch this STAR Assessment report explainer video.
Annual School Climate Survey Open through March
Please take a moment to participate in CSD's climate survey relevant to your school and ensure your voice is heard! Your participation is vital, as the data collected will help determine the School Climate Star Ratings for the 2025-26 school year. These surveys are open through March 31, 2025. City Schools of Decatur values input from parents, students, and staff!
(Note: GaDOE administers climate surveys for K-12 schools. College Heights ECLC is omitted.)
Clairemont Family Climate Survey
Glennwood Family Climate Survey
Oakhurst Family Climate Survey
Westchester Family Climate Survey
Winnona Park Family Climate Survey
Talley Street Family Climate Survey
Super Saturdays
CSD K-5 students: Join Super Saturdays for a morning of fun and educational STEAM-inspired lessons and activities led by CSD teachers and staff! These events are completely free and include hands-on instruction, all necessary supplies and materials, and plenty of engaging learning opportunities in a supportive and creative environment. Super Saturdays take place from 9 a.m.-noon at Fifth Avenue ES, 101 5th Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030. Register here for Super Saturdays!
Next Super Saturday date:
January 11, 2025
Remaining Super Saturday dates:
February 8, 2025
March 15, 2025
April 19, 2025
May 10, 2025
CSD Legislative Priorities and Homestead Exemption Opt-Out Hearings
CSD's 2025 Legislative Priorities
CSD will focus on four priorities for the 2025 legislative session: safety & security, mental health, funding, and local authority. These priorities will support CSD's All-In Strategic Plan accelerator, "Organizational Effectiveness and Excellence."
Click here to view CSD's 2025 Legislative Priorities.
Update on House Bill 581 (Floating Homestead Exemption Opt-Out Hearings)
CSD will host three hearings on January 14 and January 21 for the public to learn more about the district’s plans to exercise the one-time option for local governments to opt out of Georgia House Bill 581, which establishes a statewide floating homestead exemption and cap on property taxes.
Passed during the 2024 Legislative Session, HB 581 impacts property taxes for cities, counties and school districts by capping the annual increase in property values for tax purposes, effective January 1, 2025. The bill aims to provide property tax relief for local residents, using the Consumer Price Index as an inflationary index. Since school districts rely heavily on property taxes for funding, this cap could impact the availability of CSD schools' resources and programs.
As with all Constitutional amendments, the bill required voter approval. More than 55% of the City of Decatur voted in favor of the amendment, which will go into effect on January 1, 2025. HB 581 allows cities, counties, and school districts a one-time opt-out of the property tax cap.
CSD's Board of Education will follow the legal procedures to opt out of the exemption, including holding three virtual public hearings. Following the hearings, the board will vote to adopt an opt-out resolution at the February Board of Education meeting and file the resolution with the Secretary of State by March 1, 2025.
Helpful Info and Resources
Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition
Entries should be:
- Any genre of writing
- Created by an individual student without the help of others - no group entries
- No more than 1900 words
- Typed or legibly hand-written on only one side of the paper
Writing pieces should be turned in to the student's homeroom teacher or shared with jbroman-fulks@csdecatur.net by Tuesday, January 14, with the name of the student name and their homeroom teacher written or typed on the piece. Please contact jbroman-fulks@csdecatur.net with any questions.
Student License Plate Design Contest: U.S. Semiquincentennial
The Georgia Departments of Education and Revenue are launching a student license plate design contest to commemorate the United States semiquincentennial, the 250th anniversary of the 1776 Declaration of Independence, celebrated on July 4, 2026.
The final license plate will be selected from designs submitted by students in grades six through eight in Georgia schools. See the submission guidelines and submit a design by January 31, 2025, at 5 p.m. Contact licenseplatecontest@doe.k12.ga.us with questions.
Holiday Update from CSD's Department of Safety and Security
The holidays often see a sharp rise in email-based scams such as phishing. Please protect yourselves and loved ones by exercising skepticism around unusual or unanticipated messages, and turn on multi-factor authentication or passkeys for any online system that supports them.
Community Partner News
Decatur Education Foundation
DEF Announces Second Round of Teacher Innovation Grants!
DEF is thrilled to announce that, based on a successful season of fundraising, we're going to be able to fund another round of Teacher Innovation Grants for the second semester! Teachers and staff may apply for these grants by submitting this form by Friday, January 10, at 5 p.m.
Run With the Dogs 5K Is Back!
Run With the Dogs 5K and Pup Trot, presented by Green Orthodontics, is a 21-year tradition supporting Decaturs Bulldog Boosters. In addition to being a Peachtree Road Race qualifier and a great community event, all proceeds support 19 sports programs at DHS and BHMS, which include 57 teams and over 1,100 student athletes.
Grab your friends and your pups and join this fun event on January 25 to support an amazing cause. All 5K and Pup Trot participants who register before Saturday, January 11 will receive our iconic long-sleeved t-shirt designed by artist (and Decatur lacrosse coach) Adam Pinsley. Register early for the best rates!
City of Decatur
City of Decatur Parks and Recreation Upcoming Youth Events
Breakfast with Santa and Rec! Friday, December 20, 10 a.m.-noon, Decatur Recreation Center. Join us for breakfast with Santa and Rec the Bulldog! Enjoy a festive morning, share your wish list, and snap a photo with our favorite mascot and Santa himself! Register here.
Learn more about upcoming events and programs here, or visit the recreation center webpages:
Visit Parks and Recreation's one-stop-shop website for information about after-school programs, school holiday programs, and summer camps. To stay updated on all things Decatur Parks and Recreation, follow them on Facebook and Instagram or sign up for their monthly newsletter here!
Previous Issues of CSD Weekly
Read recent issues of CSD Weekly below. Older issues of CSD Weekly may be found on CSD's district newsletter webpage.
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Our Vision
We strive to cultivate an educational foundation that empowers students to realize their full potential, thrive as productive global citizens, ignite positive change, and create a more just and equitable world.
Our Mission
In partnership with our community, our mission is to inspire and enable student growth through meaningful and engaging learning experiences supported by highly qualified and caring educators in a safe and inviting environment.